birthday experimentation

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After there practice kiss, the two didn't talk about it, they then for that week, barely talked or hung out, but by the weekend, they couldn't help but spend the night together.
Moving on and beyond it, they went back to there closeness to never say a word about it. Tharn thought type hated it since he ran after unaware of his problem, type believed tharn had made a mistake, especially since he was the one who didn't seem to want to talk to type after, unaware, it was because tharn was embarrassed and he was under the wrong impression.
By types 15th birthday, the two were at types house, eating the cake to the table.
Tharn looked up to peer his eyes to him.
"Type..... I'm..... Sorry your parents aren't here for your....."
Type shrugged.
"I'm Used to it. They are involved with themselves and work, but that just means I get to spend my birthday with you. Unlike your birthday last week"
Tharn looked to him a bit confused.
"What are you talking about? Haha, we spent it together."
"Mm, not like this, you had a huge party, barely saw you, then even though it was the weekend, I couldn't spend the night, since your grandparents took you with them."
Tharn nodded, then he looked around.
"Oh, where did your brother and sister go?"
"My grandparents picked them up when you were to the bathroom. Your so slow, that was hours ago."
Tharns eyes widen to turn his head to eye type, has his head was hung, picking at his piece of cake.
"So...... Were.... Going to be alone?"
Type lightly chuckled to lift his head to eye him.
"We are alone.... Again your so slow....'
Tharn hung his head to eat some of the food.
We..... Haven't been alone like this since our.....
A smile started to go slowly to his face.
Maybe..... This is another chance for me..... To maybe.....
Leaning back, tharn streched to fake yawn.
Type lifted his head to watch.
Tharn came back to nod.
"I'll do the dishes, you go get your sleeping bag ready, happy my birthday fell on a weekend so you could sleep over."
Type smiled to then grab there dishes to then get up to then go to the sink.
Tharn turned his head to watch.
Taking a deep breathe, he got up to walk to type to be a little close, back to the sink, head turned to him.
"Mmm, could I..... Take a shower?"
Type nodded, a bit oblivious.
Tharn smiled to then go, he was thinking of making types 15th birthday something very memorable maybe they could even get out of the friend zone. The kiss, a year ago, may have been a disaster, however maybe if they went all the way, tharn could express his feelings correctly to type.
Going to his room, he took a deep breathe in, looking over the cloest, he didn't get the sleeping bag, he was planning to share that bed with him.
His heart started to beat erratically just thinking about it.
Turning, he needed to take this shower.
After, he went to the mirror trying to think how to do his hair, turning he looked to the different shirts and boxers he had packed since he knew he was going to spend the night, he was over reacting a bit.
...... Should this happen..... Should you..... Make a powerful move on type? Even after what happened with that kiss......I..... Didn't want to tell him it was a real one..... Not just practise but.....I just didn't want to lose him..... We have been together for so long.....I..... Don't want to be without him.... So If I do this....... We could then maybe become boyfriends.
Tharns lips pulled up for a wide smile.
This..... Will not end like that kiss...... Soon you will be holding him, feeling his warmth, maybe be inside of.....
Tharn placed his hand to his forehead to take deep breathes, this started to overwhelm him.
He turned his head to hear a knock.
"Tharn? Are you okay in there?"
"I'm fine..... Be out in a minute...."
Tharn turned his head back to go with the blue tee, since blue was types favorite color with the brown boxers.
Turning he looking himself in the mirror to sleek his hair back.
You..... Can do this...... With doing this..... You can get out of the friend zone..... You can make it up from that lame, "practice kiss"
Tharn took a deep breathe to then leave. Standing in the door way, he turned his head to eye type.
He was too the floor, on the sleeping bag, he then looked up.
"Mmm, are you done? I would like to take a shower too.'
Tharns deamnor fell a bit. He saw type didn't seem to notice a thing about his appearance.
Type smiled to stand to then step to him.
"Then move so I can go in..... Hahaha...."
Tharn looked him over to nod.
Moving about, he went to lay inside the bag to place his arms behind his head to look to the ceiling feeling a bit defeated.
However, unknown to him, type had noticed, he was too the shower, head under the coldness, trying to get his erection to go down.
Oh tharn...... Why do you have to look so handsome..... Especially in that blue shirt.....
Signing type tried not to think about it.
Coming out, tharn eyed type, he came out, shutting off the light to run to his bed.
The cold shower did nothing.
Tharn then leaned up to look to him, he was under his covers, back to him, eyes closed, breathing in deep.
Go to sleep, go to sleep, please please please, go away....... Tharn only See's you has he's friend...... This isn't okay..... You shouldn't be hard.....
Tharn took a deep breathe to then get out of the sleeping bag. He was trying to get over that one feeling too replace it with another.
Feeling the bed go down, types eyes widen.
"Mmm, it's cold...... On the floor type..... We've shared a bed together before...... It's.... Okay right?"
Type who had his arms wrapped around his body, squeezed tighter.
"I.....I..... Guess so...."
Tharn to his back, turned his head, he could tell type was shivering.
Turning to his side, he wrapped an arm around to then go to his ear..
Type trembled.
"Mmm.....a..... Bit....."
He couldn't tell tharn his shaking was due to him.
"I...... Think I.... Know a way to..... Heat you up....."
Tharn started to take his hand lower, not wanting to get caught, type moved to a sitting position, to look to tharn.
"Wh...... What..... Are you doing?"
Tharn took a deep breathe to move up, keeping his eyes to him.
"Trying to..... Warm you up..... Can start with......"
Tharn tried again, just to have his hand smacked away.
"Tharn....... What are you doing? Were..... Friends..... Right? Friends.... Don't....."
Tharn took a deep breathe to look forward.
"Right..... Were...... Friends......"
Then tharns eye brow raised, to look to type.
"Mmm, you know.... Friends...... Can.... Experiment....."
Tharn nodded.
I..... Don't want to go this route but...... I'm losing my control......I want us to be more then friends..... Maybe if.....I make him feel good...... It will lead to other things..... Maybe I can ask if he could see me has someone more then just his friend......
Taking his hand up, he placed it to his neck, to then pull him down, to there sides, there eyes darted.
"If..... You don't want to..... We don't have to.....I just....."
Tharn went closer.
"Want to.....make you feel good..... Espacially on your birthday.....I know...... Your probably feeling down because your parents aren't here, like they never are...... Same with mine....... So type..... Can we..... Experiment..... Can I..."
Tharn looked down, he slowly took his hand to his lower.
Types whole body felt bizarrely warm, his breathes become shallow. He had wanted this for so long.
"Can I..... Touch it?"
Type took a deep breathe to move a bit closer.
"Only if.....I can.....touch yours....uuum..... Are you sure....We should...... Were...... Friends..... Should friends..... Do this?"
Tharn then placed his hand inside his boxers to feel his stiffened member.
Type bit into his bottom lip, embarrassment and nervousness washed through him.
Tharn kept his head down.
"Mmm, so big........."
Type took a deep breathe to take his hand, shaikly to tharns boxers to then take it out, his eyes widen.
"Woah tharn...... Your massive...."
Tharn lightly chuckled, to move his head up.
"Do you want to... Compare our.... Sizes?"
Type looked up questionably.
Tharn took types member, to move it to his. Type let go to close his eyes, he was becoming way to embarrassed over this action.
"Mm..... Tharn..... Mine doesn't really compare..... against..... Hey....wwh..... What... What are you doing?"
Moving about, tharn got up, to Hover, he then took his boxers off then types, type placed his hands to his chest when he came back, eyes darted, tharn placed his hand to either side of his head, looking down.
Please type...... Feel the weight of my body to yours...... Feel what I am feeling......I love you.... I'm just...... Such a coward to say anything.......
Tharn then started to grind his cock onto his.
Types whole body quivered, his eyes drifted into slits.
Tharn then took his hands down to widen types legs, to then kneel a bit, to keep going. His face stayed close to his, tharn couldn't look away. Type was so seductive with his facial expressions.
Moving his chin up, tharn accidently moved away, he didn't know type was trying to kiss him.
Type took a deep breathe in, to turn his head.
"I......I'm.... Sorry..... Forgot..... Friends don't...... Kiss......."
Tharn gulped, to thrust himself on him a bit more sensually. Type gripped his chest a bit.
"We..... Could..... Practise?"
Type shook his head, to start to thrust.
"Ah.....I.... Feel......mmm..... Think going to....."
Tharn gritted his teeth. This is not how he wanted this to go.
"Type......I can make you feel..... Even better....."
Tharn hung his head to try and go lower.
Types eyes widen to turn his head.
"Th..... Tharn.... Don't!"
Tharn stopped to look to him.
Type gulped.
"Don't want...... To lose my virginity..... To my friend."
Tharns eyes widen, to then hang his head.
Type looked him over with sullen eyes.
What tharn didn't know was, type wanted them to be more then friends but tharn misinterpreted it. He thought type didn't want him, just wanted to experiment.
I guess..... Type really doesn't feel the same...... Just......
Wanting to clear the uncomfortableness, type started to thrust harder against tharns member.
Tharns body tensed, he turned his head to close his eyes imagining something else. I'n. His mind the two were kissing in passion, he was inside his love, while they only broke away from there lips to tell the other how much the other really was in love.
Type kept his eyes to tharn, seeing his head turned, he then did the same.
He is..... Probably thinking of someone else..... This is nothing but......practice for another...... You two are just friends..... Nothing more....
Closing his eyes, a tear fell down his cheek has his body tensed.
"I'm......mmm.... Cumming....'
Tharn started to thrust harder.
"Ah... So am I....."
Cumming on the other, tharn bend his body more to the side, there breathes were heavy then slowed.
Tharn then gulp to get off, to then lay to his side back to type, this was just has horrible has the kiss.
Type leaned up to look to tharn.
"Tharn......I think we need to...."
He shook. His head.
"We don't need to say anything, I'm tired, just two friends experimenting, nothing but that. You should go to sleep birthday boy."
Types eyes peered down to turn his head to eye the darkness.
"That's..... All this..... Really was?"
Tharn took a deep breathe.
"What..... Else are you referring too?"
Closing his eyes he took a deep breathe in..
"Nothing...... Thank you for....... Making me feel good...... Go to sleep....."
Type turned to his back, to place a hand to his stomach, taking a finger to tharns cum, he placed it before him to eye.
Tharn.......I..... Wish we could be more then friends but......I don't believe that's what you want.......
Signing, he turned his head to eye tharns back, to turn it, to then lick the cum off his finger to settle down to sleep with a smile.
Least.....a part of him..... Is inside of me.....I.... Wanted him to take my virginity, I also want to be his first but..... Not if he only thinks and sees us has friends......
Signing, type was unaware tharn did the same thing, tasted his cum and thought semi the same. He didn't think type felt the same has he did, didn't think type wanted to be more then friends.
Settling to sleep, tharn gritted his teeth. He wanted this night to be more then it was, but they were still. In the friend zone. It pissed tharn off to no end.
There just.....has to be something I can do.... To get type to know my true feelings.... My true intentions.... Since my stupid mouth won't say it..... That I love him. And want to be something more.....
Tharn took a deep breathe to fall to sleep, trying to think of a way to get type to understand.
The two then went too sleep, not knowing the others true thoughts, feeling, emotions or intentions, it hurt there hearts to no end.

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