the semi ruined dinner

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Knocking to the door, types mother answered it for tico, tharns sister to come in.
"So, what is going on?" She asked placing her coat to a hanger and taking her shoes off.
"I honestly do not know, the boys got here an hour ago, both not saying one word. Type is in his brothers room and your brother is too the living room. Can you go ask him? Tula and I are getting the rest of the dinner prepared."
Tico nodded to go to the living room to see tharn, with his arms wrapped staring to a blank television.
Tico then sat right next to him.
"Tharn? What is going on?"
He took a deep inhale.
"A lot. Type and I had some big news however, something happened with his brother and my friend, now I don't know what is going to happen. Since we came back, he won't talk to me."
Tharn gritted his teeth.
Tico looked tharn over to sign.
"Do you want me to talk to type?"
Tharn shook his head.
"No.... That's one of the reasons I've been dodging your calls tico, I don't want you to talk to him or me, just leave it alone."
Tico narrowed her eyes.
"Why can't I help? I am your older sister, could benifit the two of you if I...."
Tharn looked to her with a bit of anger they did not need to be directed towards her.
"Tico..... Drop it!"
Tico gulped to sign.
"Well, maybe if you had me help you, you two could have been....."
Furrowing her eye brows confused, tharn felt his phone going off, retrieving it, he placed it to his ear, to widen his eyes.
To tia's room, type was sitting to the edge of his bed, with a piece of art work he had made for type, he signed eyeing.
Why can't you let tun go? You were not like this before and now.....
Looking up, type eyed tharn who came in, to close the door, to look to type.
"What?" He signed.
Tharn then moved about to sit next to type, to eye the art work.
"Well.....I just got off the phone with your brother, apperently tun tried to get him into a threesome.'
Types eyes widen.
Tharn nodded.
"Your brother is staying out and away from tun, he said we were right about everything and he was going to concentrate on school again, but right now he feels very heart broken, tia wanted to tell me to tell you sorry he won't be able to make the dinner, he needed alone time."
Types eyes darted to look to the art work to move his thumb about.
Tharn eyed type to place his arm around his neck to pull him towards.
Type took a very deep breath.
"I..... Know this is for the best, but I do feel sad for my brother, I don't like him being in pain but...."
"Type, it'll take time, but your brother will thank you for this, you are right, tun is not the best for him."
Type looked up to tharn.
"Don't..... You feel the same? Thinking the same? You and I are usually in sync with things."
Tharn took a deep breathe, to place his other hand to types chin to move his thumb about.
"Since I know tun better then you type, and I know tia pretty well, I think he would have been very good for him but.....I do believe your right, tun was not the best for him, he would have dragged him down, but I did see how tun looked to tia when he helped him after you punched, I've never seen that look before."
Type signed to then move his head to tharns chest.
"I..... Don't want to talk about this anymore, it's over and done with, now..... We need to go ahead with this dinner and tell everyone were a couple."
Tharn nodded.
Taking his hand to the art work, tharn took it to place it to the table to then move them about to lay type down to Hover.
Type looked up at tharn.
"Really? This is my brothers room and bed."
"Am I doing anything? Just want to see you better type. "
Tharn placed his hands to either side of his face to move his thumbs up and down, there eyes darted, type then placed his hands to his waist.
"Tharn......i want your honest opinion, should tun and tia be together? I feel.....
Tharn then started to go down.
"Thought we weren't going to talk about this anymore?"
Type signed.
"I know, just don't like my brother to be in pain and...."
"Type, has you said, it's over, now I want you to concentrate on me, on us, we will do something to make tia happy until then..... We need to tell our families we are dating."
Type smiled to nod.
Tharn then lowered his mouth to his for a kiss, they then both shot up, to sit, to eye breathing heavily.
Tico came in, opened the door wide, with her hand to the handle, looking at the two.
A wide smile went across her face, she then pointed at them.
"I knew it!"
Turning she ran to tell types mom and sister while his dad was to his room sleeping.
They both looked to the other to chuckle.
"We need to get down there."
Tharn stood to hold a hand out, type looked to it to then grab to then be pulled to tharn, there eyes darted.
"Yes, we need to tell them."
Then soon I want to fix my brother up with someone who is good for him like tharn is for me.
Turning, the boys went downstairs hand in hand.
To the kitchen, tico was in front of types mom.
"Yuriro, your son and my brother were...."
They turned there heads to look, types sister who was sitting turned to eye them.
His mother looked to there hand holding, to then move around tico to eye.
"Type.... Tharn..... What...."
They looked to the other with smiles to then eye them.
"Mom, tico, dresa, tharn and I...... Are dating."
His mom's eyes widen, tico came about to smile with wrapping her arms about, types sister stood to go next to her mother.
Tico then placed her hand to types mother shoulder, she turned her head. Tico then looked to them.
"Okay let me count to three."
Type and tharn looked to her confused.
His sister and mother nodded.
They then looked to the boys.
"We knew it!" They all said in unsion.
Types and tharns eyes widen, to then look to the other.
Tico then went to tharn to hug, and types mother went to him to hug, they had to let the others hand go to hug there family back,  his sister sat to keep looking.
Moving back they eyed them.
"You knew?" Type asked.
His mother nodded.
"Of course, since you were 12."
Tico patted tharns shoulder.
"We've known this for a very long time. But still congratulations, now let's eat, I didn't have anything at the hospital.'
Tico then turned to go to the kitchen, types mother smiled to him to go, his sister smiled to them to turn.
"I'm hungry."
Type and tharn looked to each other. Tharn shrugged to then go into the kitchen to help, type wrapped his arms about to smile and wide, now he just needed to help his brother with his love life, unaware of his deception and the fact he was still with tun.

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