acting like a real couple

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Before the kitchen counter, type was looking down, making sandwiches for tharn, it was late on Friday, the next day he had to go to work for half the day, so type thought to be nice and make him something.
Coming out of the shower, tharn wore a shirt and his boxers, to run a towel through his hair, getting it dry.
Throwing it to the hamper, he looked around to smile.
For the last 72 hours, he and type had been close and he had been spending the night, it made tharns heart swell.
Going about, he left to go to the door frame to look.
Hearing a noise, he looked to the side, to see through the little hole, types back.
What are you doing?
Stepping to type, tharn went into the kitchen, to place his neck to the side, arms wrapped to look to what type was doing.
"You know I don't like cucumber's."
Type smirked.
"They are healthy, you are going to eat them. Going to counteract the years you've been smoking and drinking."
Tharn lightly chuckled to turn his head to look forward.
"That's right, I need to pick up alcohol at the grocery store this weekend...."
Type rolled he's eyes.
Peering them to the side, he grabbed a cucumber that was with others sliced, soaking in his own creation, to make them taste like chips, he grabbed one to then place in tharns open mouth.
His eyes widen, to turn his head to look to type, chewing. Type smiled.
Tharn nodded.
Type turned his head to then make the sandwiches, to then wrap them.
Tharn looked type over, to then move about, to wrap his arms about.
"What did you do, to make them taste so...... Much better?"
Type shrugged.
"My own special sauce and no, I am not going to tell you." He chuckled.
Tharn placed his chin to his shoulder to look down.
"Being bad again I see type, keeping things from me?"
Type grabbed a soaked cucumber to then place it in his mouth, turned head, to chew it making a crunch noise.
Tharn looked him over to roll his eyes.
Moving back, he placed his hands to his waist, to look down, swaying him a bit.
"You know type, you haven't been keeping up with waking me up with your body, and I haven't, made you pay, you've run up quite a debt."
Type turned his head, he shrugged.
"That is not entirely my fault, you are very difficult to wake, by the time I do wake you, there isn't anytime for anything else. We do need to go to school tharn, plus you and I have been both busy with work, and me cooking and cleaning after you and myself, phew."
Tharn lifted his head up to look at his back.
"Am I that bad to.... Live with?"
Type grabbed a plastic bag, to place the wrapped sandwiches inside.
"No..... Not really just..... Takes a lot of time..... Well tharn.... Is that..... The only reason why your.... Here......"
Tharn moved types body back and forth.
"Of course."
Tharn then went to his ear.
"Not entirely."
Types eyes widen, heart beated erratically, his lips parted, the tiny hairs to his neck stood up.
Could there be another reason tharn is here? Could he be..... Feeling more then friendship for me?
"Read between the lines," types friends voice came into his mind.
Tharn rubbed his bottom lip to his lobe.
"Mm, you are also being a good mom to me. Cooking, cleaning, making me healthy things. We should go to the gym tomorrow type, your getting a bit flabby."
Tharn placed his hands to his stomach to squeeze a bit.
Type signed a bit sullenly.
Turning, tharn let him go, has he placed his arms behind him to the counter, they both looked to the side, to see type had accidently spilled the sauce with the cucumbers.
"Mmm, I'll go get a towel. Stay here, don't move."
Type watched tharn go to sign.
Your.... Just friends type...... Haven't even been intimate for awhile, but great, now he is seeing me has his mom.
Shaking his head, type looked to the spill, to go down on all fours, to pick up the pieces of cucumbers to place them too the bowl.
I'm..... These past few days, have touched my heart so much, having tharn here everyday, has made me feel like we're a real couple but maybe.... What I have been thinking, is all in my head, maybe this really is just about, "payment" the sex and now me treating him like a kid.
Signing, type started to fall into depression.
Coming about, with a towel, tharn looked down to widen his eyes, to see type to the floor, his lower up a bit.
Peering his eyes down, they widen, he was rock hard.
Looking back up, tharn smirked.
Going to him, he threw the towel before type, to then go to his knees to place a hand to either side of his waist, to then pull down his sweat pants, he bend down to place his tongue inside his cavity.
Types body tensed, has he had grabbed the towel to clean the mess, feeling tharns tongue, he frozen to lift his head up, to bit into his lower lip.
Moving his tongue out, tharn went a bit closer, to place two fingers inside his mouth to wet, to then thrust them in, he then grabbed his erection out to stroke, eyeing the back of types head.
"Ah tharn....... God......mmm......."
Tharn smirked.
Type started to move his body up and down, he gripped the towel to his one hand tighter.
"Mmm.... No....."
Type turned his head to eye tharn, he raised an eye brow.
"It's...... Fantastic......" He moaned.
Tharn smirked.
"Mm, is this...... Payment..... Pay back..... Or starting to get a.... Mother fetish?"
Tharn rolled his eyes, to then place his back to his, he then wrapped his other hand to his throat, to pull him back.
Type moved himself up and down those slender long fingers, he then placed his hands to his erection to stroke.
Tharn placed his face to his cheek.
"Saying that mother fetish thing almost made me go soft..... This was...... Now it's pay back for what you just said."
"This was?"
Moving them about, tharn took his fingers out, to place type to his back, tharn pulled down his sweat pants and boxers to throw them wherever, to do the same to his, looking over type, tharn signed to turn his head.
"Um.... Need to get a condom.... Don't move....."
Has tharn got up to stand, type leaned up to place his hand to his wrist to hold.
Tharn looked to him.
"Tharn...... You don't need one.... I'm clean..... Please.....I.... Want to.....'
Tharn signed, he wanted that has well, but there was an under line reason why he wasent going to do that.
He then took his hand to types to make him. Let go.
Types hand fell off, he looked to it gritting his teeth.
"You know why no. I'll be back. Don't move!"
Type heard tharn run to the bedroom, he signed to move about to get his clothes, this was pissing him off to no end.
Why doesn't tharn believe me? Well, guess it is my fault, for giving him the wrong impression of me.
Before he could grab his clothes, tharn was back, with the condom downed on, fully lubed, to grab him by the wrist, to pull him. Back to there earlier position, to Hover over him, type bend his legs to his sides has he entered, type squirmed a bit, to turn his head, to look at there interwined hands.
Tharn then moved his other hand to his erection to pump, to thrust his speed inside, type placed his hand to tharns upper shoulder to grip, has his body went up and down with the friction.
Tharn kept his eyes to him.
He then lowered a bit down to go to his neck to bite, type tensed.
Tharn then went to his ear.
"You..... Moved...... Now this....mmm.... Really is pay back."
Type gulped to keep moaning.
Tharn went back to his neck to plant kisses.
"Mmm..... Then.....fuck me....ah.... Harder...."
Tharn lightly chuckled.
Type shrugged.
"Ah, maybe..... Just.....oh god!"
Type lifted his head back to moan loudly and sweetly into the air.
After, they were both crouched, using the towel to move it back and forth to clean the mess.
Type kept his eyes to the action, lost in thought. Tharn did the same.
Once the mess was cleaned, tharn grabbed types wrist, to pull him to the bed, inside, under the covers, they were to there sides, tharn wrapped his arm around, holding him close.
Type gulped.
Every day they slept together, this would be the end result, it pained types heart, every night.
"Tharn... What are you...."
"Remember.... Your my.... Body pillow.... Deal with it, your fault for.... Asking me to, semi live here."
Tharn then wrapped his leg about.
Type couldn't help but smile, closing his eyes it slowly disappated.
Your.... Just friends type....
He gritted his teeth at that word.
"Well..... Someone has to...... Watch over you, since it seems you can't take care of yourself.... Just.... Being a..... Good friend." He signed.
Tharn signed has well.
"Mm...... So type..... After I come back from work, the gym? Mr. Flabby?"
Type shuffled a bit.
"Don't know...... This mom of yours needs to complete there homework and clean the apartment."
Tharn lightly chuckled to squeeze.
"Am..... Not...."
Types mood started to heightened in happyness.
"Can we.... Sunday? Be responsible tomorrow?"
Moving his other arm under type, he wrapped his arms about.
Type opened his eyes, his heart started to beat uncontrollably.
"Okay..... Mom...."
Type took a deep breathe to re close his eyes.
"That's a good boy."
Tharn leaned his head up, to raise an eye brow.
"Type..... Now you need to take responsibility for something."
Type re opened his eyes to turn his head to eye tharn.
"For what?"
Tharn pushed his hard on, to his back.
Types eyes widen.
"I.... Already did....."
Tharn moved them about to Hover, he placed types hands to either side of his head, to look down at him, with an eye brow raised.
"Were.... Suppose to.... Two times a day, you waking me up with..... Then your payment.... Come on type don't you....nnn...."
Type leaned his head up, to nip tharns nipple, under his shirt.
Letting him go, he moved further back, to take his shirt off then types, to then take down his boxers, then types, to move to the side to grab the last condom, he eyed it to sign.
",Mm, need to get more...."
He then un wrapped it open to down.
Type leaned up a bit, gripped the bedding, he eyed it, with a bit of hatred.
"Tharn..... We really don't need them.....I trust you, you should trust me when I say I'm......"
Type lifted his head back to moan, has tharn went in, he went to his ear.
"This is not about trust, but safety..... Now..... I'm going to give you a workout type, I'm being a.....mmm.... Great friend......"
Type rolled his eyes, to flop back to place his arms over his eyes.
I'm.... Really starting to hate that word.
Tharn kept his hands to his sides, to look down at him, to thrust, looking over him, tharn eyed him questionably.
Why is he acting like this?
Maybe from his ex's, he really don't like condoms.
Gritting his teeth, that thought pissed him off, made him remember type may have been his first, but he was not his.
Lowering himself, he placed his chest to his, to move his hands back, to widen his legs to really give him his all.
Type lifted his head back to moan.
I'll......fuck you..... Into unconsciousness.....I may not be able to fill you with my love...... But this....will do.... Right now Your all mine..... Even if..... It's for a moment.....
I'll make you forget about them..... Please type...... Only think of me..... Maybe one day..... You and I.... Could be more then friends.... But.....
After, tharn laid to types body, head turned to his chest, to eye the wall, contemplating.
He signed. This was starting to really destroy his heart.
Tharn took a deep breathe, to close his eyes.
"Type.......I..... Need to tell you something..... It's important....... It may.... Ruin our friendship but...... Damn it.....I love you.....I don't want to use condoms anymore....I....."
Turning his head, he looked up, to see type asleep.
Tharn hit his forehead to his chest to groan.
Un....fucking..... Believable!
Feeling the hit, type pushed tharn off, in his unconsciousness state a bit in anger, to go to his side, it made him remember when moko punched him in the arm after he was denied once more.
"Mmm..... Stop....I.... Don't feel anything for you..... Were.... Friends...." He grumbled.
Tharn looked to type, his face fell.
Signing, he turned to his side, back to him, to close his eyes. He didn't know if type heard that confession or not, but it still hurt him.
What..... Was I thinking.... Were just fucking friends.....I..... Can't tell him..... Can never say those words to him..... If I do..... I'll probably.... Just end up losing him.....I.... Won't let that happen..... Better to be a close friend, then nothing at all. Don't know if you heard it type, maybe your talking from your subconscious, I don't know, but don't worry.....I won't..... Actually Say that to you.... I'll just..... Keep it to myself....
Tharn then went to sleep, unaware in types mind, he was dreaming of moko, what he said was not for tharn, but for him, for in the past, to leave type alone, and no, type didn't unfortunately hear that love confession.

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