my turn with being bad

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Going home, tharn went straight to the fridge to grab a bottle of beer, retrieving it, he then went to his living room, to sit to his couch, to press his body against it, to have his hand to the side, gripping the bottle, but kept his head forward. He shook it a bit.
He closed his eyes to take a deep breathe in.
I'm still..... Such an asshole.... Should have just stayed to the couch.
Opening his eyes, he signed to then place his beer bottle to the table, to move about to lay upon, he placed his arms behind his head, bend his leg, one went over the other. He looked to the ceiling to gulp.
I..... Hate being alone, especially after what we have been doing together, I wish we were young again, so I could spend the night without him questioning it or have him spend the night with me.
Tharn took a very long deep breathe, to move his legs down, to furrow his brow, to shake his head slightly in anger.
Why am I like this, why can't I say three simple words, I love you.
Turning to his side, tharn was beating himself up a bit.
Taking a deep breathe, type opened his eyes, from being too his side, on his bed, he looked up to see it was 1130 at night.
Signing, he turned to reach his hand out, to rub.
Wish..... You were here tharn..... I'm.... Such a prick..... He keeps asking for us to spend the night together but.....
Type signed to move about to sit, bringing his lens to his chest, to wrap his arms about, head to his knee, to look forward.
But..... Were just friends...... Right?
What about what Moshe said, read between the lines.
Could..... Tharn want to be more then friends like you? You two have always been in synced with the other..... So.....
Type signed, to furrow his brow.
Damn it, if the was true, why won't he say anything.
He shook his head sightly.
No...... It has to be about the sex and not wanting to destroy our friendship.
He doesn't feel the way I feel....... That I..... Am in love with him.
Turning his head, he looked to his phone.
I..... Can't seem to sleep......I know what I said pissed him off, he is probably drunk by now but...... Maybe we could have that sleep over..... Haven't since we were.....
Type shuttered.
Only....if he comes back here, I cant over at his house, can't run the risk of his other friends to come. I hate them. But.... How can I....
Type raised an eye brow to lean over to get his phone from the table, bringing it back, he sat criss cross to look down at it.
Tharn...... You can't be the only one to be bad..... Let.... Me try.....
Shuffeling about, tharn went from his side to his back, to turn his head, to look to his coffee table, his phone was going off.
Reaching over he grabbed it to place it to his ear, eyes closed.
"Mmm, did I..... Wake you?"
Tharn took a deep breathe, to place his other hand to his forehead, to rub.
"What is it type?"
"Well.... Have you've.... Been drinking.... Are you.... Drunk?"
Tharn signed Angerly.
"Not yet....will now...."
Tharn got up to grab the bottle, to then place it close to his lips.
"Wait..... Um.... Tharn...."
He lowered the bottle.
"Could you...... Come back over..... You could spend the night? We could have a sleep over......"
Tharn furrowed his eye brows to take the phone back to look at the time.
"Type..... It's 1145 at night..... I'm already home and....."
"I know...... I'm sorry.... Just.....I can't seem to sleep..... Don't like how..... We left things..... Also..... Thought maybe you wanted to hear my actual truth but....."
Tharn stood, after he placed the bottle to his table.
"I'll be there soon."
Type took the phone from his ear, to look to it, making a face.
Tharn...... Your going to be.... So pissed when you..... Finally come here.....I have no intention of telling you..... Just.... Wanted you to be over here......
After awhile, tharn was there knocking upon the door, at war with himself.
On one way of thinking, he wanted to know, however he was told, then he had to come up with another plan for the two to be close like this. Either or, he couldn't control himself.
Opening the door, type looked over tharn, he did the same to type.
He stepped closer, to place his arm over the door frame, eyeing type.
"Your going to tell me.... This actual truth?"
Type made a face.
"I'm.... Sorry.... That was.... To get you
.. Back here.....I really didn't like how we left things and...."
Tharn turned, he's back to type, to place a hand over his mouth to chuckle into it.
Even though I want to know of this, I'm a bit relieved.
Type took a deep breathe.
"Mmm..... Tharn...... Have you've.... Checked what time it is?"
Tharn removed his hand to turn eyeing type.
He looked up, to place his arms behind him.
"It's.....12:02, a..... New day..... I'm.... Withholding the truth from you..... Have been....."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
He then stepped in, to close the door behind, to step to type, until he hit the wall. His heart was thumping very loudly in his chest has tharn was this close.
Tharn brought a hand up, to caress his cheek, his eyes darted.
Type then moved his head with his touch, not being able to control himself.
Parting his lips, tharn lost his control has well, turning type about, he went to the nap of his neck to bite sensually, he placed his hands to the top of his shoulders to rub a bit, type placed his forehead to the wall, to bite into his bottom lip to moan.
"Your..... Being naughty type? This is.....a turn of events...... Your being the bad one.... Thought was suppose to be me...."
"Does..... It always have to be.... You? This is..... My apology on how we...... So..... Can you spend the night.... Take me to school tomorrow? Be a..... Good friend?"
Type gritted his teeth at the last word.
Tharns eyes widen to lean back, looking over type, to sign.
Taking his hand to his, he then pulled him to his bedroom.
"I guess....... Let's go to bed then..... You need to be punished over this...... Was going to start drinking....."
To the bedroom, tharn moved him about, to go to his neck to plant kisses has the back of types legs hit the edge of his bed.
Type lifted his head a bit, he placed his hand to the back of his head to grip his hair, the other was to the side of his shoulder, tharn had his to either side of his waist.
"Mmm..... You guess......ha.... You offered.... Earlier to take me to..... School.... Don't be....."
Tharn leaned his head back to eye type.
"Yes..... Then I went all the way home, then came back.... For a lie..... You've... Ran up quite a tab type...."
Taking his hands under his tee, he pulled it over his head to then push type down.
He placed his hands behind him to sit to the edge, to look up at tharn.
He stepped back a bit, to then take his shirt over his head, to toss, then reached behind to go to his pocket, to grab a condom.
Type eyed it to grit his teeth a bit.
He really wished to feel all of tharn.
Tharn then tossed it to type, he fumbled a bit, to hold, has he did that tharn took his pants and boxers off, to then go to type to take down his boxers, to then go inbetween his legs, to twitch his erection.
Type looked to it.
Tharn then took his hands to place to either side of his head.
"Place it on type."
Type opened the wrapper to then do just that.
Tharn. Then took his hands down to his chest, to push him down, he moved his his head up.
"Go up type."
Type nodded to move a bit, until tharn got on the bed, he grabbed types ankle, to then pull to him.
He placed his hand to either side of his shoulders to look to tharn with widen his.
Tharn took his hands down to make type wrap his legs about his waist.
He then started to go slowly in.
Types body shivered, his chest went up and down, breathing hard.
Tharn raised an eye brow, to then thrust fulling in, type lifted his head back to moan in pleasure, he gripped his arms to then move his hands up to grip his upper shoulders, has his body started to go up and down with the friction.
Tharn then took a hand down, to wrap around his length to stroke the other went to the other side of his head, he looked down, a bit confused why type was breathing oddly.
What tharn didn't know, was type become nervous, the two hadent had a sleep over in years. To have his unrequited love sleep right next to him, it was jarring.
Tharn kept thrusting, to then place his head down to his chest, to hear his heart, he smiled.
Best sound in the world.
Type then wrapped his arms around losing himself to this act, he was in heaven.
After, type was to his side, back to tharn, looking to the wall, eyes darted.
Tharn was to his back, he took off the used condom to then throw to the trash, he then turned his head to eye type. Turning to his side, he placed his head to his hand, to take a deep breathe in, he then moved his hand palm down to his back, type took a deep breathe in..
"Tharn? What are you....."
Tharn smiled to then move closer to wrap his arm around to hold type close, his eyes widen in surprise, he then went to his ear.
"Making sure.... This was.... Real.... Haven't spent the night with my...... Friend in over 5 years......"
Types face fell to close his eyes.
"I..... Know..... But why are you...... On me like this? Friends don't..... Cuddle tharn.....or..... Do they?"
Tharn gritted his teeth to move off, he then went to his side, to place an arm under his head, to sign.
"No........ No they don't......I saw what time it is..... Go to sleep..... Your good for the whole day type. Won't.....bug you for the..... Actual truth your keeping from me....."
Tharn gritted his teeth to close his eyes, however a small smirk creeped to his lips.
He was in types bed, after 5 years, he was finally in his bed once more.
To the other side, type was the same.
Gritting his teeth in anger, but had a smile to his face. Happy tharn was in his bed.
They then started to wish they weren't cowards and actually told the other how they felt, taking deep breathes the two then fell into sweet ish unconsciousness.

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