having a secert conversation with tun

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Waking the next morning, type took a deep breathe on then to look up, he smiled.
"Tharn.... Wake up, it's Saturday.....our day off from school and work...." Type said in a sing song voice.
Tharn to his back, with an arm wrapped around type smiled, with his eyes closed,  felt types hand start to go down from his chest lower to make him be fully awake.
"Mmmm, just a good boyfriend...... Pleasing you man."
Type cuddled closer keeping his eyes to him.
"I.... Want to fully please you..... Let's come to the shower." Type said with a double meaning.
Tharn took a deep breathe to open his eyes to see type move up to place his lips to his to then get up, tharn turned just in time to smack his rear, to go to his side to place a hand to his head to watch type stop for a moment to then walk to the bathroom door, to stand to the door frame to turn his head to wiggle his butt with a wide smile.
"Don't keep me waiting to long."
Tharn blew him an air kiss, for type to blow one back to then go in, tharn then moved quick to go to his phone looking to the time.
Mmm, tun is either going to be at that mystery hotel or at work by now, so.....I'm going to make love to my man, then make an excuse to leave, I need to get tun to break up with tia before type getting involved again.
Signing, tharn then got up to run to go to the shower.
Why can't anything just he easy with us since everything has fallen into place?
To the shower, seeing his figure, type opened the door, to then pull him in, to place them under the water to wrap his arms about to put his mouth to his.
Tharn gave type all he got, feeling a bit bad he was going to have to lie and go see tun by himself, knowing the his brother and tun seemed like they were still going out.
After a very hot round, type and tharn dried to dress to be in the kitchen, type making breakfest with tharn with his arms wrapped around his body to kiss at his neck.
"Mmm, type?"
"I need..... To pick something up at the store.... Something for you, I'll be back."
Type smiled.
"This something better not be condoms or something to expensive okay?"
"Why would I get condoms? I love filling you."
Types ears went red.
"You said..... They are too be used to punish me and I saw we didn't have any left so......"
Tharn went to his ear to nibble.
"I won't get those, but something else. I'll be back soon."
Tharn brought his hand up to make type turn his head to lay a kiss to his lips. Type melted into it.
Parting there eyes darted.
"Hurry back."
Tharn smirked.
"I always do."
Tharn kissed him once more feeling bad for what he was going to do but knew it was for the best.
Parting he turned to leave, type watched him go to start to think has he turned his head back to the action.
What is that man going to give me? I really hope it is not expensive.
To the car, tharn parked in front of tuns work to then go in, moving his head about, he saw tun looking around at the children to his feet with a huge smile.
Tharn took a deep breathe to whistle, knowing that sound, tun looked up to widen his eyes to sign, his face fell when he looked over tharn.
He then motioned with his head, tun nodded to then follow.
Outside, tun lit a cigarette, to offer one to tharn he held a hand up to shake his head.
"My man doesn't like it when I smoke, has yours tried to get you to stop?"
Tun took a deep inhale, to take it out to blow the smoke the other way to place his back to the wall.
Tharn kept his eyes to him has he stood.
Tun took a deep breathe.
"Tun......I know you and tia are still dating, I heard his voice." Tharns body quivered in disgust.
Tun flexed his jaw to look to the ground.
Silence then fell between them, tharn then went to the wall, head turned to eye.
"Tun, this needs to be over, I know you can take type punching you, but I won't let it get that far. You need to end this, and end this entirely now."
Tun brought the cigarette to his lips to take a very deep inhale, finishing the cigarette he flicked it to place his head to the wall to look forward with no expression.
Tharn raised an eye brow.
Tun then looked to tharn.
"Right, no, tia..... Is the best thing that has ever happened to me......I......I love him tharn."
Tharns lips parted he took a deep breathe in, to copy Tuns position to then look forward.
Tun eyed tharn.
"I'm.... Sorry tharn....I know you are between a rock and a hard place, since I am your friend and tia is types brother but tharn......I am not going to let him go. We mean to much to the other. He loves me tharn, for me, and I am not going to give that up."
Tharn wrapped his arms about to then turn his head to eye tun with a smile.
"I'm happy for you tun but..... How is this going to work? You two know how type feels about this."
Tun shrugged.
"I'm dating tia, not type, that night, I am over joyed you stopped it, I was not in my right mind, I have never wanted type not ever, thank you for stopping that, but..... Tharn this is going to have to be a secert relationship between tia and I, you can't tell type a thing. Promise me."
Tharn signed.
"This is not going to end well, but I want you two to be happy, I promise, just know when this comes out and type tries to kill me, know I will blame the two of you."
Tun made a face.
"I'm sorry tharn."
He shrugged.
"It's life, hopefully everything will work out."
Tun nodded.
"Well, I need to go back to work."
"I need to pick up something for type, been gone to long."
They pushed themselves from the wall for tun to walk tharn to his car, he lowered the window.
"You two, just be smart about this."
"Were trying."
Tharn nodded to then pull away, tun then brought his phone out to can tia to tell him tharn knows.
Tia wasent happy about that, but could understand, after he got off the phone he eyed the next caller, it was his father, answering the phone, tun signed, his father wanted him back home and needed money.
Tun closed his eyes to sign.
"I'll.... Come home.... After work today, bye."
Tun placed his hand to his forehead.

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