I don't want to fight anymore with you

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After a long and silent drive, tharn and type, got out to go to there apartment, neither really knew what to say. Going in, tharn looked to types back, has he took his shoes off to then go to the couch to sit upon, to look forward, to take deep breathes, to wrap his arms about.
Tharn took his shoes off, to then go forth to stand before the couch to eye type.
"Do..... You want me to leave?"
Type took a deep breathe in to shake his head.
"Do you.... Want to talk about it?"
"Mm, not really."
"Would you like me to make us something to drink? Tea?'
Type nodded.
"Thank you."
Tharn went to the back of the couch to place his hands to his shoulders to rub. Type smiled.
"It will be okay. Yourll see."
Tharn then leaned his mouth to types head to kiss, leaning back, type lifted his head to place it too the back of the couch to look up, there eyes darted.
"I do.... Hope so....I still don't like tun but.... The way tia was, I can tell he really does love him."
Tharn moved his hands to place them too types cheeks to rub his thumb upon them.
"I saw that too. Just need to have tia make his own decision to this."
Type signed to nod.
"Even if I don't like it?"
"Yes, even then."
Type then un wrapped his arms, to place his hands to his Wrists to move his thumb up and down caressing.
"I love you tharn...... Can we..... Stop fighting?"
"I don't want to fight, now I know, it's because I lied, but can you see it was for a good reason."
Type shrugged.
"I can see that yes, but....I still don't like it.... Can you promise me you won't lie like that again?"
Tharn nodded.
"I promise, now let me make some tea to calm you down."
Type raised an eye brow.
"Mmm, I'm now starting to think of another way to calm me down"
type then moved tharns hand, palm to his mouth to kiss, while still looking to him.
Tharn smiled.
"Well type, I believe you are trying to seduce me."
"Mm, am I that obvious?"
Type then took tharns hands from his face, to then turn to kneel to the couch to wrap his arms around tharns shoulders, tharn wrapped his arms around his back.
"I'm thinking.... Shower."
Tharn smirked.
"Sounds like a plan to me."
Moving there heads forward they placed there lips to the others.
Once they parted, they went to the shower, to make love, after they were to the bed, tharns back to the wall, laying slightly down, type to his side, head to his chest, arm wrapped, eyes closed with a giantic smile, tharn had his hand to his cheek to rub his thumb up and down, looking to type, to have his one arm wrapped about.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"I don't know if this is going to make you mad but, do you think tun and tia are going to go into a relationship?"
Type signed.
"Ruining a perfect moment I see."
"Honestly, not trying but I am curious."
Type then shrugged.
"I honestly don't know, I hope tun tells him everything and tia makes they decision for himself, now tharn I'm a bit curious, are your friends yuri and eudi, are they dating?"
Tharn then looked forward to chuckle.
"I really hope they are not."
Type opened his eyes to then peer them up.
"Why do you say that?"
"Well eudi, he is a confused gay, and I know he has feelings for yuri, but In the past, they will..... Well you know then eudi would go and sleep with a woman, then the two wouldn't talk or to near the other for 2 months, then when we met, well you've seen eudi, he'll start on his homophobic rant to get to yuri then they you know again, this has been going on for the past 2 think almost 3 years, I know from yuri he hasent slept with anyone else then eudi has this has been going on, but I feel very bad for yuri, I kind of want him to let eudi go."
Type signed heavily.
"Eudi, would sleep with yuri, then go sleep with a girl?"
Tharn nodded.
Type then placed his cheek to tharns chest.
"That guy is such a prick."
"I know, and everytime eudi is with a girl, yuri will let him come right back in after a bit, I really worry over yuri, he needs to let eudi go and for good."
Type nodded.
"Well, if yuri is allowing this, maybe he really loves eudi, but your right he needs to let him go."
"Well, just like tun and tia, they need to make this decision on there own."
Types eyes darted. He had always liked yuri, he didn't like this situation he was in.
Mmm, maybe I can help, I really think my brother is going to date that son of a bitch, but maybe I can help yuri out, this is a toxic relationship that is going on.
Type then brought his arm up to grab tharns hand, to hold where he could see it.
Tharn looked to the action to narrow his eyes, he could tell type was up to something.
"Type?" He questioned.
"Tharn? Do you think, we would be able to maybe go I don't know where yet, with your friends, maybe welcoming the new couple, tun and tia?"
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Type, what is going on through your head right now?"
Types eyes darted to then move about, to sit on tharn to place his hands to his neck, to point his thumbs up, tharn placed his hands to his waist.
"Type....." He questioned again.
Type then started to grind to distract tharn, he lifted his head back a bit, it worked.
Type then grabbed tharns hands to place to his chest keeping his eyes to tharn.
"Nothing bad, I swear, now..... Can we.... Again?"
Tharn nodded to re connect them allowing himself to be distracted.
Type kept his eyes to tharn, to start to think how he was going to be able to help yuri.

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