you again?!

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Taking a deep breathe, tun stood before the mirror Sunday morning to look at his new brusies. Signing, he placed his hands to the side of the sink to grip to close his eyes and oddly think of that boy.
Tun shook his head.
You are an idiot to think of them, nothing is going to come from it, why there types brother, his younger brother you dumbass, also there is way too much stacked against you, there is no future in this, I need to forget it, hopefully he will leave you alone.
Turning his head, he strightened up to see his father to the door way, he was eyeing him, he then brought the beer bottle to his lips.
Tun signed.
"Dad..... Isn't it a bit to early for you to be drinking?"
His father scoffed to take the bottle down, to step to tun, to look him up and down to then gut punch him, making tun go to his knees to wrap his arms about to hang his head coughing, has the wind was taken out of him.
"Isn't it a bit early to be questioning the things I do, I'm your father! Maybe I wouldn't have to drink, if your mother didn't have to leave us because your a god damn faggot!'
Bringing his foot up, he kicked tun to his side to then turn.
"Go to work already, sick of looking at you."
Tun eyed the ground to take deep breathes, he was happy he was pulling a double.
Getting slowly up, he stumbled a bit in pain to his dresser to then open the drawer, to then gather a shirt.
Going out, he was happy to find his father was to the kitchen, grabbing another bottle.
To the door, placing his shoes on, tun decided to stay out after work, maybe drink himself silly then get a hotel room.
Getting up, he then left in a rush, to walk to work, since he didn't have a car, feeling his phone vibrate in his back pocket he stopped walking to hang his head to sign.
Damn it tharn! Stop calling me!
Retrieving, he looked to see it was tharn calling yet again, all morning he was not leaving him alone.
"What!?" He placed the phone to his ear.
"Tun! I have been calling and calling, we need to see you today, need to talk about the tia situation."
Tun raised an eye brow.
"Look, there is no tia situation, I am also pulling a double today."
"Huh? Thought Sundays were your day off?"
"Well, I seemed to have two choices, go home and get beaten for what I am or work, so.....yes, listen tharn there really is no situation, told the boy myself to leave me alone. We are done okay."
"When did you tell him that?"
Tun made a face, to bring a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose.
"Um...... Yesterday....."
"What? Did you two do anything?"
Tun took a deep breathe.
"Just..... Talked nothing more." He lied.
"Tun? Your not lying to me are you?"
Tia lowered his hand to look forward.
"No, listen I'm not getting into this situation, I have too much going on in my life and you know it. Tell type, I'm leaving his brother alone, so unless you want to hang out, please stop calling me. Tell your friend too stop worrying."
"I'll let him know, you take care of yourself okay."
Tun then hung up the phone to place it to his back pocket too think.
Why did I lie to tharn about what tia and I did?
Shrugging, tun went forth to then stop, he could swear he heard someone behind him, taking another step, there was defiantly someone there, turning he's eyes widen in dis believe.
He had his arms behind to look at tun. Tia nodded.
Tun looked around then back to him.
"What the hell!? Why are you here?"
"I..... Was walking around and..... Then I saw you."
Tun narrowed his eyes.
"Uh huh.....I don't believe that bullshit for a second, are you stalking me?"
Tia shrugged.
"Tun, may I ask something? Why did you lie to tharn?"
"You said we just talked...."
Tia stepped closer.
"You know we did more then that." He smiled to lean a bit closer.
Tuns heart skipped a beat. He gulped to place his hand to his chest to push back a bit.
"Listen kid, I'm not doing this, now stop stalking me and go home, and what did you really want me to tell tharn you raped me, while he is probably hanging with your brother?"
Tia rolled his eyes to wrap his arms about.
"That was not rape, and your right about that, so......I heard your going to work, can I go too?"
"What..... Else did you hear?"
"Mmm, I was too far away, only bits and pieces why?"
Tun turned to then walk.
Good, he didn't hear what I go through, don't need him to try and rescue me or his damn pity.
Tia widened his eyes to follow.
"Tia..... You need to leave me alone."
"Can't I walk this way?"
There is a bus station up ahead.
Tia smiled to keep pace with him. Getting to the bus stop, tun couldn't tell if having a stalker was a good thing or not, also didn't know how long he had been doing that, walking in front of the bus stop, tun turned for tia to look to him with a breathe taking smile.
Shaking his head a bit, he took deep breathes to get his heart to slow down, grabbing his wallet, he placed it in front of himself to then grab out some money to then Motion to tia, he eyed it confused.
"What is this for?"
"Bus money, go home."
Tia looked to tun a bit sad.
"Thought, I could see where you work."
"No, you need to go home, this should cover it."
Tia shook his head.
"Tun come on, I've been inside of you, just let me go see where you work."
Tuns eyes widen, lips parted, he had to look around, looking back to him, he took a deep breathe relieved no one was about.
"Tia! You don't say those things in public, now take the goddamn money and go home."
"Why? I don't care if people know I sleep with men, your gay, why do you care?"
Tun flexed his jaw to furrow his eye brows to look to the money.
I shouldn't have to care, I wish I was like tharn, had a family who accepted me has I am but they don't.
Tia cocked his head to eye.
"Tun please, I just want to see where you work, also, all my family is busy today, I'm so alone."
Tun signed to then place the money to his wallet to turn.
"Whatever, I need to go, I'm going to be late."
Tias eyes lit up, he then followed.
Going to the tuns job, tia was behind in tow, he was delight he was able to go.
Tun didn't know why, but he oddly was okay with someone coming along, he knew what feeling alone felt like.
To his job, tia stopped to eye. Tun turned to look to him.
Tia looked it over.
"Didn't know, you worked in a place like this."
Tun shrugged.
"I like to help people, so what?"
Tia looked to tun.
"Oh, there is nothing wrong with it, could I volunteer?"
Tun eyed him up and down, most people usually didn't want to do that.
"Um, I guess so."
Turning they both went into the burn unit of the hospital, tun only had a caregivers license, where he used it to help the elderly, burned victims, the homeless etc, he really enjoyed helping people.
Going about, tun was helping 2 children who were in a fire to make them happy, looking over he smirked, tia was surrounded by the children, they looked up to him has he smiled about.
Has they day went, they helped has many children has they could, turning there frowns upside down, and reading to them to also play games.
By the end, the two were seated to a bar, tun ordered tia something to eat, while he drank too eat only a bit, he looked to tia.
He looked to tun.
"Thank you for today, most people don't know what to say or do in that situation, but you handled yourself well."
Tia nodded.
"It's a great thing you do tun"
Tun eyed tia to shrug to turn his head forward to down the bottle, he then placed it to the bar counter to eat a bit.
"Mm, I guess....'
Looking to the clock, it was late.
"Tia, I'm sure your family is home, come on let me walk you to the bus stop."
Tun turned in his chair.
Tia looked him up and down, he then leaned to him, tun moved his head back a bit.
"Or......I can get us a room?"
Tun signed, to turn his head forward.
"Tia...... No! Now come on I....."
Tia then went to his ear, not letting go, not yet.
"I can get a room with a mini bar, you can save some money, instead of wasting it here with water downed drinks."
Tun turned his head to eye has tia went back, there eyes darted.
Smiling, tia paid the tab, to then grab tun by the wrist to pull, he eyed the action confused.
Damn it! Why am I not stopping this?
Shit, this is not going to end well.

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