only kind of forced

735 55 18

That night
Walking to a hotel, tun didn't go with anyone's advice, he was starting to sober up a bit and he couldn't believe he was going to try and be with that one guy, type, he was not the type of person he wanted to be with.
Signing, has he tried to place the card key in, he just wanted to be alone, he felt miserable and dispicable, and now a bit happy his friends did what they did.
Finally getting in, he smiled, to then frown.
Pushed in, he hunched over to place his hands to his legs, a bit out of breathe.
Taking a deep inhale, he then straightened up, to turn, he eyed a boy, tun couldn't tell how old he was but could see he wasent in his 20s.
"Who the hell are you?" He eyed with furrowed eye brows.
They looked him over to take a deep breathe, they then locked the door.
Tuns eyes widen.
"I.... Can understand a bit, why everyone seems to want type, I've heard the rumors, don't believe them, but he is not going to get you. Not..... My crush."
Tun looked the boy up and down.
"What are you talking about?"
They gulped to then go forward, there eyes darted.
"I..... Just needed to use the bathroom, saw a bit, then couldn't stop but to follow, it seems when you drink you get horny, or hornier, I.... Can help you with that."
They brought there hand up, to look to the action to move two fingers up and down sensually to his chest.
Tun looked about, still very much confused.
"Look......I don't know who you are, or what this is, you need to leave, you are too young looking to be..... Hey!"
The boy pushed tun to the bed, breathing heavily, he then took the shirt from his body to then take it over his head to throw.
Tun leaned up.
"What the hell is this!?"
"You might not remember me, but tun, I know you. Please, let me be of assistance."
They stepped closer to place there hands to his jacket to try to take off, tuns eyes widen, he didn't know this person, also he didn't want them to see the brusies he had from his father.
Tun, then wrapped his hands around there wrists to eye.
"Listen kid, I am drunk, I dont know you and I do not sleep with random people, now if you don't mind..... Damn it!"
Moving his hands out of his grasp, the boy, wrapped his hands about his wrists to push with his body, with tun down, the boy laid upon, there eyes darted.
"I can tell you've sobered a bit, but not entirely, you do know me, well, partially, I'm not some random person, so....."
They then moved there mouth to there neck to kiss. Tun turned his head to let a slight moan escape his lips, it didn't help he hadent gotten laid in the last year, not since his last boyfriend.
"Listen.....mmm.... This feels nice....I won't deny it but look, I really don't.... Um....."
They started to grind on his leg, tun couldn't help but grow and hard.
"Ah kid.....mmm..... You need to....ah...."
Tun started to breathe heavily.
They then moved up, to look to tun, he was starting to become a hot mess.
"I'm not a kid, just turned 18 and I'm graduating in 5 months. Come on tun.....I can feel you want this."
Tun slightly opened his eyes to peer them to the boy.
"Your..... Really 18?"
They nodded to keep grinding. Tun then moved his head forward to eye.
"Who are you then?"
"Mmm, how about this, I could tell you my name or......I can suck on my first dick, your choice."
Tuns eye brows furrowed confused again.
"Your a.... Virgin?"
They nodded.
"I'm also bi, only been with girls, well, only dated girls never, so..... Can I....... Suck you off?"
Tun breathed a bit heavily, he pressed his head to the bed, to lift his head up.
What the hell is going on and why am I starting to believe I've met him before his face is starting to give me deja vue.
The boy looked tun over to smile, letting his Wrists go, he went down, first he lend up to place his hands to his shirt to try to take up, but tun placed his hands to his. They eyed the other.
"I am not, taking my jacket or shirt off, got it."
They looked to tun a bit confused.
What are you hiding?
Taking a deep breathe he nodded, moving down he only moved it up a bit to kiss at his navel.
Tun kept his head up to watch, his member started to twitch in his pants.
The boy then licked to peer his eyes up, tun didn't know why but his heart skipped a beat.
Taking his hands lower, tun let go, to place his to either side of his head, still watching.
They opened his pants and took his erection out of his boxers to eye.
"Wow, this is enormous."
Tuns eyes widen.
"Mm, maybe it'll.... Be too much for your first time."
The boy chuckled a bit to look to tun.
"You think that."
Taking his tongue out, he licked his side still looking to him.
Tun moaned sweetly.
"Ah god, mmm..... Just like that....."
Tun lifted his head back to close his eyes.
They then moved about to place his tongue to his head to swirl it about, pre cummed ozzed out, then placing his mouth upon, he sucked and hard, it tasted delicious.
Tun, then leaned up, to grip the bedding too his sides, head hung, eyes still closed to moan.
"Ah fuck! So damn incredible, you have to be lying, you are sucking to remarkably...... Gonna make me cum....."
They smiled internally, they took there mouth off to then take tuns pants and boxers off to throw. They then went right back to it, taking his saliva that dripped down, he wetted a finger to then move it about his hole.
Tuns eyes popped open.
Is he, trying to....
The boy tried to place his finger in, till tun moved up, to push him away, they kneeled to eye.
Tun breathed heavily.
"I'm a top, you are not going to..... Damn it!"
Eyeing tun, the boy smiled, to then go to him to flip him around, he got on him, to then place his hands above his head, to lean slightly over.
Tun turned his head.
"Damnit! Get off! I'm not going to be a bottom!"
The boy raised his eye brow, to look to his finger.
"Have you've, ever tried?"
"No, and I'm not going to start now, if you want this, want me, I fuck you, not the other way around."
The boy made a face to then place the finger back, to then go in. The boy wanted to be in tun but the other way around.
Tuns body tensed.
"Fuck! Didn't you hear me? I'm a top..... Not a a...... That..... Um...... Feeling a bit....."
Tuns body relaxed has he felt that finger thrust in and out, he was starting to enjoy this a bit, espacially when it hit his prostate.
The boy kept his eyes to tun.
Tun closed his eyes.
"Would you..... Like another?"
Tun moved his head to lay his forehead to the bed, he then nodded.
The boy smiled to let go slowly, to then get up the same way, going inbetween his legs to kneel, he placed his fingers to his mouth to then wet, to then place two in.
Tun gripped the bedding, this was feeling great, he then started to move his butt to the action.
The boy eyed that.
"Would you, like something, that would be even better?"
Tun turned his head to the side, moaning, eyes closed.
"Another finger?"
"Mmm, something a bit bigger, give me a second."
Tun took a deep breathe, to nod.
Taking his fingers out, the boy grabbed a condom from his wallet, which was to his back pocket, to then take his pants and boxers off, throwing, he kneeled.
"Tun, can you.... Get up on all fours, please?"
Tun took a deep breathe to do just that, he hung his head. He has never had this done to him before, but he sort of liked it.
"So.....3 fingers?"
The boy went to him, to place his hand to his ass to rub, to then place his tip to his outter.
"No..... Something I think you are going to enjoy a lot more."
Tun furrowed his eyes to then look back, his eyes widen when he opened them.
He now knew what they were trying to do.
"Wait...... Wait wait wait, oh hell no, I fuck you, not the other way.....aaaaah....."
Tun turned his head, to move his chest to the bed to really moan has they slowly place them self in.
"Do you, want me to......aaah..... Pull out?" They breathed hard, asking.
"Don't you fucking dare! Take....ah..... Responsibility, fuck my virgin ass.....mmm..... Feels so shit!"
The boy then got to his special spot, hitting it just right.
They then smiled.
"Ah, I will.....mmm....I will...... You have no idea..... How hot you feel or how tight, so happy I'm making love to my crush, this is how you should lose your virginity.....aaah God......"
Tun rolled his eyes.
"This is just sex.....nnnn..... Not love.... Don't even.....aaah...."
Increasing his speed, he took a hand up to grip his upper shoulder to bring him back, to place his hand to his throat to make it turn to the side.
Taking his other hand he stroked that twitching cock.
"Ah..... So good....mmm..... So fucking hard..... Hitting me so deep.....aaah...."
Tun couldn't help but grind with his thrusts.
"Cant hold on to long tun, feels so...... Amazing......"
Tun nodded, he couldn't believe this was happening but it also felt right.
Moving his head, they placed there lips to tuns, he hesitated for a moment, but then he allowed them in, to swirl there tongues about the others, tun then brought his hand up to his head to grip his hair has they had unbelievable and pleasurable sex.
After, tun couldn't help but pass out, waking, he puckered his face, his stomach and head was killing him, getting up, he sat to place a hand to his forehead, looking down he saw an arm wrapped around, looking to the side, he saw that boy, his eyes widen.
Shit! What the hell! This kid has to be lying, he looks 16 and yet.... Oddly familiar.
Shrugging, tun got up, slowly and quietly, they took a deep breathe but didn't wake.
Getting out of bed, he made a face to rub his lower back, it was hurting him something fierce.
Picking up his clothes he downed them on, looking to the side, he saw the kids wallet, looking back, they never said there name, growing curious, tun walked over to grab, has he opened he saw partial his id, hearing a noise, he turned to eye them, they had went to there back to being a hand to rub there eye.
Dropping his stuff, tun needed to go home, he was already going to receive a beating for staying out.
Tharn looked over tun.
"So.... Did they rape you or not?"
Tun shrugged.
"I did say no and to get off but.....I rather enjoyed it. Didn't really fight, wasent really that intoxicated."
"Mmm, think you still need to file a police report."
Tun then stood has he heard there bell.
"You need to go to class, I'll think about that, I just wanted to tell you and type i am really sorry."
Tharn got up to eye.
"Good, but did you ever get there name?"
Tun placed his hand to his neck to rub.
"Just there first, then I ran out, it was tai."
Tharns eyes widen.
"Did you..... Not get a last name?"
Tun shook his head to lower his hand.
"Okay um...... What do you know of them? What did they look like? Do you remember?"
"They said they were 18, looked younger, was going to graduate in 5 months, knew me, but I really don't know them, but I feel like I do, oddly he kind of looks like type, but he is taller, leaner, long hair, handsome."
Tharn took a deep breathe to go about to grab his back pack.
Tun eyed confused.
"Nothing, I need to go to class, you better have ment what you said, just know you go near type, the way you did, yourll wind in the hospital." Tharn then rushed off.
Tun shrugged to turn to leave.
Weird, he thought.
Tharn rushed to go to class, signing heavily, this sounded like types little brother.
Shit! Tharn thought.
Now I need to talk to tai, please don't let it be him. This will only piss type off, especially with what tun tried to pull.
Tharn signed, please don't let it be my boyfriends little brother, please no!

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