won't seem to let me go

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To the hotel room, tun was to the floor, sitting against The bed, downing the little bottles, tia was to the edge to eye him..
"Tun..... Haven't you had enough?"
Tun placed the little bottle down to his side to turn his head to eye 5 mini bottles he consumed.
"Mm, 2 beer bottles and 5, now 6 of these mini's I'm fine, just feeling it."
Tia moved back to place his arms behind to keep eyeing tun.
"Maybe......I could have one?"
Tia then leaned down to try to grab, he looked to tun who grabbed to eye him.
"Your too young. No. Mm, think it's late enough, your parents must be worried, you may have paid for the room but let me...."
Tun hung his head to place the bottle to his other side to then try to grab his wallet, tia moved about to grab it, to get up to place to the side table near the bed.
Tun turned to eye.
"What are you...."
"We can both sleep here tun, I don't need to go home."
Tun signed.
"You have school tomorrow."
Tia turned his head to eye.
"Don't you have work?"
Tun turned his head, to look forward, he then brought his leg up, to place his arm to it.
"No..... Since I took a double today, tomorrow I have to take it off."
Thus, why I allowed this, but its pure moronic, but I need time to heal.
Tun gritted his teeth.
Looking over his deamonor, tia then went to place his legs about, to then place his hands to his shoulders to rub.
Tun closed his eyes to really feel this.
"Tun..... You take on too much, stop worrying, let me take care of you."
Tun took a deep breathe in.
"Tia...... You need to go to school, need to go home."
Tia then went to his ear.
"I don't want to go, thought I..... Could make you feel very good tun......I know you get hornier when you drink."
Tun opened his eyes and widen to then furrow his eye brows, a bit in anger.
"Ah...... Okay..... Sex that's what this is all about, huh? let me also guess, tharn or type have told you I'm looser when I'm drunk, probably told you I sleep around when I'm this way, see why you wanted me to drink, tia go home!"
Tun moved out of his grasp to stand, he stumbled a bit to place a hand to his forehead, the alcohol got to him.
Tia looked him over to sign.
Tharn and type did say way back when, tun would get drunk and sleep with who ever, but tia for some reason never believed that, this was when he was trying to learn more about tun when he's crush started to amplify.
Tia then got up to place his hand to his upper shoulder.
"Tun...... Don't be that...."
Tun spun a bit to then push him back a bit to eye.
"Tia! Damn it! Go home! I'm not going to sleep with you! I've had enough of this, I'm a top and I'm tired of being a bottom, you need to leave! I'm not going to have sex with types little brother again, I told you that yesterday you stalker, now come on..."
Tun stepped forward to place his hand, wrapped to his wrist to then pull, tia looked to the action to then place his other hand to it to move it out, tun turned to eye, tia then stepped forward to try and place his hands to tuns face to try to pull him to his lips, bringing his hands up, he wrapped them around his wrists, to then bring them down, shuffeling and stumbling, tia wanted to get tun to sit, he placed his hands to his stomach to push gently back, however he accidentally pressed on his bruise that his father made him receive.
He then stumbled back to hang his head to wrap his arms about to wince in pain, tia looked him over with worry, he then got to his knees to look up.
"Tun, tun, I'm so sorry, I didn't...."
He shook his head.
"This...... Was not because of you..... I'm fine..... Please just leave...."
Tia peered his eyes to his stomach.
"How can I leave when your in pain? Let me see."
Tia tried to place his hands to his shirt to try to lift up, tun opened his eyes and wide to wrap his hands around his wrists, they eyed the other.
"No! Hell no! You need to get out tia! Go back to your perfect life, perfect family, and leave me alone!"
Tia made a face to shake his head.
Tun scoffed.
"You are an idiot! There is nothing going on between us tia, I don't even know why you like me so much, just because I was there when your brother left, I comforted you a bit, doesn't mean you need to be doing this, it's enough. I am not good for you, just like you heard, I do sleep around, I'm probably riddled with diseases, I'm disgusting, I've heard about you, you have a bright future ahead of you, now you need to get up and go away!"
Tun then pushed him slightly away to hang his head.
Tia looked to tun in surprise.
"You..... Remember me?"
Tun rolled his eyes he then placed his hands to the edge to grip.
"Bits..... And pieces...... Now be mature and walk out that door, forget about this, forget about me."
Tia peered his eyes down, to then slowly place his hands to tuns legs.
He signed.
"No, now you listen to me, you are not disgusting, you have such a kind heart tun, I don't want to be away from you, and what you did for me, when I felt so alone when my brother was moving out, it pulled me to you, then I couldn't get you out of my mind. Everyone is telling me the same thing, stay away from you, but tun.....I don't want to."
Moving his hands up he went to his shirt to grip the bottom.
Tun widened his eyes to then place his hands to his wrists to stop, he kept his head hung.
"Tia, don't!"
"Tun..... This is way more then just sex......I..... Also heard a bit more from that phone call today..... Let me.... See."
Tun gritted his teeth.
"I don't need your god damn pity! I'll.... Just get the others I sleep with to...."
"Damn it tun! I don't believe for one second you sleep around when your drunk!'
Tun looked up, in amazement, he was the only one to ever say that.
"But tia......I did almost rape you're brother.... Now you need to....."
Tia looked up.
"I know you were not in your right mind, I also believe what you told me, you don't feel anything for him, maybe.....I could get you to feel something for me.... Now.....I want to see..... Please..... Stop hiding."
Tun flexed his jaw, trying one more time to get tia to leave, to keep his word to tharn, even though oddly he was starting not to want him to go.
Pushing tia back a bit, tun took a deep breathe to take his shirt off, to then grip it to one hand, tia's eyes widen looking over his bruised body.
Tun then pointed a finger to himself.
"You see this, you keep staying near me this will happen to you, now get the fuck out of here tia!"
Tun then tried to place his shirt back on till tia grabbed it to throw. He looked him over, tun did not see pity, just worry and concern.
Tia then placed his fingers to the bruise to his stomach to gently move them up and down.
Tun gulped.
"Who.... Does this to you?"
He signed.
"Tia...... I'm not good for you..... You need to....."
Moving his hand away, tia placed his to tuns that were to either side to then place his mouth gently to that bruise to give a very light kiss, moving about, he kissed each and every one, there were 7, some healing, some were new, going back to the big one, he peered his eyes up.
"Tun..... You are plenty good for me..... Please..... Let me make love to you, the way you deserve."
Tia then licked his bruise, tuns body quivered.
He didn't understand this boy, why he wouldn't turn around and run, why he didn't tell him this was to much and now he said, what he did.
Tun raised an eye brow to eye him.
Tia then moved back to nod.
Tuns lips parted to then place his hands to either side of his neck to then pull tia to his lips, no one had ever said that to him, not ever.
The two moved there mouths to the others, has tun pulled tia down to Hover.
Parting, tia took his shirt off to throw, they kept there eyes to the others, tun felt very vulnerable but couldn't seem to deny tia, he was making him feel new emotions.
Has tia tried to come back down, tun moved about to place tia to his back, he then took his pants and boxers down and off, to then do the same to his own, throwing them, he went to his stomach, to open tia's legs, he leaned up.
"Tun..... I'm not a...."
Tun looked him over.
"You truly believe I don't sleep with everyone when I'm drunk, right?"
Tia nodded.
"You believe I didn't really mean to try and rape you're brother?"
Tia nodded.
"Then..... Trust me."
Tia's lips parted.
"I do trust you."
Tun smiled, moved down he wrapped his hand around tia's cock to place his mouth to his tip to suck has he stroked. Tia gripped the bedding.
"Ah tun..... So good....."
Tun then moved his hand to deep throat, placing has much saliva has he could.
Coming up, he breathed heavily to then go up to manuver himself over his erection.
Tia eyed it.
"Wait tun..... Need a...."
Tun looked to him.
"Do you....Trust that I am not full of diseases?"
Tia's eyes darted to nod.
"I do trust you."
Tia then flopped down, to take his hands to his waist to moan heavenly has tun placed himself on his length.
"Ah tun..... Thought you were a....."
Tun then grabbed tia's hands to place them too his brusied chest.
"Not..... Today....."
Tun then grinded on tia's hard erection in pure enjoyment.
Tia and tun held hands to his chest, keeping there eyes to another.
"Ah tun..... You look so..... Beautiful and sexy riding this cock the way you do..... So incredible."
Tuns lips parted, no one had ever said that to him.
Leaning down he couldn't help but place his lips to tia's, to place there intermitted hands to either side of tia's head.
Moving them about, tia couldn't handle it, the fact tun was showing him something like this, made his heart soar.
They squeezed there hands together to either side of tuns head, for tun to then wrap his legs about, has tia gave him all he got.
After, tun had his back to the head board, with tia to his body, he had an arm wrapped, eyes closed to smile and wide.
Tun had his arms wrapped around to look forward to breathe in deep.
"Mmm, tun?"
Tun looked to tia, feeling confliction.
He looked up with a smile still to his face.
"Will..... You be my boyfriend?"
Tun's eyes widen.
"What? Are you insane? Why would you ask me that, tia?"
Tia grabbed his hand to hold to place it to his cheek, to keep eye contact.
"Maybe I am, but tun...... It's Because I love you. So.....will you be mine?"
Tun's eyes drifted a bit, his lips parted.
"Um......" He thought.

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