not a good plan but will do

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Going back to class, the teacher looked to tharn.
"Mr. Puerto, I do not take kindly to disruptions, please sit."
Tharn nodded to go back to his seat, gripping the back pack strap.
"Well, sorry mr. Tyuro had to take a shit."
Moving to his seat, a few girls giggled, type looked to him to roll his eyes.
The teacher gritted his teeth to then look to tharn not amused.
"Well, if you can not control your bowels, maybe you need to place on medication, now students....."
Has he turned to go to the white board, type looked to tharn a bit confused, he then eyed him, after placing his back pack to the side of the desk.
"What?" He whispered.
"You..... Came back..... Usually you....."
Tharn shrugged, he then shushed type.
His eye brows rosed, baffled.
Looking him over he then looked to the teacher unaware of tharns idiotic plan.
By lunch, the two sat to there table to eat, finishing first, type grabbed the bag of gummies to start into.
Tharn turned his head. To eye.
"Didn't.... Throw them away?"
Type shrugged has he grabbed a piece.
"Why throw out an entire bag for your friends attitude."
Tharn cocked his head.
"Does..... That mean I'm forgiven?"
Type rolled his eyes, to then look forward to chew at his sour gummy, he then made a pucker face while consuming.
Tharn smiled, he loved that face.
Taking a deep breathe, he then looked around, he needed to implement his plan.
Turning his head back, he looked over type, he then laid his fork down.
"So..... Your really going to..... Take time off from dating? Be..... Single for awhile?"
Types eyes widen, they peered themselves to the side, to then nod, Turning his eyes back he looked forward.
"I...... Need to..... Just be alone for a bit."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
Under statement of the year, since moko you have dated 6 others in 2 months, had to take care of you each time, but, type you are right, every time I've offered, the first was because I couldn't stand you to cry, being heart broken, I also lost it, waited 4 years for the two of you to break up, still don't understand how they lasted those years, he shrugged.
Tharn then looked about again, seeing they were really alone, he then shuffled to type, a bit closer. Type turned his head instantly to eye has he chewed his sour gummy.
"What, are you doing?"
He looked intently to type.
"I..... Want to know about this..... Actual truth?"
Type gulped and hard, to turn his head to look forward. He breathed deeply.
Tharn smirked, he knew type was going to act this way.
Eyeing around, one more time, he then looked back to type, to take his hand under the table to go to his crotch, he then unzipped.
Types body tensed, he then turned his head to look to him.
"Tharn..... What are you.....nnn....."
Tharn placed his hand inside his pants to rub at his member.
Type hung his head.
"Making you hard, since you are withholding something from me type."
Type gritted his teeth, to turn his head, looking to tharn with narrowed eyes, he was also fighting against the pleasure he was feeling.
"Tharn....... Please....... Stop....."
Tharn moved his head closer, eyes darted, types whole body shivered.
"Not till you tell me, what is this..... Truth type, what are you hiding?"
Type curled his lips to bite into them.
Oh no tharn, I am not going to tell you, not even in this situation, you do not deserve it.
Type gritted his teeth and gulped again hard.
"What..... Were you going to tell me, after your, pre drunken birthday?"
Tharn stopped to freeze, he looked over type.
Type rolled his eyes to then look about, he then stood to zip up his pants to go to his back pack to push the bag of gummies down to then zip it up, looking to it.
"You..... Are such an asshole!"
Type then left to go to the bathroom.
Tharn took a deep breathe in, to watch him go.
Oh no type, your not getting away that easily.
To the bathroom, type was hunched over the sink, splashing water to his face trying to think and get his hard on to go down.
Turning the faucet off, he placed his hands to the edges, to hang his head, eyes closed, to let the water droplets hit.
What.... Was that...... Why is tharn..... Is it because I said I wanted to be single? I think moishe was wrong, think tharn only wants sex, if not why won't he ask me out, I don't think he actually loves me...... Just.... Friends with benefits deal.
Type signed.
He then groaned when he felt a paper towel to his face, moved about he then was moved to the wall, back pack taken down, to be pressed on his stomach.
Turning his head, he looked back, flexing his fingers to the wall.
"Tharn?! What the hell are you doing?"
Tharn pressed his body to his, to take his hand back to his crotch to open his pants.
Type looked down his eyes darted.
"Tharn.... This is not funny! What are you....mmm...."
Type turned his head to place his forehead to the wall. Tharn took his member out to stroke with velocity.
He then placed his chin to his upper shoulder to look to him.
"Type, I want you..... To tell me this actual truth."
Type gritted his teeth.
"No! Now..... Let go!"
Tharn smirked deviously.
"Never said that to me before, always seemed to like it."
"Damn it tharn, stop being a....ah.....mmm.... Prick!"
Tharn then went to his ear to move his bottom lip up and down sensually.
Type couldn't help but grow harder in his hand, to tremble.
"Am I? Your the one who won't tell me. I've..... Thought of something while I went to the bathroom earlier, I think, instead of helping you, with the usage of..... Sex, I'm going to turn it around on you, at least till you tell me, what this actual truth is or when you start dating again."
Types eyes widen, he turned his head, has tharn leaned back, the two eyed the other.
"Are you.... Being serious? Tharn, this is not.....mmm.... Funny."
"Not suppose to be, you want this to end, then tell me, if not...."
Types body curled a bit when tharn started to pump faster.
He then started to breathe heavier.
They bothed looked to the other intently, neither budging.
"What.....ah.....ah.... About you..... You won't tell me.... What you were going to....."
"Well, that's irrlevant...... I'm in the control here type, highly doubt you would do this to me, also wouldn't make me tell. Right?"
Type moved his fingers down to ball his hands.
"You.... Think that?"
Tharn smiled.
Type then turned, to lay his back to the wall, to then place a hand to tharns erection that was evident in his pants, he rubbed it a bit, to then unzip to take it out to stroke. Tharn looked down to eye, he then looked up, to types devious smirk, to then play his game.
Stepping forward, he placed one hand to the side of his head, to take his hand back down that he jerked away from type turning, to go back to pump.
Tharn stepped in close, there eyes stayed to the others.
"Mmm, place them..... Together...."
Types lips parted, his eyes then went into slits, he complied to place his cock to tharns length, to wrap his hand around, tharn placed his over types.
They both moaned quietly.
"Why..... Why are you..... Doing this?"
Tharn then went closer, type moved his head up a bit.
"Because, I'm an asshole and I want to know, what this actual truth is, since you won't be taken for awhile, this is my plan of action to get you to spill. I know it'll come out of those.....luscious.......plump..... Pink...... Red....."
Tharn started to go closer, eyes to his lips.
He forgot the whole practice and don't kiss your friend deal, tharn just wanted to press his lips to his.
Types eyes started to drift more closed, he moved his chin up more to then get pushed into a stall with his back pack, while tharn went to a urinal to fake going pee.
Type to the stall, placed his back pack down to zip himself up, to hit his head against the wall has he heard someone come in.
"Hey tharn, thought you maybe went home, where is your friend type? You two are usually always around the other."
Tharn looked down to shrug.
"No clue, and no, need to stick around, go to class. Be a good student for once."
Type peered his eyes down to chuckle a bit.
"Good, um..... I've heard.... Type is.... Single again.... Do you think.... I've got a chance?"
Types eyes went up to sign.
"Might not be a long relationship, but maybe I'll get my pickle wet."
Tharn turned his head to look to them in anger.
"Listen, hyte, he is taking time for himself, even if he wasent, I would warn him against you. Type is not some sex toy for you to use for your amusement. He is an human being."
Types eyes widen, to then smile wide.
Hyte shrugged to then go to the sink to wash his hands.
"Well, are you sure about that? He never stays in a relationship for long, think he is a hit it and quit it man."
Hyte turned to grab a towel to look to tharn, he turned his head to look forward.
"Have you two ever? Has type told you why he doesn't stay in these relationships for long? Maybe him and I could....."
"Hyte! Enough! He is just my friend, we haven't done anything and you are going to stay away from him."
Type looked forward to frown a bit.
Hyte shrugged to throw the paper towel away.
"Good to know, you two never, but tharn, in the rate type is going, maybe soon I'll be next. I'll have that sweet mouth around my...."
Tharn looked to him to zip his pants up to then stand before him, eyes darting.
"Hyte! I will kick the living shit out of you! You are not going to talk about my friend that way!"
Hyte chuckled to then go to the door.
"Just a matter of time tharn."
Tharn turned his head to watch him go.
Type took a deep breathe to then exit the stall, peeved.
It wasent for what hyte said, but knowing tharn, he knew he probably believed that.
Tharn looked to type to then turn his head forward.
Type kept his head turned eyeing the door, he then placed his back pack on.
"Guess..... You think.... I'm this big whore now..... Right tharn?"
Tharns eyes darted.
Type looked to his back to scoff.
"Wow....... Okay...... Your such a hypocrite, "make out king,"
Type then went to the door, to place his palm to it about to open till he heard tharn turn.
He hung his head, eyes darted to the floor.
"I..... Still want to know that actual truth.....I..... Also don't...... Firmly believe what hyte was just saying......"
Type signed deeply.
"But..... You semi believe in it.... Right tharn?"
Tharn gulped, he didn't know what to say.
"You..... Are an asshole!"
Type then left to go to class, happy this one did not have tharn.
Tharn stood there to then wrap his arms about to look over the door.
I..... Really don't firmly believe in what he said, I don't believe every relationship you've been in you've had sex, some were to short..... But...... Maybe what he said had some truth to it, how many, have seen what I have, heard what I've....
Tharn took a deep breathe, to then go to his back pack to place upon himself, to look forward.
I..... Am a hypocrite to a point, I did make out with others but.
tharn turned his head to eye the back of the door.
However, unlike you type, you had sex with moko, when we... That one drunken night...I was a virgin.....
Tharn took a deep breathe to then turn to leave the bathroom. He knew this plan wasent going to be a good one, but he was not going to just let type go, for right now, the reliazation of type with others, was hurting his heart, he just couldn't say anything to the contrary of it, so he chose to be an asshole, but didn't mean he was going to stop now, espacially when he was in love with him. It also helped that type didn't tell tharn not to pursue this, he could tell his friend was wanting this too. Tharn didn't quite fully know why but he was going to keep at it, to him, either way was a win, but was it?

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