I hate you tun and tia!

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After type barred tharn from the room, everyday was mean and horrible, Sunday type ignored tharn all day, even when he was being playful, then he hide his phone when he texted people, which caused tharn to be overally jealous. Didn't help type would smile and appear very happy.
Then from Saturday to Monday, tharn had to ride the couch where type would wake him up by sitting on him, then ignored him once again.
Type then also barred tharn from taking showers with him, he still made him breakfest lunch and dinner but didn't give him any other treats, the only thing he kept asking tharn everyday was, where did you go?
Tharn however kept his promise, even though it was killing him, he wanted type, wanted his love and got nothing in return, for type it was hurting his heart but he needed to stand strong to this. He ended up calling tico and confirming tharn didn't see her or there parents, type called tharns other friends, they didn't see him that day, getting that one friend to the phone that was yelling homophobic remarks to the background while he talked to yuri, type just let that one die, he also called his sister father and mother they said the same, when he tried tia, he acted odd to the question and then hadent picked up the phone since Sunday.
So type knew tharn had to have seen tun and he was going to make him suffer until he told what had occurred with them. However, type was suffering has well, he missed tharn so much, he needed his love and warmth, this was very nerve wreaking for him.
By Tuesday they were both on the edge, to his side type was to his phone looking through Tuns social media, he hadent posted anything in awhile then he checked tias, looking up, tharn went in with a raised hand, palm to him.
"Please don't argue, just need to brush my teeth and take a shower, don't worry, I'll do it all alone, again....." He signed by the end.
Type watched him go to settle back, to place his phone to the side of him, to lay to his back to look to the ceiling in aggravation has he heard tharn shut the door.
His eyes darted to then sit up.
Maybe tonight.....I need to up the anti...... I'm starting to get sick and tired of this, didn't think tharn would have been this stubborn, however I'm this way also.
Getting up, type then went to the bathroom to open the door a bit to look in, he eyed the steam.
Taking a deep breathe he went fully in to then undress.
Tharn, unaware, had his hand to the wall, palm down, letting the hot water run to his back, he had his head slightly hung to take deep breathes hating tun and tia, there secert was hurting his relationship.
Opening his eyes, they widen, he turned his head to eye type, he was behind rubbing the soap around his back.
Then his eyes narrowed.
"What...... Are you doing?"
Type shrugged, keeping his eyes to the action. He then started to rub.
Tharn moaned a bit.
Type gulped.
Shit...... This is back firing a bit.
Type looked down to make a face, he was hard.
Tharn turned to place his hands to his face, there eyes darted, has type wrapped his hands about his wrists. He then stepped forward to rub tip to his. Type started to breathe heavily.
Tharn then cocked his head to the side to start to go in, type closed his eyes, he couldn't help it, it had been almost 4 days since he felt those lips, he missed them terribly, has tharn was a centimeter away he grritted his teeth at all type had been doing those days, he didn't know why but he wanted to seek a bit of selfish revenge, he then moved to his ear.
"I've told you the truth, there is nothing else to it."
Tharn then dropped his hands to wrap his arms about, type opened his eyes to part his lips, his brows then furrowed.
"Your..... An asshole!"
Type turned to then leave slamming the door.
"Doesn't feel good when you're love turns you on and denies you does it?" He shouted.
"Asshole!" Type yelled back to then slam the bathroom door.
Tharn placed his hands to his neck to rub irritated, he then looked down to his little tharn.
I'm sorry...... But how he has been.... Can't give him your easily, it's not fair.
Tharn signed to turn to then take the rest of his shower.
Type to the bed, was under the covers, to his back, to shake his head.
This is a lot harder then I thought it would be.
Peering his eyes to the bathroom door, he went up on his elbows to part his lips, tharn came out, glistening from the shower, undressed, hands to either side to look to type.
"There are no more towels in the bathroom."
Type breathed heavily to gulp.
"Um..... Your not..... Looking then..... Let me....."
Has type went about, he was in the bathroom to get an idea.
He moved to the cloest, to then bend fully to place his rear up a bit, while he wore nothing but boxers.
Tharn who was to the side, eyed type, he shook his head, he then stepped to type has he came up, to place his body to his, to then smack his butt to then squeeze a cheek, he went to his ear.
"That's not fair."
Tharn then nibbled his ear lobe, type closed his eyes to grip the towel to his hands.
"Mmm..... This..... Isn't fair.... Just..... Tell me what took you two hours then I will rock your world tharn, please, just tell me!"
Tharn then moved his hands to his stomach to move about sensually, he then brought a hand to his neck to turn his head to the side, there eyes darted looking over the other.
"I...... Got you chocolates...... From that one store." He signed.
Type flexed his jaw to then turn to place the towel to his chest a bit rough, to then get another idea. He then placed his hand to his neck to then grind a bit on his erection, tharns body quivered.
"I..... Know your lying tharn..... Just tell me....."
Tharn placed a hand to his neck to thrust a bit inbetween his thighs.
"I'm not lying..... So stop being like this and...."
Type raised an eye brow to then turn to place his back to his chest, pressing against the towel, to dance a bit on tharn, he kept his hands to the towel to grip.
"Type..... This really isn't fair....."
Type turned his head to eye.
"I know, so tell me."
Tharns narrowed.
"I......mmm.... Told you...."
Type signed.
"Know your doing this to yourself."
Type then walked away to slam the door to go back to bed to lay under the covers feeling defeated.
Tharn took a deep breathe in to then throw the towel to the ground eyeing it, his plan backfired.
Fuck! I'm happy for you tun and tia but shit!
Tharn then signed to pick up the towel to dry, to then go to the dresser to dress, he then stomped to the door way to freeze, he then turned his head to eye type.
"What.... What did you say?"
"I...... Said..... Stay.....I..... Miss you being in the same bed has me....."
Tharn smiled to then go to the bed to go under the covers to then go to type to then wrap an arm about, type leaned up to shake his head.
"Just lay.... Nothing more."
Tharns eyes narrowed looking up.
"Fine! Now..... Come back here."
Type looked him up and down to then go to his side, back to tharn, he re wrapped his arm about to close his eyes finally feeling types warmth after so long, they both fell into unconsciousness hating this situation but both were too stubborn to stop.

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