the breakup that changed our "friendship"

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2 months prior
Waking to his side, tharn took a deep breathe, to then go to his back, to place a hand to his forehead, opening his eyes he signed.
Happy birthday........ Type.......
Sitting up, he brought his legs to his body, to then wrap his arms about to look forward.
It's your.....20th birthday....... And you'rll later be with moko....
Tharn signed.
5 years and I still can't get over the fact type has been dating him....... I'm..... So envious of moko...
Taking a deep breathe, tharn got up to take a depressive shower.
Dressed, he stood to his apartment looking about.
Maybe.....I should have..... Stayed home..... Instead of getting my own place... Feel so....... Alone.......mmm..... If I did stay...... So would tico...... My parents don't trust me anymore because of her....... Just had to tell them I kept drinking when no one was around...... Still don't know why tico got so mad, when I was 18 after how she..... Acted when I was drunk and touching another.....
Tharn rubbed the back of his neck eyeing his bed, why did she get so mad? Kept saying I was cheating on type.....
Tharn turned his head to eye the fridge.
Need to get...... More liquor......I don't want to remember the past..... Any of it..... This is who I am now......
Taking a deep breathe, he turned to gather his back pack, there was only a bit of time, this was the only time he could get type all to himself before moko will arrive.
Going to his car, he then started to feel ill of him.
Other then types 16th where I saw him give something for him, these past 2 birthdays he doesn't see him till later.
Getting in his car, tharn slammed the door, he could think of why he only saw him later.
Tharn placed the key into the ignition, to bring his hands to the steering wheel to grip.
Tharn...... Stop thinking about them..... How type is mokos, how he has been able to.....
Tharn flexed his jaw, to reach over to go to his glove department, to open grabbing out his package of cigerattes.
Bringing it out, he placed it to the passenger seat to eye.
Wait..... Till you get to school..... Type....... Will take it away.......
Taking a deep breathe, tharn wanted to see him.
Going to school, he parked a bit away, to then get out, placing himself to the side, he lit the cigarette, to then roll the smoke in his mouth before he blew.
At least, I'll get one enjoyable puff before type takes it away.
Tharn smiled, he loved it when type showed he cared.
Stepping, he went to school, knowing type would be there, he was always there, every day early, other then in there youth, when they saw the other every day and went to there family houses, and had those sleep overs, they sporadically saw the other after school and they barely went to the others places, for tharn he didn't want to see the happy couple, for type he didn't want to see his self destructive friend. So every day, Monday thru Friday, they saw each other, early right before school, this was there time, sometimes they had more, that would only be due to the fact moko wouldn't show, tharn didn't know why, but lately they were having more of there time.
Going forth, tharn rounded a bush, to then stop to eye. He saw type and moko and they looked to be fighting.
You....asshole! Why are you fighting with type and on his birthday?
Tharn then took a deep long inhale of his cigeratte, he then inclined his head a bit further to listen.
"Come on type..... Stop being this way..... You told me........ We would......"
Type moved his hands from mokos grasp, to step back to wrap his arms around.
"Moko...... I've told you why no! I'm..... Sorry..... I'm just not....."
Moko then step forward to grab types wrist to pull him to his body looking to him in anger.
Tharns eyes widen, he had enough.
"Now you listen to me! It's been now 5 years! You can't keep telling me no! Now, you are going to...... Hey, are you crazy!"
Speaking to type, moko hearing the noise turned his head to then turn his body to see tharn charge at him. Flicking his lit cigratte, moko then let type go, for tharn to reach them to push moko away to stand in front of type.
Type looked over tharns back to grit his teeth.
How long.....has he been standing there? What all did he hear?
Moko looked down to pat his clothes to then look to tharn.
"What the hell! That was lit!"
"Exactly what the hell! Your arguing with your boyfriend on his 20th birthday, what is the matter with you!"
Moko looked to type.
"Should I.....'
Types eyes widen.
Moko seeing his shock expression shook his head.
"You know what, I've had enough of this shit, happy fucking birthday type, your present is this, I'm breaking up with you, hope you two will be very happy, I'm done. You type, are nothing but a pathetic, worthless....."
Mokos head then went to the side, types eyes went back and forth between tharn and him, tears then went down, but it wasent because moko broke up with him but because of what moko said about them being happy, he read between the lines to that.
Tharn stood before moko fuming.
"You are such a prick! My friend deserves better! Fuck off!"
Moko turned his head to look to them both.
"Whatever, I'll send your things to you, today! Want nothing more to do with you type, or you tharn!"
Moko turned to leave.
Type gulped to look down.
Tharn watched him go to shake his head.
Turning he went to type, he placed his hands to his upper shoulders.
"Are you okay?"
Type shrugged.
Looking him over, tharn got an idea.
"Type, I know your this goody two shoes, who has never skipped a day in his life, but I think one will not kill you, come on."
Grabbing his hand, he pulled type to his car.
Type looked to the action with wide eyes.
"Tharn......I can't skip a day..... We need to go to class....."
Making there way to his car, tharn took type to the passenger side, to let go to eye.
"Type, it's your birthday, it's Friday and you just got...... Come on..... Live a little."
Type looked over tharn, he then nodded.
Tharn smiled to then opened the passenger side for type to get in..
Running to his side, he got into the driver side a bit giddy, throwing his back pack behind, he then drove them off, type kept his head forward to start second guessing this.
Stopping, type looked up to furrow his brows confused.
"Why.... Are we in front of a store?"
Tharn took a deep breathe to turn his head to eye type, he turned to look to him.
"Moko...... Ruined your 20th has I ruined your 16th. However, i am still here and I want to make it up to you."
Types eyes darted to then look to the store.
"Buying me a cake?"
"That, and buying you alcohol."
Type signed a bit.
"Tharn..... You know I don't..... Really drink and...."
Tharn brought his hand up to rub his head. Type breathed a bit shaikly.
"I know...... But.... Today.....I believe you need it..... I'll be back."
Tharn then hopped out to go. Type watched him to gulp.
Later at tharns apartment, the two ate the cake and food he picked up, to be sitting to the couch, in a bit of uncomfortableness.
It had been 6 months since type had been in his apartment, the last time he was here wasent pleasant, tharn had his friends with him, type didn't like that crowd, it also had been the first time in 5 years the two were really alone.
Turning his head, type watched has tharn came in, with two drinks, he also had the bottle in his hand, bending he placed them to the table to then go to sit next to type.
He eyed the cup, has he sat to the edge.
Tharn picked up his drink to sip, an idea was formulating.
Type signed.
Tharn took his cup from his lips to turn his head to eye type.
"I..... Don't think..... Alcohol is going to make me feel better tharn....."
I.... Dont have any happy memories of drinking.....
Tharn took a deep breathe, to then grab his cup to give it to type, he eyed it to then look to him.
"Are you.... Trying to get me drunk?"
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"Can read that too my face I see..... Type.... You've had a horrible start to your birthday, let's finish it together in happyness, hmm?"
Type looked him over then eyed the drink.
"Type...... I'm.... Curious..... What were you two fighting about? What was he trying to make you do, that you said no to?"
Type signed to then grip the cup, to turn his head forward, eyeing it.
Tharn kept his eyes to him..
"Mmmm..... He..... Was trying to......get me to..... Be with someone else while he..... Watched....."
Type then placed the cup to his lips to consume, he then squeezed his eyes to the lie.
Tharns eyes opened wide.
"That bastard! Why would he...."
Type lowered the cup to stick his tongue out to then look to tharn, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"Hahaha, I see, I didn't mix it well....."
Type made a disgusted face to shake his head.
"No.... You did not....."
Tharn placed his drink down to then get up to get the mixer.
Type turned his head to watch. He took a deep breathe in.
I'm..... Sorry tharn.... For lying..... But.....I cant tell you the truth.....I just can't.....
Coming back, he went to sit next to type to place more of the mixer in.
Type watched to then take the cup to his lips to consume, the guilt was washing through him.
Tharn picked his cup up to consume, the guilt he was having over his plan was getting to him.
A bit later, the two were heavily under, laughing at there more happiest moments of there youth.
"Oh..... Hahaha....I still can't believe tico..... Ran after my brother and sister..... All over my house..... When she watched them...... So we could go to the movies..... To see two little naked..... Coming from the house.... Hahaha...... Her face....."
Tharn who was like type, was leaned into the couch, his head was turned to the side, looking over types face, to breathe a bit heavily, he loved when type smiled.
"Type....... You never....... Really told me..... Why did you..... Go out with moko?"
Type signed, to lean forward to get his drink, hunched he drank the remainder, to grab the bottle to place more in, this time without a mixer.
"Have.... To ruin a good time..... Don't you..... It's...... Over..... Done with..... Single and alone for my..... Haha..... Birthday......"
Type lifted his head back to consume.
Tharn looked over type, to narrow his eyes, he was under the influence, but he had a tolerance to it. He was still able to think.
Gulping, he raised a shaky hand up, to place it to his back to move it up and down.
Types eyes widen, to then lower the drink, to turn his head to eye tharn.
Tharn looked to him, eyes darting.
Slowly he went up, still keeping eye contact.
"No..... Not this birthday type..... Your not alone......"
Type gulped, to breathe a bit heavier, he turned his head, his eyes darted.
"Um...... Yes..... I'm..... Here with..... My friend..... Just..... Friends....." He lightly chuckled.
Lifting his head back he consumed the rest, going to the table he tried to grab the bottle but tharn reached over to take it away.
Type signed.
"Oh, okay..... You think..... I've had toooo..... Much....... Your the one who....."
Placing the bottle to the far end of the table, tharn grabbed types hand to pull him to the edge of his bed.
"Tharn.... What are you...."
Tharn took a deep breathe, he felt the way he did on the eve of his 16th birthday, he didn't want to take advantage of type, not when he was under, however that is what cost him everything, this time, he was not going to let that happen.
Pulling him around, tharn let go of his hand to then bring up his hands to either side of his face to then pull his head to his. They locked in a deep kiss.
Types eyes widen to then, bring his hands to his chest to push him away.
The two looked to the other.
"What..... What are you...."
"Taking...... Care of my friend......"
Type furrowed his brow to look drunkly at tharn.
"Why are you...... Kissing me then....."
Tharn looked down to his clothes, he took a hand down to unbutton.
"I.... Know what you and him.... Were probably going to do today...... Let me..... Take his place......I want..... To make you feel..... So very good type......"
Types lips parted.
"Tharn.....I need to tell you.... Something.... Very important..... Him and I....."
Tharn not wanting to listen, placed his lips back to his.
Slowly tharn placed his tongue inside his mouth, type couldn't help but swirl his around. It had been 5 years since he kissed tharn, it was so incredible, made him still feel the same things.
Taking his hands to types chest, he then pushed him down to the bed, where he was too the edge, to look up, breathing heavily.
Tharn took a deep breathe in to then take his shirt off.
Types eyes widen.
"This....... Is nothing but.....a friend...... Trying to..... Make his other friend.... Feel..... Better..... Right?"
Type gritted his teeth.
"Guess..... So....."
He motioned with his head for type to go back.
Type gulped, he then slowly went back. Tharn smirked to then get on the bed to crawl to type, types eyes drifted into slits, his hands stayed to his sides to grip the bedding, tharn then hovered, has type leaned himself into the bed. Tharn placed his hands to either side of his head, to then go down to kiss softly.
Type couldn't help but kiss him back.
Parting, they two looked to another.
"Thought..... Friends don't..... Kiss....."
Tharn cocked his head to look him up and down.
"Tonight, they do, still just...... Practice......" He signed.
Type took a deep breathe in, to then slowly wrap his arms about to pull tharn to his lips.
Has there kiss started to heat up, it crossed tharns mind he needed to get protection.
Parting, he got up, to go to his dresser, to eye, standing before it.
Type leaned up to eye.
"What.... What are you....."
"I.... Know you and moko have..... Don't know if your..... Clean....." Tharn gritted his teeth to that fact.
Type signed.
"Still an asshole I see...... Have to......say something like that....."
Tharn smirked to look to type.
" your clothes....."
Type took a deep breathe in to do just that, the alcohol made him very compliant.
Has he got undressed, tharn took his pants and boxers off, to get a condom and lube, downing it on, he took a deep nervous breathe in, he held a secret of his own.
Turning, he went back to the bed, to hover over type, he looked him up and down, to then kneel. Type did the same, this was the first time ever, they saw the other completely naked.
They both relished in it. Grabbing his legs, tharn opened them wider, to then place his tip to his outter hole, type immediately got up, to grip the bedding behind, to hang his head, watching.
"Tharn......I really need to tell you......"
Tharn Brought his one hand up, to place it to his cheek to caress, the two looked directly to the other.
"Type......I don't want to hear..... About you and moko.... And the things..... You probably have done...... Just..... Relax....."
Type groaned a bit.
"Tharn.....I really need to tell you......nnn...."
Type gripped the bedding tighter, to then fall backwards to place his arms criss cross over his eyes has he flopped to his back.
Tharn thrusted himself, inch by inch in, looking to type a bit confused.
"You two..... Haven't in..... Awhile?"
Type winced.
"No........ Not....mmmm......" He groaned a bit.
Tharn then went down, to go even more slower, he then placed a hand to types erection to stroke, the other to his nipple to swirl his fingers.
"Don't..... Think of....... The pain...... Think of..... Feel the pleasure....."
Type squirmed a bit, to take deep breathes to do just that.
Tharn then got all the way in, he lifted his head back to moan sweetly.
"Ah type.....mmm.... You feel..... So hot inside...... My hips..... I'm sorry....... Can't stop.... Moving..... You feel..... Remarkable....."
Type nodded, to then move his arms away to then place them too his back to grip, he lifted his body a bit up, to hold onto tharn to moan a bit.
"Ah, this..... This is Happening...... You.... Tharn...... Are in me?"
Type held tighter, he was in eurphia at the fact, tharn, the man he had been in love with for 9 years was finally inside.
Tharn lightly chuckled to start to quicken his pace.
"Ah god yes! Mmm, you feel so..... Tight..... So very fucking tight......."
Type lifted his head a bit back has it was too the side of tharns shoulder to moan louder.
"Ah, you feel..... So massive....aaah feels like......mmm..... Your ripping me apart! Aaaah tharn........ Your so.....mmm.... Deep.... Feels fantastic....aaaah.....!"
Tharn lifted his head a bit further up to really pump.
"I'm sure...... You didn't..... Feel this with....."
Type started to grind with his thrusts.
"Don't tharn..... Just don't.....aaah I'm.....mmm..... Gonna cum!"
Tharn started to go a bit quicker, he stroked types member faster, his swirling to his nipple intensified.
"Just..... Tell me..... What a...... Good.....mmm..... Friend I'm being...... Tell me..... How incredible I'm. Making you feel..... Right now! Aaaah I'm..... Gonna!"
Type moved his head down to bite a bit to his shoulder, the pain and pleasure was getting to him.
"Aaaah, the...... Best friend....... But....mmm.....aaah! Not..... Going to.... Stroke your....ego..... Damn it..... So..... Good.... Can't..... Can't..... I'm cumming!"
Tharn took. His hand from his nipple, to take it to his throat, to make him move back, he wanted to see his cumming face.
Type laid to the bed, to breathe heavily, to eye tharns has well, they both tensed to release. Slowly tharn thrusted his seed into the condom, wishing he could feel all of type, wished to have filled him, but couldn't trust he was clean.
With that thought, he got abruptly off, to go to the side to breathe hard, to look to the ceiling.
What have I've done! I took.... Advantage of him..... We are not 15 anymore.... Is not that one day.....
Type took deep breathes, to then turn his head to eye tharn.
Tharn took a deep breathe to turn his head the other way not looking to type.
"Hope......I made..... You feel better..... Lucky were..... Just friends..... Huh...... This..... Was nothing more then..... Making you....escape for a bit after everything......."
Type leaned up to look over tharn, tears welled up.
Was..... That truly all this was.....
Turning his head, type didn't want to be there.
Tharn then turned his head to watch him get up, he stumbled a bit to then hit the floor, tharn moved quickly to go to him.
Type shoved him away.
"I'm..... Fine......I'm..... Going home...."
Tharn looked him over, kneeling to his knees, he looked up to see type get dressed.
"What are you.... Talking about? Your.... Drunk....I.... Drove you...."
Type took a deep before to look to the wall.
"I..... Will get a taxi.....I...... Don't want to spend the night with you tharn....."
Type then got up to stumbled to the door, tharn hung his head to look down.
"Tharn..... Thank you..... For..... Taking care of me...... Your..... Friend....."
Tears flowed down for type to then leave.
Tharn signed, he then looked to the condom to then take it off, eyeing it, he cocked his head to the side.
Guess.....I was.... To rough...... There's.... Blood on it....
He turned his head to eye.
Coming to the present, tharn rolled from his side to look to the ceiling.
After that night, this..... routine has formed.....after 2 months after that night The last 4 times he has gotten dumped..... He..... Always comes to me... I've Offered...... We fuck..... He leaves..... Always the.... Same....
Getting up, tharn went to his kitchen to grab a bottle, eyeing.
I'm such......a good....."friend" I'm in this fucking unrequited love, so much am I a coward to tell him......I love him, that for me, this has been more then just sex....
he then consumed in anger.
He wanted the memories to get out of his mind.
I hope, this goes quickly..... So I can have type.... Even if it's for one night.....

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