going back to the devil

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A week prior
Tun inside his job, was sitting to a table to place his hand to his chin to look dazed forward.
So..... Your going to go back to your father and not the hotel.... Should....I tell tia?
Tun signed has he heard his small alarm going off, his work day was done.
No....I don't want to worry him..... Just go home, dad sounded better, maybe it'll be not like it was, maybe he isn't drinking.
Tun took a deep breathe to then get up to then go to the reception to clock out, turning he sat the burned victim child surrounding him giving pouts.
"Do you really have to leave?" One child asked a bit sad..
"Do you? Didn't even play with us..."
Another added..
Tun crotched to place a hand to two of there shoulders.
"I know, today I need to work in emergency, don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow, be good I may bring back..."
"Tia!" They exclaimed.
Tun then stood to smile..
"Maybe, but that means all you children need to go back and go to sleep."
They nodded to run back, the receptionist moved forward to shake her head with a smirk.
"You are so great with them, then that other that has been volunteering, you two are really doing something grand for them. Thank you tun, I know your young but have youve thought about settling down with a nice girl, have some kids off your own?"
Tun flexed his jaw to turn not facing her.
"That..... Is not going to happen. I'll see you tomorrow."
They looked to watch him. Go to shrug..
Tun then went to his car to take a deep breathe.
I may..... Like children..... But I am not going to allow my genes to pass on..... But.....if tia and I...... Maybe in the future.....
Tun shook his head to place the key in the ignition.
Don't.... Don't...... That will not happen, this is just a fling, things are already stacking up against us, it'll be over soon, he'll then move on, be happy, get everything he wants and more, that's how it should be.
Tun gritted his teeth has he started to feel pain in his heart.
Going home, he called the hotel to cancel, parked he looked to the time.
Should I call tia? Should I let him know what is going on? Mmm, he's at work right now though....
Tun shook his head to then place his phone to his back pocket.
I don't want to hinder his work, I also don't know what he is thinking since I told him tharn knows.
Tun. Signed to then get out.
He closed the door to look at his father's house.
Let's put the tia and tharn thing to the side and deal with this drama first.
He stood before his father's house to take a very deep breathe.
Maybe.... This will be different, he did sound sober on the phone.
Tun then went hesitate forward to grab out his key to then place it in the lock, his heart beated unevenly.
Opening it, he gritted his teeth, has he saw his father to the wall, leg bend to it, to raise up the bottle to his lips to consume while looking to tun.
He looked over his father.
Tun shook his head.
"I'm not dealing with this, I'll leave the money to your mail box."
Has tun turned, he then fell to his knees, his father threw the bottle to his back, it gave him a great amount of pain.
His father strolled to him, stumbling a bit to go to his knees, to then take a hand to his hair to lean his head back to go to his ear.
Tun started to breathe heavily.
"You are not! Going anywhere, you are still my son! Get your faggot, queer ass in this house! Your choice tun, a beating for every day you didn't come home, or..... Maybe I need to call for someone to make you hate to be gay, you may have gotten out of it that time, but I'll strap you down myself! So what will it be!"
Tun closed his eyes to gulp.
"Just beat the living shit out of me."
His father chuckled to then pull him in by his hair.
Tia to his job, finished, to be now in his car, he placed the phone to his ear to call tun to see what he would like for dinner.
"He.....mm.... Hello?" It sounded distorted.
"Tun? Hi, I'm calling to see what you will want for dinner, then I'll be going to the hotel."
"Nn...... Not at.... Hotel..... I'm..... Home...... Just..... Go home tia."
Tias eyes widen.
"Tun! I thought we agreed you wouldn't go home. I'll be there in a....."
"No! Do not come here! Stay, away, from here! Never come here! I.....mmm.. Have to go..... I'll call you eventually..... Take care of yourself." He whispered.
Tia pulled the phone to his face to eye in shock and surprised.
He shook his head to then throw the phone to the passenger seat to then drive to Tuns father's house.
Waiting two blocks away, he kept trying to call tun to get no answer. Tia took a deep breathe, while he held the phone to his ear, he didn't know what to do, but he knew something bad had to have happened.
Right before he was going to get out to go to the door, he placed the phone to the passenger side seat, to lean down, he saw Tuns father stumble out, he left the door opened..
"Better..... Stay this time...... You disgusting piece of...... Human waste..... Should have had your mother swallow you, your a worthless fucking faggot."
He then turned to stumble away, to disappear down. The road.
Tia then got out quick to go to the house, stopping, he looked to the side to see a bottle, he's eyes darted to then go to the door, he first knocked..
No answer, he then knocked again, still the same response.
Placing his hand to the handle, he was able to open, going in, he looked about, seeing nothing, he then went room to room.
Tun..... Where are you?
Going to the last one down the hall, he opened it, he looked into the small bedroom, to eye it was empty, turning his head, he heard a facet turn off.
Stepping slowly, he went to the door they was slightly opened, to widened it, looking about he didn't see anything, then he looked to the floor, his eyes widen, tun was there, his back to the tub, head hung, a towel to his head that was drenched in blood, his legs were slightly opened.
Tia then went straight to him, going to his knees to place his hands to the top of them to look up.
"Tun..... What.... What happened?"
Tun took in a deep breathe, wincing, to slowly look up to tia he signed..
"I told you..... Don't come here..... Now you need to get up, turn around, go home."
Tia shook his head..
"You are one giantic fool if you think I'll leave my boyfriend here in this state, come on, we need to go to the hospital."
Tun shook his head.
"No.... No hospitals just.... Help me to my bed.... I'll take care of this.....I always have."
"Tia! Please......"
Tia signed to then help tun up, hearing his love winced and gasp in pain.
After 2 hours, tia was able to bandage and stop the bleeding.
Wincing, now tia was trying to help tun take a shower, they stood to the bathroom, has tia took tuns shirt off, he looked over the new brusies, tears started to well up.
Tun twitched to then move forward to start the shower has tia helped him to take his pants and boxers off, he then helped him in.
Tun placed himself under the shower to then close the curtain he didn't want tia to see this, turning his head tia got in, to then wrap his arms gently about to place his head turned to the side, to press himself lightly to his back..
Tun kept his head turned, tears started to go down.
"Tia....... You really need to go home..... Go back to your happy life and...."
Tia then held him a bit tighter, tun couldn't help but to wince, his father used him has a punching bag.
"You are my happy place, I love you tun, you shouldn't have come back here, we should go back to another hotel."
"No tia......I can wait until I move in with you...... After you left..... Before tharn......I called your school..... Got accepted......"
Tia smiled to that fact.
"But tun.....you can't stay here..... Your father could kill you and....."
Tun turned his head to let the water hit his neck..
"No..... He won't.... I'm his money source, he'll leave me be for a time after this, but tia.....you need to leave.....I don't think he will be coming back but...."
Tia moved his head up and down.
"I'm not going anywhere, let that son of a bitch come, I'm not afriad of him!"
"Tia...... You need to...."
"Tun! I'm not going anywhere, I love you, please..... Stop trying to make me leave. Just like you.....I can handle this."
Tun signed.
Tia moved his head to then kiss at his back, tears fell.
He then moved his hands up, for tun to then place his over his, feeling like a horrible human being, he knew he needed to make tia leave but he also didn't want to be alone.
The two couldn't help but to cry in unison.
After the shower, they laid to Tuns bed in a close embrace, tia had his one arm around, has they laid to there sides, he was up a bit to also stroke his head looking down has tun had he's eyes closed.
"Mmm, tia?"
"You need to....nnn..... Go home...."
Tia shook his head..
"I'm not going anywhere. You sleep, I'll be right here."
Tun took in a painful breathe.
"I love you tia..... Please....I don't want anything to..... Happen to you....."
Tia then laid down to wrap that other arm about.
"Nothing will happen, now sleep my love, I'll be right here."
Tun then turned hurtfully in there embrace to place his forehead to his chest.
"I...... Love you so much tia...... I'm a bastard..... I'm not good for you..... You need to leave before something awful can happen....."
Tia shook his head..
"Nothing will happen, we deserve the other, stop worrying, go to sleep, please."
Tun took in an extruding breathe in, to let more tears fall has he started to slip under.
Tia hugged him closer but gently.
This is not going to happen again tun, mark my words, I don't let him hurt you again, I don't know how I'm going to stop this, but trust me I will.
Tia then slipped under in there close embrace, thankfully tuns father went to his friends to drink heavily, he didn't come back, at least, not that night.

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