what took you?

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Parked before there apartment, tharn turned the car off to place his arm to the edge to place his head to his hand to look forward to sign.
Damnit it tun! I'm happy for you and tia but.....how am I suppose to keep this from type.
Tharn then reached to the passenger side to grab the German chocolate for type, it was his favorites.
Getting out, he went straight to there door, to place them behind his back to then take a deep breathe.
He then went in, to take his shoes off, to close the door, to eye type to the couch, he kept his eyes forward, arms wrapped ignoring tharn.
He smirked to then let his face fall to then sit right next to type to place his head to shoulder to give him puppy dog eyes.
Type shuffled about but said nothing.
Tharn then took the chocolates from behind to place them too types lap to then wrap his arms about.
"Type....." He gently whimpered.
Type shook his head.
"Type..... Don't be like this...."
Type turned his head to eye with a bit peeved off face.
"You have been gone for 2 hours, 2 hours tharn and you come back with chocolates. Where were you?"
"Do you not know where the best German chocolate store is?"
Types eyes narrowed.
"Your lying."
Tharn signed to roll his eyes to then move back to take his arms to place them like types, wrapped about his chest, to look forward, keeping his promise to tun.
Type took a deep breathe, to then eye the box of chocolates to his lap.
"Fine..... You've asked for it."
Tharn furrowed his eye brows to turn his head to widen his eyes to part his lips.
Type had opened the box, to grab a chocolate to peer his eyes to the side at tharn, to rub it about.
Tharns eyes then narrowed.
"That's not going to work."
Type then placed the chocolate inside his mouth, to turn his body to lick the chocolate remain off his lips sensually and seductively.
Tharn took a deep shaky breathe in.
"That's...... Not going to work......"
Type raised an eye brow to then grab another.
"You just need to tell me, why you were fine for 2 hours."
Type then placed the chocolate to tharns lips to move about to then pop it in. He chewed keeping his eyes to type, he then went a bit forward to place his tongue to tharns lips to lick about then up and down to live back eyeing.
Tharns body quivered a bit, he then un wrapped his arms to place his hands to his member that started to grow to hide it.
"I'm..... Telling you the truth type..... Got chocolates, the store was far...."
Type then took the box off, to then grab a piece, to then go to his knees to open tharns legs apart.
"Move your hands."
Tharn took a deep breathe in to do just that.
Type then placed the piece in his mouth, to take his hands to tharns pants to unbutton to unzip pulling his erection.
He then placed parts of the chocolate up and down his member, to then eat the chocolate, to eye tharn.
"Just tell me the truth......"
Type then moved his head closer to tilt it, to take his tongue out to lick the chocolate up, while eyeing tharn.
He breathed pleasurably in and out.
Type then moved his head, to place his tongue to his tip to move about.
Pre cum ozzed out his slit quick.
Type then flattened his tongue to then lick it up.
Tharn lifted his head to moan and loud while he gripped the couch to his sides.
Type moved his head back and off to wrap his hand around to stroke.
"Tharn...... Tell me....."
Tharn breathed heavily.
This.... Is not fair.....
Tharn was struggling.
Type eyed him up and down to shrugged.
"Okay.... Don't tell me. I highly doubt you cheated on me in that time frame. So I don't know."
Type then took his hand off to stand.
Tharn leaned his head to eye type.
"Wh..... What are you doing?"
Type shrugged.
"I'm not going to touch you, anywhere, until you tell me the truth, until then please also sleep to the couch. "
Type then moved to hover over tharn to place his hands to either side of his head, there eyes darted.
Type moved his head closer for tharn to move his a bit, then type moved his back, tharn frowned.
"Really type?"
"You bet, know, I'm tired and going to take a little nap, fully undressed, but you are not going to touch me."
Type then leaned back to look over tharn.
"Unless..... You tell me right here and now the truth."
Tharn flexed his jaw.
Types eyes narrowed to then shrug.
"Fine then. Know I can hold out I believe a lot longer then you."
Type then turned to leave, tharn looked to his trembling cock to turn his body to eye type who then stopped to the door frame.
"Are..... You really going to leave me like this?"
Type took a deep breathe in to turn his head to eye tharn.
"Yes I am. Deal with it yourself."
Type turned his head to then go into the bedroom, to then close the door to lock.
Tharn turned to place his aroused erection back in, to place his hands to his eyes to whimper.
God damnit tun and tia! Fuck! This is what I get for keeping my mouth shut and not just telling my boyfriend.
Tharn took his hands down to eye the turned off television, to sign loudly.
This is so un fair!
Type to the bedroom, sat to the bed, criss  cross looking forward trying to figure out what to tharn so long.
I..... Really don't believe he would have cheated......if he was talking to his sister that would take more time and his parents, like mine are working, he wouldn't go see my sister, maybe he met up with his friends..... Maybe he met up with tun.....
Type peered his eyes to the door to raise an eye brow.
Hmmm...... He thought.
Well, if he did, I guess I'll just going to have to make him suffer a bit until he's tells me.
Type looked down to his erection to sign.
Guess..... Have to make us both suffer.
Type gritted his teeth to flop back to then close his eyes trying to figure another course of action.

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