we both lost

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Coming home after school then work, type went in to take his shoes off, to then go forth to see tharn to the couch watching a movie with his arms wrapped about his body. He then peered his eyes to the side to look at type..
"Mm, welcome home."
Type having something behind his back, brought it about to show it to tharn he looked to it.
"A little piece offering, your favorite meal from your favorite place, can we have a meal together, at the same time?"
Tharn nodded, he got up to then grab, he then turned to go place types meal to his seat then went to his to do the same to then sit.
Type eyed him to be a bit sullen.
He was starting to really miss when tharn would kiss him when he entered.
Taking a deep breathe, he then went forth to then go to his seat to place his head to his hand to consume, looking down to the action.
Tharn then looked to type, to sign, he wished he could embrace him and leave kisses wherever.
Damn you tun and tia!
He then looked to the action to eat.
"Thank you.... For this type."
The two then ate in a sober astrosphere.
Once they were done, they were to the kitchen sink doing the dishes in tandem.
"So..... Did you get enough sleep?"
"Mmm, I did, didn't wake until 2, thank you for breakfest and lunch, was delicious."
Type smirked has he had his head hung.
"I'm happy you enjoyed it. I'm also happy you were able to sleep."
Tharn nodded.
Going to the last dish, tharn and type placed there hands to the water by the same time, colliding with the other, to turn there heads to look to the other.
There eyes darted, tharn signed. He moved his hands back first.
"Go ahead.'
Types face fell to turn his head forward to do just that.
"I..... Don't understand why you can't just tell me the truth tharn.....guess whatever you are keeping is more important then me."
Tharns eyes widen.
Type shrugged to then turn to go to the shower.
Tharn turned his head to hand it to wash a bit in anger.
God damnit!
Drying, he went to the bedroom to lay to the bed, to lay to his back, to place his hands behind his head to look to the ceiling.
This is starting to piss me off.
Peering his eyes to the side, he then leaned up to see type come out, wearing only his boxers with a towel around his neck, head hung, phone to his hand with a smile to his face.
After what happened in the kitchen, type went to one of his earlier plans to piss tharn off, he faked being merry on the phone acting like he was talking to someone.
Tharn raised an eye brow, when type started to walk, and laugh, his jealousy started to grow.
Has type passed, tharn then moved off the bed to then grab his phone, type turned to then reach for it, tharn placed a hand to his chest, to place the phone above his head.
"Uh huh, who are you talking too, with such a happy face?"
Types eyes narrowed to then shrug.
"Not your business, your not being truthful to me, so I don't have to say, now give it back."
Tharn shook his head to then lean further away when type tried to reach for it.
"Really!? Your going to act like a child? Just tell me who you are talking to."
"Mm, tell me what took you 2 hours?"
Tharn signed.
"Who are you talking to?"
"No one, now give it." Type said truthfully.
Tharn didn't believe that.
"No! This is over the line type, now who are you talking too!"
Type furrowed his brow in a bit of anger.
"This whole situation is over the line, now...."
Type went further to try and grab his phone, tharn leaned further away, has tharn hit the bed, type was on top wrestling with him a bit.
Tharn then dropped the phone to the floor, to then wrestle back, it started with fury, then it became playful..
"You have never been able to beat me type." Tharn lightly chuckled.
Type smirked.
"Wanna bet?"
Tharn then was able to manuver type to his back, there hands were to the others moving them about, showing the other there strength. Tharn then pinned them down to either side of types head.
Type started to thrash a bit, moving tharn up and down has he sat trying to get out of this move to no avail, tharn looked down to chuckle.
Type pressed his head to the bed to breathe heavily, looking up.
"Not fair..... Your heavy."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Are you calling me fat?"
Type shrugged to smile deviously.
"Oh that's it....."
Tharn then let go of his hand to tickle his sides, type started to laugh crazily.
"Okay okay okay hahaha I give I give..... Hahaha, your not fat....."
Tharn then leaned back to place his hands to types stomach, eyeing him, type pressed his head to the bedding, to place his hands limply to either side of his head to look up, breathing hard, a short chuckle came and went.
Looking to the other, they then lowered there eyes to see the position they were in.
Tharn then slowly moved his hands up, to then lower himself, to start to go to those lips he hadent experience in a week.
Type gulped has he saw  tharn coming closer, he started to tremble in anticipation.
He then started to close his eyes has tharn drew closer, tharn then stopped to sign, he remembered they were in a fight.
"Sorry type.... Forgot were in a...."
Types eyes then opened wide when he felt tharn then started to draw back, his heart couldn't take it, he placed his hands to either side of tharns neck to then pull him back down, tharn wrapped his hands to his wrists, eyes darted.
"Type? But we're in a stand off with the other and...."
Type shook his head.
"I do not care, I've missed those warm lucious lips."
Type then pulled tharn to them, tharn moved his mouth to his, consuming type to the fullest. It had been too long for the both of them, after one hot, passionate, remarkable round, tharn was undressed to lay to the wall, with type to his side, also undressed, he had an arm wrapped about tharn, with a huge grin, tharn had his arms wrapped about him, looking forward with a grin of his own.
"Mmm, tharn.... That was....."
"I know type....."
Type started to move his head up and down his chest.
"Tharn, I think you may have fucked my brains out, that was just too much, you have really out done yourself, mmmm I have no clue why we have been fighting?"
Tharn closed his eyes to hug him tighter.
"Mmm, tun dating your brother."
Types eyes jolted open to then move away, tharns eyes bulged open to then look to type, with a face.
Shit! What did I just say?
"What! What did you just say!?"

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