tried to let go

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Type breathed heavily, looking over tun, tharn and tia looked to the situation a bit in shock and surprise, type never hit anyone.
Tun then moved his face forward to eye.
"What the hell was that for!?"
Types eyes widen.
"That's for lying, this will be for more....'
Type stepped to tun and was trying to hit him again until tia stepped inbetween them to push type back to turn to place his hands to tuns face, he didn't know why but tun relaxed when he saw tias look of concern.
Types eyes widen. Tharn looked to the situation to step closer to type, about to pull him back.
"Tia! What the hell! You need to...."
Type placed a hand to tias upper shoulder, just for tia to turn to push type back, tharn then went forward to wrap his arms about to go to his ear.
"Type, you need to calm down."
Type breathed heavily but he didn't fight being in tharns embrace.
Tia looked type over to turn back to tun.
"You should go place an ice pack to that."
Tun smiled to nod.
Types eyes narrowed.
Tun then turned to go and do that, tia turned to eye type.
"Why did you do that!?"
Type gulped.
"Let me go tharn."
He took a deep breathe to do that. Type didn't step to far away from him.
"Are you and him dating?"
Tia flexed his jaw, to wrap his arms around eyeing.
"That is not your business, even if we are you have no right to throw punches."
"I have every right, I am your big brother, and he is not right for you, I don't care if you date a man tia, just not that one. You know he tried to rape me, why would you want to be with him? Has he told you about his home life? What he has to go through? What happened to his last Boyfriend? The fact everytime he drinks he is in someone's bed? He is riddled with diseases tia! You stay with him your going to ruin your life?"
To the other side of the wall, tun heard everything with an ice pack to his lip, he closed his eyes for tears to well up.
"Type, you need to leave. Who I date, is my business. Tharn, please get your friend out of here."
Types face fell.
"Tia...... You have 4 months before you go into a good college, tun has no prospects, no real future, he is just going to pull you down, please, he is not right for you, not at all, just listen to me. He is already changing you for the worse, you are using bad language, staying out all week just to be with him and pushing me, these are things...."
Tia's eyes narrowed to step forward.
"I could say the same from what I just saw with you, now you've been hanging out with tharn everyday, I have never seen you punch anyone not ever, now this. So who is really the bad news, listen type, I have never said anything against you and tharn, don't say anything against me and tun, now tharn, please remove my brother."
Type shook his head, tharn placed his hand to his upper shoulder.
"You are going down a very bad path tia, tun is....'
"Type! Shut up! Tharn please get him out of here, before I start throwing punches."
"Tia....." Type asked in a somber voice.
Tharn then placed his hand to his.
"Type.... We need to go, can talk about this later, remember we still have the dinner."
Type looked over tia, who gave type a sullen expression, this whole situation was breaking his heart, he didn't want to chose, but, he was in love with tun.
Tharn then stepped back with type, who didn't seem to fight it.
"Your ruining your life tia, if tun feels anything for you, he needs to let you go."
Tia signed has he saw tharn pull him out.
Tears went down tuns face has he heard all of that.
To the car, type embraced tharn to cry, he felt he lost his brother.
Taking a deep breathe, tun whipped his tears, a plan formulated in his brain.
Moving about, tia turned to go to tun.
"Are you okay?"
Tun shrugged.
"Not like I haven't been hit before, mmm, well, since this happened, are you going to this dinner?"
Tia shook his head.
"From how they were holding hands, I think I know what this dinner is all about, why?"
"Thinking...... Of something special for us. You game?"
Tia smiled.
Tun lowered the ice pack to give it to tia.
"Take this back and I'm sure we can leave now."
Tun brought his hand to the boys cheek to caress, he knew this was probably going to be the last time he felt it.
Tia glowed to then nod, moving about he went to take it back, tun turned his head to eye.
This....will be for the best..... Your brother is right tia, I am not good for you and I just can't bring you down, even if I'm starting to....
Tun turned his head back to take a deep breathe in.
I may be falling for you, but you deserve so much better and I am just not it, I'll just have to show you what everyone thinks of me, that'll get you to leave me alone and for good.
Turning his head tun saw tia come back with his coat.
"They said we could leave."
Tun turned to grab his coat.
"Come on then."
Tun turned to go forth acting very cold to tia, he stood there looking over his back to take a deep breathe in, he then followed unaware of his plan.
To a bar, tia sat to the side, hunched over, looking about, not really liking where he was, tun was to the other side, with clear liquids, which he made tia think they were alcohol but were just water, his first phase of his plan was to act drunk.
Taking a pretend shot, tun then lit a cigarette to turn his head to eye another. He then hit his elbow to tia. He looked to tun then what he was looking at his eyes widen.
"They look rather cute don't they? You've only been with me, maybe we could do something interesting tonight." Tun faked slurred.
Tia's lips parted, he didn't believe tun said that.
Tun looked to him.
"What..... Were young, should experience life, maybe I should also let you drink, heightens the act of a threesome, I've been in many, haven't I told you?"
Tun then took a long drag of his cigeratte.
Tia looked over tun in shock and dis believe.
"Tun..... Why are you.... Acting like this?"
"This is who I am tia, you've heard it, I love getting laid when I'm drunk." He laughed.
Tun then looked to the other.
"I'm going to go over there and we should do this. You can fuck me, I fuck them, it'll be a train."
Tun then smoked the rest of his cigeratte to then put it out to fake stumble to them.
Tia watched, his heart started to break.
This was tuns other phase.
Coming back, he held there hand to place them in between. They eyed tun then tia.
"So..... He was telling me, you wanted to do a threesome, you are rather young looking but also look very adorable, should we try?"
Tia looked over them fuming to then look to tun the same.
Tun went to there ear to then lean back, they nodded to then turn there head to then go to tuns neck to start kissing.
Tia shook his head to then get up to leave, tun watched him go to then push the other off to give them some money, he then placed his hand to his neck to wipe off the saliva.
"Gross, I didn't say actually kiss me, I said make it look good.'
Tun made a face they looked him over..
"Well, since they ran, can we.... Maybe...."
Tun grabbed there hand to eye them.
"No. Now I need to finish this, enjoy your money."
Tun threw his hand away to go to tia to end this for good.
Going to the alley, he looked over tias back.
"Mmm, why you ran off, they were about to give us a hand job."
Tia took a deep shaky breathe in.
He turned to eye tun to go to him to grab his hand to place it to his cheek.
"Instead..... Of doing this..... Train thing, can we..... First then you and them?'
Tuns eyes widen, he then stepped back to take his hand away.
"What the hell!?"
Tia hung his head, tears then streamed down.
"What is the matter with you tia!? God, just go be with someone else! You want something like that, be with another, I'm. Done."
Tun turned for tia to step to him to wrap his arms about.
"I...... Don't want that.....I only want you but.....if you want to do a three some.....if that'll make you happy.....Ill do it, I just don't want you to leave me, I love you tun."
Tuns face fell.
"Why..... Why are you in love with.a bastard like me?"
"Because, you did all of that, thinking of me, didn't you? I'm not stupid tun, all this..... Seems very orchestrated, you heard what my brother said didn't you? Also you never drink clear always a dark color, plus your not slurring and tun, I told you, I don't believe any of those rumors."
Tun took a deep breathe, he couldn't stop himself, in there embrace, he turned to comfort tia to place his hand to his head.
"Can't..... Pull anything past you.... Can I....... I'm sorry tia but.... We can't...."
Tia leaned back to grab his hands to place them too his heart, tun looked down to feel his heart beat erratically.
"Tun, your the only one who has ever made my heart beat like this, I want everyone to stop telling me how to run my life. I want you tun, you do not see yourself the way I do. Please tun, I love you, stop pushing me away."
Tun took a deep breathe.
"You..... Believe me? You.... Trust me?"
Tears streamed down tias face, he started to shake.
Tun signed he looked up to eye, he then took his hands from tias to wrap his arms about to place his lips to tias forehead.
Tias chin quivered, he was bracing himself for impact.
Tun then placed his forehead to his.
"You need to tell tharn and type, you are staying away from me, that nothing is happening between us."
Tia started to shake, his arms laid limply to his sides.
Tun then placed his hands to his face to really eye him, the tears wouldn't stop coming down.
"But tia, my answer is yes."
Tia looked to tun confused.
"What?" He stammered.
Tun smiled.
"It'll have to be a secert relationship, but tia, I'll be your boyfriend if that is what you..... Hey...."
Tia wrapped his arms about to lay his head sideways to his chest to cry uncontrollably. Tun wrapped his arms about to comfort.
"Yes tun...... Yes.....I love you..... Can we.... Spend the night together though?"
Tun nodded.
"It can show your brother how heart broken you are over this, come on, I want to take a shower, I feel dirty, you know I was just doing this to..."
Tia moved his chin up to look he nodded..
"I understand. Doing what you think was best..... For me...."
That's The kind hearted nature I am so in love with, that's the tun I know, the one who pulled me in and now I don't want to let go.
Tun smiled to place his lips to tias, moving about he placed his arm over tias shoulder to pull has tia pulled out his phone to call tharn all upset, tun watched, he knew this was not a good idea, but thought like tia did, he didn't want to let this go, no one ever tried this hard to keep tun in there life before, he also knew he was falling and hard for this boy.
Fuck it then, fuck them, this is not there business. tun thought.
Pulling tia he hugged him tighter to his body, tia placed his arm to his back to smile has he put on a little act.

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