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Eating at the table, tharn narrowed his eyes, keeping them to type, who peered his eyes down to eat his food, with a smirk. Consuming, he's last bite, tharn then pushed the bowl forward to then lean back to wrap his arms about.
Moments passed, between them, tharn cocked his head, to shake it a bit, he could tell type was drawing this out.
Tharn then raised an eye brow.
Type smiled a bit wider has he ate a bit slower.
He then chuckled.
Tharn clicked his tongue.
Type looked up to widen his eyes.
"Mm, what?"
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"You know what type..... Please give me an answer."
Type signed, all humor gone, he looked back down to his food, to furrow his eye brows.
"We..... Still need to discuss some things."
Tharn cocked his head to the side looking him up and down.
"Such has? I love you, you love me, been in love with the other since we were young, were too stubborn to say anything, I made up being a make out king, you lied about dating moko, both were each other's firsts, we did things with others, so what all else do we have to discuss? I want my answer type."
Types eyes darted to then look up.
"What do you mean we did things with others? I only with moko."
Tharn looked to type a bit confused.
"But you dated 6 others....."
Type made a face to look back down feeling a bit embarrassed. Tharn looked him over.
"Didn't.... You?"
"Um..... Just like..... You made up, the make up king.....I.... Made up..... Dating those..... Mm, even had to pay...."
Type signed.
Tharns eyes widen.
"Excuse me! Why would you do that!?"
Type gritted his teeth.
"It was because....... Of what you did after I broke up with moko..... You were..... There for me and......I know it was wrong and selfish but..... But...."
Tharn signed, to look down, hanging his head.
"Um....... That was not.... Exactly your fault, do you remember that I pushed you a bit to them?"
Type nodded to look to tharn.
"Well...... That is..... Why..... So at least I could..... We could.... Be together.... Even if was for a day...... So type..... Let me be the asshole here. I really am and a coward, if I..... Just told you before you dated moko...... That I loved you..... None of this would have happened but......I didn't want to destroy our...."
"Friendship?" Type finished.
Tharn looked up to nod.
"That's.... Why I didn't say anything either tharn...... Not till you..... Back at the gym....."
Tharn took a deep breathe to then get up to go to type, to look down, type looked up.
"Well..... Is there anything else we need to discuss, or can I have that answer now?"
Types eyes darted.
"Why are you ignoring your sister?"
Tharn signed.
"After the party, the one my sister interrupted, her and my relationship has never been the same and....... Everytime I talk to her, she asks about you, which makes me, feel uneasy..... especially when you were with another and I was alone."
Type looked to tharn questionably.
"What has your sister been asking you of me about?"
Tharn shrugged to place his hand, palm down to the table, to continue to eye type.
"Just how you are, what are you up to things like that, do you not talk to her?"
"Mm, i do but not enough."
Silence then fell between them.
Tharn then raised an eye brow.
"So...... What's your answer?"
Type took a deep breathe.
"What is the real reason why you wouldn't sleep with me without a condom?"
Tharn signed.
"I..... Didn't want to fill you with little tharns, if you did not love me. Did not want you to feel all of me, if you didn't....."
Types lips parted, he then turned his head to hang. He then started to chew at his cheek.
Tharns eyes darted.
"Type......I want an answer."
Type gulped to then get up to gather his finished bowl, to lean over to grab tharns to then turn to then go to the kitchen.
Tharn brought his hand up to wrap his arms around his body looking after.
Why won't he give me a fucking answer!?
Stomping a bit, he then went to the kitchen to place his body to the door frame to look at types back has he washed the dishes looking down.
He was feeling a bit conflicted.
"Type......I have answered everything, I don't think we have anything else to discuss so, can you please tell me?"
Type signed, to close the dish washer, to then place his hands under the water to wash, to then dry. Taking a deep breathe he turned to place his back to the sink, to wrap his arms about, to hang his head to look to the floor.
"Tharn.....I...... Don't know."
Tharns eyes widen.
"Why don't you know? We both love each other...... Made love...... Been finally opened and honest with each other, so why don't you know!"
Type gulped at tharns tone at the end.
He had to take a deep breathe to close his eyes.
"The, I don't know it's because of.... the new friends you have made, also you have transformed a bit from the tharn that I knew.......I do love you and to be honest, you have no idea how long I have waited for this moment but......."
Type gritted his teeth.
Tharns face fell, he unwrapped his arms to lay them limply to his sides, to look to type with parted lips.
"Am I..... Really all that.... Different.... That you don't want to...... Date me?"
Type took a deep breathe, to open his eyes to turn his head to look to him.
"It..... Gives me pause.... And you have to know how much that, is hurting my heart....."
Types eyes darted, tears welled up.
Tharn scoffed to then turn.
Type closed his eyes to let them fall, he jumped when, a few moments later he heard the door slam.
Turning he placed his hands to the edge of the sink, to hang his head.
Turning his head, before he could finish that thought, tharn came back to eye, he then went to type, to wrap his hand around his wrist. There eyes darted.
"I had every intention of leaving however, I can't, not with everything we have talked about. Now....I will just prove to you how much I am still the same. Just you wait type, I am going to make you say yes."
Type smiled wide, to then go to tharn to wrap his arms about to hug. He was so very happy he didn't leave.
Tharn hugged him back, in determination.
Just you wait type, yourll see, I can stop drinking, smoking, be less of a bad boy and I will make you change your mind to my other friends, just you watch.

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