the day that destroyed my heart

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Waking the next morning, an hour before his alarm for school, tharn sat up, to hold a hand to his forehead to make a face.
Mmm.... Drank..... To much.......
Turning his head, he moved to the side, his eyes darted looking over the deflated sleeping bag.
Moving slowly off, tharn got up to look down to eye.
He must be..... Really mad..... This is why.....I never deny him..... But..... He had to have been drunk to say that to me...... He couldn't have ment it..... Right?
Signing, tharn went to his bathroom to throw up, then get ready for school. Looking himself over in the mirror, his eyes darted.
Your 16 today..... First birthday since you were 13 that type wasent right there when you woke.
Tharn took a deep breathe brushing his teeth.
Damn it! For 5 years, I've felt strongly for him. Didn't know till I was 13 and a half or was love but since that first day we met, I know I did.
Placing his brush back, he shook his head looking himself over.
It's..... Enough..... Time to be a man, tell him how you feel, tell him your in love with him and have been for years. Move out of this fucking friend zone. I know...... I've been worried, he may not..... Feel the same but maybe.... What he said last night..... Was true..... Maybe..... He wants..... The same thing.... We have always been in synced with the other.... Maybe we are..... With this....
Tharn nodded.
"For your 16th, it's time to tell him! That will be my true present to myself, Then for his birthday on Saturday, I don't know how but I...... Want to..... Want us to...... Be each other's first....."
Tharn smirked to then leave to get dressed, he was overally excited.
To the school, he stopped to see there table, type was the first one there, like always, he looked very worn out, he had his head to his hand, looking down, swirling his food about.
Tharn gritted his teeth to take a deep breathe in.
Probably.... Still mad that I...... Didn't give him what he was wanting.....
Going forth, he then sat next to him, placing his back pack to the top, to then take a hand to his back to rub, looking to him with concern.
"You..... Okay? You look so tired..... What happened, you weren't there when I....."
Type shuffled himself from tharns touch.
Tharn made a face to then move around, he placed his arms to the top of the table to wrap to look to the table.
"Type...... I'm sorry...... That..... Wasent a good idea..... What happened last night? Why did you leave? Why do you look so tired?"
Type shrugged.
"Just..... Couldn't sleep.... Your right.... That wasn't a good idea....." Type signed.
Tharn took a deep breathe in.
"I need to talk to you about something?" They both said in unsion. Turning there heads they eyed the other.
Type gulped.
"Go..... Ahead.... It's.... Your birthday....."
"Mmm, yes but..... What is it you want to say?"
Type took a deep breathe in.
"Tharn...... After last night......I need to tell you, we can't..... Do those..... Practicing or experiment on another......"
Tharns body tensed, he gulped.
Type took a deep breathe.
"It's because I want....."
Turning there heads, tharn rolled his eyes.
A student named moko, who tharn knew had a crush on type came to place his hands to the top of the table to look to them.
"Happy birthday tharn, type......I know your birthday is right around the corner. Instead..... Of spending it single.... Again..... Will you..... Give me a chance?"
Tharn and types eyes widen looking him over, type looked to tharn.
"Tharn...... Should I...... Give him a..... Chance? What was it you were going to say?"
Type gritted his teeth.
Tharn took a deep breathe in.
Moko leaned back to eye then a bit confused.
"Type, why are you asking your friends permission?"
Tharn hung his head, to flex his jaw.
Type placed his hand to his shoulder.
"Tharn......" Types voice cracked a bit.
Please tharn...... Say something..... Are we.... Only just friends? Are you..... Not going to.... Fight for me?
Tharn turned his head to look to type, with no expression.
"Moko is right..... Why are you asking me? I'm..... Just your friend. This..... Is up to you."
Types eyes widen, his heart sank.
"Just...... Your friend?" He questioned.
Tharn took a very deep breathe.
"Right...... It's.... Your choice....."
Tharn then grabbed his bag to leave, his heart was breaking.
Type watched him go with tears welled in his eyes.
Mokos eyes darted.
"Type..... What's the matter?"
Type took a deep breathe in to look to moko.
"Nn...... Nothing..... Just..... Happy you.... Finally asked...... These..... Tears are from joy......"
Mokos eyes widen to then go about the table to sit right next to him to place an arm around.
"So...... Is that a yes? Will you be my boyfriend?"
Type leaned his head forward to look to tharns back, he had stopped to turn his head to eye. Narrowing his eyes, type was a bit mad about how tharn handled this situation.
So..... Were just friends... Nothing more then that.... Even After everything we have.... Done this passed year... Fine!
Looking back to moko, type smiled, with tears falling, to wrap his arms around.
"Mm, yes......."
Moko smiled wide, to then wrap his arms about, type closed his eyes to hug him back.
Tears started to go down tharns eyes, peering them down, he turned his head to walk and quick to the bathroom.
Inside, he went to a stall, to place his hands to the top, forehead to the cold metal to continue to cry.
"Fuck! What the hell! Damn it! Why didn't I....... I'm such a fucking coward! Type is....." Making a face, tharn took a hand down to then punch the stall wall.
"But he's..... Not..... Not really..... Just my....."
Moving back, he hit his back to the other stall wall, to slide down to his butt, to look up.
God damn it! Why.... Can't I be like moko! Just...... Ask him out! Now he is......fuck!
Hanging his head, he placed his hands to the back of his head.
I'm such.....a fucking loser! I just lost...... The love of my life!
Hearing a knock, tharn turned his head in hope.
"No, it's tam, what is going on? Saw type with moko, there all over each other at our table."
Tharn gritted his teeth, to hit his head against the stall wall to look forward..
"That's.... He's new.... Boyfriend."
"Boyfriend? Types gay? Huh..... Didn't know that. Did you know?"
"Mmm...... Yes....."
"Are too?"
"And what if I am!?"
Tam turned his body to shrug.
"Just asking, jeez, well..... Good for you two. Congratulations to type, wish him the best in his new relationship. Wish I knew, could have given him. Something maybe."
Tharns eyes widen to then stand, wipping away his tears, grabbing his back pack.
Going out he looked to tam, he turned his head to eye.
"Let's..... Do something together to.....toast there new relationship..... How about we..... Skip school and go to my parents hmm? No one is there, could..... Drink a bit."
Tam eyes widen.
"Are..... You sure? This is something I would say, not you, you two have always been so responsible."
Tharn went to tam to place his arm around.
"I'm...... Becoming a new tharn.... Maybe it's because today is my birthday and I'm 16.... maybe I'm just so happy for my friend..... Finally he is going to be....."
Tharn took in a deep shaky breathe.
"Let's go, hmm?"
Tam nodded.
Going out, tharn turned his head to eye type with moko, he gritted his teeth to then look forward.
I'm..... Going to be a all new tharn..... Was a gentleman then this fucking happens! Now, I'm done being nice! What has it gotten me?
Moving his head to the side type watched tharn with his arm around tam.
His heart shattered more.
He hung his head to grit his teeth.
That's.... Not the way to class.... Where are they going?
Unknown to type, this was just the start of the bad tharn, worse was yet to come. It was going to heavily affect there close relationship.

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