Chapter 22

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You pulled away, although the kiss was only a few seconds long at most, the heat from your face was surely reaching Denki.

"Woah there Pikababy, you need to cool your face off!" He exclaimed worriedly.

"Aish Denki-" You started but were cut off by the lips of blonde. Just as your red face was cooling off too. This time the kiss was longer and when you pulled away, he placed his hand on your cheek and made you look at him.

You stared into his golden orbs and he stared right back. The butterflies you were feeling before were nothing compared to what you were feeling now.

"I'm guessing you feel the same, I know you get shy around me but we cannot move forward unless you tell me, please talk to me." When you met his eyes again, you saw the pleading, his willingness to understand how you felt towards him, so that he could know if he was doing the right thing, and it wasn't a hoax to pull a prank on him.

He had almost the same fears as you, he was afraid you thought he wasn't genuinely feeling anything towards you, that you thought he was a play boy, full out rejection and denial of feelings.

"Kami, I-I like you a-and I'm struggling to w-word h-how I feel e-exactly, all t-that I k-know is t-the fact I get t-hese butterflies w-whenever I'm all-around y-you and I b-become this stuttering mess.."

"You're so adorable.." He said with a smirk, "I know all of these things, tell me, Pikababy, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I-I.. Y-you.."

"Kiss me for yes, push me back if no." He leaned forward and then your lips met again. When he realised you hadn't pushed him away he became happier and more energetic, if that was even possible.

"You really want to go on a date with me? You don't want me to back off and give you space? I can try give you some if you need I know you're really flustered and me being here may not help you a lot." He moved one of his hands to rub the back of his head.

"Kaminari Denki if you move or leave I swear to God I will shoot you."

"Mafia Y/n is back.."

"They never existed in the first place.

私の太陽 | Kaminari Denki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now