Chapter 3

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Just after you had left the band's manager Momo came in. Sure they were in the same age group, but Momo learnt about band managing at a young age. Making her perfect to sign contract deals, book small gigs and small but sell out tours.

"Okay. We need to have a mother's meeting." She announced. Unphased by the looks of disgust from Sero and Kaminari, she was accustomed to them by this point, they give them every time she mentions having a meeting.

"Why the fuck do we need a meeting?!" Asked Bakugou in the most aggressive way possible, obviously trying to get away from having a meeting. "We had one yesterday." He groaned before leaning against a wall facing the conversation.

Jirou, Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero were already sat down, waiting for Momo to continue.

"If you want to make it big you have to do more, and nobody wants to have a contract with you guys because half of you haven't got good grades, and you'd think it wasn't important but it is. More namely, Kaminari, Mina and Sero. So in order to boost your reputations you're going to be joining a college. There are dorms and you guys will have them, on the deal that you get the grades you need. However, you must follow the rules. That girl who fainted earlier, she goes there her mother informed me about it when I asked if she knew her. I expect if you want to keep her as your fan, you don't mess up big time if you do, I guess your chances of getting big are slimmer because people can check digital footprints easier nowadays, so its harder to cover for you guys, especially when people film it too. There is a music club. You can go there and practice as well as in your dorm rooms. If I get any negative reports I have to write it down and from there, well, you don't want to know. So stay out of trouble! Meeting adjurned."

"Momo. I can't accept this. I'm not going to college I got the highest mark possible on everything I took. I don't need it!" Yelled Bakugou, seething with rage as per usual.

"As did Jirou, but is she complaining?" She said with a knowing smile. "Unfortunately I can't be there to babysit you all, so someone else has to, I'm hoping he manages to keep you all in check."  She sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. She didn't want to come off too harsh, she just wanted them to succeed.

Bakugou stayed silent, seemingly having nothing more to say, he just wouldn't need to put all the effort in again, however it should all still be quite easy for him seeing as he just needed to pass to do what Momo needed of him.

"Thank you for proving my point. College starts next Monday.  Pack your stuff please. They've allowed all first years to move into the dorms early, I don't want you all to think of me as mean for doing this, but I need you all to understand that this will be for the success of your careers. This industry is tough, one day you're at the top and the next you're at rock bottom, and we need the best chances for all of you, especially those of you who want to make a name for yourself outside of the band."

Mina groans before she starts whining about not having enough time to pack all of her clothes, let alone her home essentials.

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