Chapter 24

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After a couple of movies, you were getting bored.

"Hey BabyPika, you got an idea of what to do other than watching movies?" You knew it was your idea and he just wanted to wrap his arms around you and keep you safe.

"We could play a game?" He replied as he played with your hair.

"What type of game?"

"Well there's either twenty questions or games that include the rest of the group, we can't really play spin the bottle or truth or dare without them as it would be a bit silly."

"When do the rest of the group get back?"

"In around an hour, technically we could play twenty questions before they get back."

You nodded your head and he loosened his grip on you so that you could sit opposite him whilst you played.

"As you are a lady, you can go first."

"Denki, we both know that you are more of a lady than me." He faked shock and then you both laughed.

"I'll go first just to get the game going. Remember you need to answer truthfully, otherwise there's no point." He stated and you nodded your head in understanding. "What's your favourite colour?"

"It's F/c, how long has it been since you passed a class?"

"It has to be many, many years." He said that whilst smiling. "Can you come back into my arms so I can cuddle you again?"

"No I cannot. Not whilst we play, it's rude to not look at a person whilst they're speaking."

"But Pikababy, my arms feel empty.."

"Then they can feel like that for until the game is over. Anyway, why are you so desperate for me to be back in your arms?"

"I want to hug you and show you affection because everyone needs it even if you believe that you don't."

Your heart melted, this boy was too pure, he was adorable. His yellow hair, golden eyes, cinnamon roll personality. Aside from the fact he was a pervert, he was pretty much ideal boyfriend material. You didn't notice how long you had been staring for until he broke your chain of thought.

"Pikababy, are you ok? You know if you took a picture it would last longer." He smirked and you just blushed a deep crimson shade. "You know what, screw the game, come over here beautiful." Not knowing what was going on, you were still slightly dazed, you went over to Denki and he pulled you into his lap and kissed you on the lips. You kissed back as you had no regrets of kissing the man in front of you.

His arms wrapped around your waist securing your position so that you wouldn't fall and your arms were wrapped around his neck. He then bit your bottom lip. You had no idea how to respond, you had never gotten this far with anyone. Not even Chad. You pulled away first and the both of you had red cheeks.

"Shall we get changed to meet the rest of them?"

"Nah, we can invite them for a sleepover or something. That way we don't have to leave our room and face anyone and they can't tell us to get a room if we cuddle or something because this is our dorm."

"You're smart."

"It's common sense technically.."

"Hush and let me kiss you again."

私の太陽 | Kaminari Denki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now