Chapter 4

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Once you got home your first instinct was to start packing for college. You were running out of time, again. You ran up the stairs as quickly as you could, hoping to get to your room to sort through your belongings. However, that was abruptly put out of your mind because your little brother pounced on you.

"B/n! You're so heavy!" You complained as he sat on your stomach. The truth is, he wasn't, you just needed to do other things before spending time with him. You only had a few days before you needed to go and settle in your dorm and you wanted to be happy and comfortable before anything started.

Classes started next Monday and even though it was only Tuesday, you still wanted to be ready to go. The initial date for first years to start moving in was Thursday. You had them tell you that you could move in on the Wednesday to avoid getting trampled and having your anxiety peak which you thought was an added bonus to doing a multi-use course instead of just a specific careers course.

Your brother slid off of you and you rushed to your half packed room and began finishing the packing process which took ages, you had to put everything away carefully because otherwise it could break when youre driving or it would end up scratched or torn. Folding the clothes was the worst part.

You were called down for dinner and your mum made your f/f as it was your last night at home for a while. From there you went upstairs to finish the last bit of packing. You left a pillow, a change of clothes and your pyjamas out. You would pack them in a separate bag and clean them once you had the chance on the site.

You plugged your phone into the charger and set an alarm for when you had to get up and you slowly and painfully drifted off into a somewhat peaceful yet dreamless sleep once again. It beckoned you to join and you gladly accepted seeing as it didn't come as often as you hoped it would help prepare you for the day ahead. You found that it was better to keep your mind busy instead of focusing on Chad and why he cheated on you. You just had to pray you'd never see him again.

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