Chapter 30

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"I need cuddles Pikababy, I can't focus on anything and, worse of all, I miss your cuddles." You blushed a little, you had also missed being in his arms where you felt safe, happy, warm and at peace. He had his arms open for you and an adorable pout graced his lips. You walked over to him and snuggled into his embrace, he pulled you as close to his own self as he possibly could, then he kissed your forehead.

"I missed you too, I'm sorry for not coming sooner, you were probably worried about doing something wrong and-" He simply smiled, shaking his head and kissed you gently on the lips.

"Pikababy, it's completely fine, I know these next few days are going to be hard, look on the bright side, we have our date on Friday and if Chad does anything to try and ruin it I'll beat him to a pulp."

"As much as I would like you to beat his ass, I can't allow put your career on the line for me, you've worked so hard and you deserve success along with the rest of your band mates."

"You're worthy of ruining my career baby." He then kissed you again, but for longer, and there was more passion, every time you tried to pull away he would pull you back into it. You knew that there was no problem with this but eventually you would need to separate your lips from his. Once you did he whined quietly as if he wasn't ready for it to happen.

"Babypika, we can't just kiss all evening-"

He cut you off again.

"And why the hell not?" He asked smirking, you couldn't make eye contact with him whilst he looked at you like you were a meal. In theory, he could just do what he wanted with no interruptions. You didn't know what to say so you kept quiet, luckily for you, he wasn't going to do anything to you without your permission.

A couple of hours passed and you were still in his arms, he had fallen asleep laying on your chest so now you were playing with his hair thinking to yourself.

'What if he's just messing with me? No Y/n that's stupid, why would he be so willing to be close if he was just messing with you? He would remain distant and cold, or there would be things he wouldn't tell you or answer. I still can't believe he got a smartie stuck in his nose at the age of seven. The things this boy would be capable of if he wasn't such a goofball of a person.'

Subconsciously, a smile etched itself onto your face, as the boy in your arms held you tighter and you continued to run your fingers through his soft hair.

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