Chapter 23

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In this chapter there is mention of blood, bullying and some insults are said. I don't know if I need to put a warning but I would like to put one just in case. There is a bully group and their names are Amelia, Madeline and Genevieve. If your names are any of those feel free to change them. These are only people within the story. They are just names I have chosen. There is no reason to believe that anyone with these names are bad people.

It was Monday, you were in P.E and you had been shoved over by the popular girl Amelia. The coach didn't see and you were still expected to run laps. Jirou and Mina were too far away to do anything but they gave you sympathetic looks. Your knee, was now cut open, you weren't going to lie, it stung quite a bit. Running laps inside didn't stop the fact you had everyone looking at you, you weren't the most athletic so you would be out of breath after the first couple of laps.

Amelia, Madeline and Genevieve literally walked around gossiping and whenever you came past they would talk not so subtly about you.

"Did you know she's a virgin?"

"I bet she's not even had a boyfriend that's stayed with her. They've probably all cheated or found someone better."

"Did you see what she was wearing yesterday? Disgraceful."

"Maybe she should wear makeup, she would look less like a pug."

"No, she just needs to be more slutty. Nobody likes the goody two shoes."

"I bet she's weird."

"What an attention seeker."

"I'm glad I pushed her. Her knee looks better all scratched up. The rest of her might too."

"What if we told her she could join us if she went on a diet and didn't talk to anyone?"

"No idiot, why would we let her, a virgin, join us?"

Was this what people thought of you? Did Kaminari think the same? Did he just want to take your virginity and then spread secrets around?

You asked your coach to go to the bathroom and you were allowed. You got changed out of your kit and walked into the bathroom. You were skipping the rest of the day, you could catch up later. You needed to sleep and keep your mind off everything. This had been happening for weeks, they would push you, ruin your clothes, dump water on you just before class so you couldn't change.

Nobody else noticed, you just left them be. If you told anyone it would only go to people higher up and then if the head found out, you would be kicked out because they're the mother of Genevieve anyway.

If you were quiet about it and left them alone you would be fine. You returned to your dorm and placed your bag down in your room. You knew Denki was in his lesson still so you would be fine. You got in the shower, not caring that your clothes would be soaked as you haven't taken them off but it would be fine. You could wash them later. For now it was crying time and that's all you cared about.

You sat there for twenty minutes just sobbing, your whole body was drenched as well as your clothes. Little did you know, Denki had come back and he heard a couple of your sobs. He saw that you hadn't locked the door, not even closed it.

"Pikababy, are you ok? I heard you sobbing and I just want to know if you need anything." He called out to you and you didn't appear from behind the shower curtain. "I'm coming in, my eyes are closed so you don't need to worry about me seeing anything."

You heard him step into the bathroom and you pulled back the curtains. You looked at him and saw his eyes were closed and he was covering them as well.

"You can open your eyes. I'm not even showering properly." You sighed, he removed his hand and opened his eyes.

私の太陽 | Kaminari Denki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now