Chapter 11

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"Honestly, I have no idea but I know one thing." He replied.

"And what would that be Kami?"

"You're really cute." He replied smirking. You felt your face burn a very obvious shade of bright red.

"Kami, you can't just say things like that!" You whined trying not to show you were obviously happy about it.

"You're a tsundere~" He called out in a sing song voice which made you blush a hundred more shades of red.

'Forget the boba. I'm going to bed even though I won't sleep for a while.' You thought. You needed to get away from Kaminari, and quickly, to avoid him finding out you like him. If that happened, it would be very weird and probably very awkward.

You quickly walked to your room and closed the door behind you. You were there to get a college degree, not find someone to date. Your breathing got heavier as the thoughts of dating Kaminari filled your head and you got more and more flustered.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Y/n!~" Kami whined.

You thought if you didn't reply he would go away.

"Y/n. I'm not going away. Don't try and ignore me." For once he sounded serious and it sent shivers up your spine but gave you an intense tingly feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Slowly, you walked to the door and opened it seeing Kami in his Pikachu onesie made you smile internally because right now, you were trying not to end up being publicly rejected and made into the laughing stock of the school.

"Y/n. Whatever I did I'm sorry. I shouldn't have messed around with you like that because you could have a boyfriend or something and I could be messing with your head and changing your feelings-" He kept ranting so you shut him up by pulling him into a large hug.

"Kami. It's honestly fine. I don't have a boyfriend so there's no need to worry. Plus, it's late we should sleep."

"You're right. Good night Pikababy." He smirked cheekily before walking out. There he was. The playboy that you couldn't help but fall for, yet, who wouldn't.

Then you thought back to what he had called you and you blushed intensely before closing the door in his face to avoid him seeing you in your flustered state. You turned to walk away but before you could you ended up hearing him speak his thoughts aloud.

私の太陽 | Kaminari Denki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now