Chapter 18

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Finally you had arrived and Himiko was stood outside on her break, she stood there, vape in hand and intricate tattoos showing through her fishnet tights and white tank top. Her body confidence was ten out of ten, she had worked hard for it and struggled a lot as she was growing up so you're happy she has become someone she wants to be and is happy with herself.

She looked up from her phone and saw you, once she did, her eyes lit up. She bounced over to you and hugged you.

"Y/n~ you rat. Why didn't you visit sooner?" She whined and pouted.

"Himiko, I saw you not even two weeks ago." You said, losing your breath as she moved the genuine hug into a bone crushing one. "Himiko...Toga..." You gasped out as you started to be crushed further.

"Oh sorry, I got your message, the wig you wanted is upstairs. I finished making it last night and I had a feeling you would want it. You do buy and trade a lot of stuff with me. Sort of like a drug deal but without the drugs." How she managed to sat that in one breath confused you to a large extent but you couldn't complain.

"Ah right, I'll follow you in then, it'll be nice to see burnt raisin and eczema again." Both you and Himiko burst into laughter.

"I assume you're talking bad about my colleagues." She said trying to muffle her laughter so it was quieter and less noticable. You couldn't speak due to the laughing but you nodded your head in response.

You then proceeded to go inside, not daring to look at each other because of the fit of laughter it would cause. The judgemental looks of crusty man and scar face were already bad enough.

"Y/n, have you come for a tattoo this time?"

Your attention was dragged over to a man with long mop-like hair. Tomura Shigaraki. An entitled git.

"No I haven't, sadly I haven't come along to give you a haircut and some hydrocortisone. I haven't come to give scarface over there a skin graft either. Such low levels of standards the world has."

"Woah calm down missy, who are you and what have you done with the shy person we know and love?" Asked Dabi.

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