Chapter 5

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You woke up suddenly to your alarms. Your mother had already put your stuff in the car. She had the tendency to be efficient.

You rose from your bed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. You grabbed your phone and put it in your little backpack along with the charger. Once you had done that, you got changed and put your pyjamas into a bag and stuffed that into your backpack.

You walked downstairs to grab breakfast and say goodbye to your dad and brother. You would say goodbye to your mother once you had all your boxes in your room. The long drive there was mostly in a comfortable silence. The tension that you knew would come was there but you never addressed it in fear of waking your mother's tears. It was easier to let her cry for less time later than whilst she was driving. It was safer that way too.

When you arrived on campus you took a deep breath. It was desolate as nobody was expected to be there. You noticed a couple of cars that were always outside the music club you went to. You didn't take much notice as you thought they were there a day early for the same reason as you.

When your mother pulled up into a parking space nearer to where the dorms were, you took off your seat belt and began grabbing your stuff from the back of the car.

"Hey little lady! Need a hand?" You knew you recognised that voice but from where? Then it hit you like a truck. It was Kaminari Denki. Your crush and saviour from the day before.

"Y-yeah. It w-would b-be nice. T-thank you." You stuttered mentally cursing yourself for it as a blush appeared on your face. You decided to hide it, quickly turning around whilst grabbing another box and stacking it on top of the one you already had.

"Do you know who your roommate is yet Y/n?" Asked the blond curiously. You didn't need to look at him to know he was smirking.

"Not yet. I only just got here and I haven't checked I only know my room number." You said your voice barely audible yet Kaminari heard and chuckled.

"Ok! What's your dorm number? Mines 420!" He chuckled knowing what your answer would be.

"420 a-as well. I-isn't that kind of illegal?"

"No, it's not illegal, some might just say it's immoral. The good thing is that the rooms basically have two bedrooms, one lounge area, a bathroom and a kitchen. So it's like a shared apartment.

"Fair enough."

You didn't even notice you were in your room and had dropped the boxes off and heading towards the door whilst you were talking to him.

"Well, we got all the boxes. Need help unpacking?"

"I'll be back I have something to do first!" You began to head back down to your mother's car to say goodbye.

"Y/n I'm going to miss you so much!" Your mother said tears falling from her face and onto your head.

"I'll be home and I'll visit you in the holidays I promise!"

"Bring home a boyfriend too will you?" She asked as you chuckled and turned red. She didn't know you and Chad had broken up? How was she already asking for another one

"MUM!" You whisper yelled as she giggled and the two of you released your embrace as she got into the car and rolled the window down.

"Well, I better get home to your brother before he has a meltdown. Good luck sweetie! Make sure to video call us so your brother can see you more than just visits, you know he's going to miss you a lot."

You wiped your tears away before heading back to your room to unpack. You walked in and saw Kaminari chilling on the couch. You decided to sneak up on him and jump scare him. May as well try and become less jumpy around him if you were going to be living together.

You were ever so quiet about closing the door and tip toeing toward him. He must not have heard your approach because when you whispered 'boo' in his ear he jumped and fell off the couch. Leaving you in hysterics.

"Y/n!" He whined.

You giggled and walked off to your room to unpack. You placed your anime posters on the wall and hung half of your wigs on the back of the door and the other half on one of the shelves. You separated your studying books and books you were actually interested in on the rest of the room on the shelf where your wigs were. Over on the desk you set up your pc and walked over to the TV box to get the WiFi password. You literally took a photo of it on your phone so all your devices could be set up on it. You hung your dresses, hoodies and cosplay stuff in the wardrobe then placed your shirts, skirts, trousers in the drawers. You placed your indoor shoes such as slippers and flats underneath your bed, with the outdoor ones you most frequently wore by the door, and all your accessories in the jewellery box in the smaller draw by your bed where you took your phone charger and plugged it in. You got out your rug unrolled the soft f/c material, knowing it would make the floor nicer to be on because of it being office tiled, angled it and then changed the provided bed sheets into your own f/c ones to make it more familiar to you, hoping it would ease your transition and calm your nerves. The curtains were already how you wanted them to be so you left them. Then you attatched your full body mirror to the wardrobe. Finally on top if the bedside table you placed a photo of your family and a small desk lamp.

After a few hours, your room looked complete at last. You were exhausted and hungry. You walked into the lounge area to see Kaminari shirtless but cooking something that smelled really good. You blushed profusely even though your brain said not to. You're roommates you're going to have to deal with this kind of thing. Hell knows he could even have a girlfriend and she could end up coming over all the time, that would be awkward, especially due to the crush you had on him.

Yet as they say, "and they were roommates."

"Oh my god they were roommates"

私の太陽 | Kaminari Denki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now