Chapter 17

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After walking into your dorm room to grab your essentials and drop your school notes off, you finally began your journey into town.

The bus ride was quiet and you were thankful nobody sat next to you. You were in a hurry anyway, the shop you were going to shut in approximately an hour and the bus ride was twenty minutes when traffic was good.

You had sent the person you were going to a message. They hadn't responded yet. Himiko never checked her phone whilst she was at work anyway.

Where did she work? A tattoo and piercing studio. The cigarette smoke always lingered in your nose whenever you went there, you didn't mind it though. Himiko was doing what she loved as her profession so you had no arguments against what she wanted. She worked with some interesting people. You were pretty sure the place she worked was involved in some gang activity anyway so you only went to see her and never stuck around too long. You just couldn't tell your parents where you went when you visited her.

You'd be lynched. They never wanted you on the side of town as it wasn't the nicest area. If they found out, it wouldn't be pretty but your parents are very overbearing, but you know it's just to look after you. You understood and respected that, but you were also old enough to make your own judgement on certain situations and that was what made you independent.

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