Chapter 8

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You walked down the long corridors to see Jirou and Mina who looked to be trying to find the way out of the dorms.

"Mina, Jirou, it's this way I think." You called out to them. Laughing internally at the fact Jirou definitely knew the way out and was just letting Mina walk around in circles.

"Oh, thank you Y/n! Our saviour" Mina yelled cheerily walking over to you with Jirou in tail.

"Where are you heading to anyways Y/n?" Asked Jirou taking a slight bit of interest.

"Well I'm going to pick up my schedule, then I'm going to look around the school on the tour so I don't get lost. Once the tour is done I'm probably going to get some notebooks for my classes as study material." You replied.

Mina looked over to you, you saw the sparkle in her eyes. "Can we come with you Y/n!? Please..! You'll need friends and that's where we come in." She smiled at you with puppy dog eyes causing you to laugh at the pink haired girl.

"Sure, you can come with me I have nobody else to go with. Also, I'll take your offer up on being friends." Mina leapt into the air, offering you a high five, as Jirou sighed and you giggled a little, although the two were completely opposites they got along well.

The three of you walked down the corridors until you got to the main office. It was quite intimidating.

"Hello there and good morning. May I help you with anything?" Asked the receptionist.

"Good morning to you as well. I was wondering if you could help us get our schedules for class next week." You looked up at the blonde woman as she smiled down at the three of you.

"I'll need your names so I can see your classes and timetable and print them off."

"Oh yeah. I'm Y/n L/n."

"Mina Ashido."

"Kyoka Jirou."

"You girls are very lucky, you are all in the same classes, top sets no doubt."

You glanced over to Mina and she was trying not to squeal with delight. "Thank you again Miss for helping us." You said to the receptionist with a smile.

"No problem. If you get lost and need to find something I can help you or if you can't face class for the day due to being ill and not wanting to spread it just call downstairs from the dorm phones and it'll call straight here if you press the number zero. Have a great day." The lady at the desk was then typing away at her keyboard and printing off your schedules.

"You too." Jirou replied as you all grabbed your schedules when handed and proceed to study them.

"Damn. First lesson on Monday is PE." Mina complained. You giggled at her and told her you didn't really mind PE as it helped you keep your body healthy. Jirou agreed with both of you on some degree. Maybe she's the mediator with everyone.

Mina skipped ahead to where the tour was taking place. Whilst you laughed with Jirou about how she saw you faint. You were glad she was trying to help you normalise it and avoid making you feel embarrassed.

"Do you want to know who caught you properly because your mother just touched the surface. Yet, as a trusted member of the band I know why."

"Do I want to know?"

"You should know, its only fair, but maybe it's not my place to tell you. You'd have to ask Denki about it some time."

You were brought back into reality by the fact that Mina was dragging you by the arm into the room where the tour would begin.

A few hours later, you were back in your dorm room, preparing to put on Hatsune Miku cosplay. It was kind of funny because you had the outfit and make up on but you couldn't find your wig cap to put on the wig. Plus, your safety shorts were no where to be seen either, you hadn't finished unpacking your clothes so maybe they were there.

Then you spotted them both on the floor underneath your bed. They must've fallen off your bed when you were getting the outfit out and ready.

You bent down to pick them up and at that unlucky moment, your door opened and Kaminari walked in. Typically, your skirt was a little bit shorter than an average however, it flipped up exposing your f/c underwear to Kaminari.

He must've seen because he began mumbling apologies, his face was red and his nose was bleeding.

"Kaminari you fucking bitch! I'm going to slap you if you don't get out!" You yelled however it sounded more like you were whining because your crush just saw your underwear.

He then yelled sorry a few times after he was out you began giggling because of his behaviour. You were still very embarrassed and recovering may take a while.

You finished putting the wig on and made sure it was styled correctly before remembering your phone is in the other room where Kaminari was. You mentally groaned because knowing him he would have some really weird comment about your underwear.

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