Chapter 16

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Nobody dared to answer their home room teacher. His steely gaze was very intense. You didn't make a sound as his eyes gazed over everyone and landed on unfortunately Mina.

"Pink hair, why are you all so loud?" He asked, the boredom in his voice presented as clear as day.

"I.. Well.. uh.." She looked down, quite embarrassed.

"I see, so none of you have an explainable reason to make so much noise. Therefore, it will not happen again, it will be dismissed this once, after that, I guess it's up to you to keep your peers quiet or expelled."

You knew you were a quiet person, but Kami, Sero, Mina, Bakugou and Kirishima..? They were going to be so loud it was unreal, it's not like you were their baby sitter, so technically you didn't have to do anything for them. Yet if you kept them quieter during school it'll pay off for them and their career as a band. Your thoughts were cut off by Aizawa talking again.

"I'm only your homeroom teacher, I have to make sure that you're prepared for your actual classes. Unless there is something important to discuss or tell you, I do not need to do anything much. Therefore, you can do anything in this time, homework, drawing, texting, listening to music quietly, reading, quietly talking and anything else you can think of."

You sat there, not wanting to draw or sketch because Kami had seen it, you also didn't want to read, you wanted to look at what cosplays were popular and unpopular and then decide to do one popular one and one unpopular one.

You eventually settled on Junko Enoshima and Kyoko Kirigiri.

You had the outfits and stuff as you made them yourself, you just needed wigs and accessories. You already had a long purple wig from doing another cosplay that hadn't worked out as well as you thought, it was the right colour, so a simple tidy up and restyling would work well. You would order a pink one but you knew a place that owes you a favour. You could possibly go there and get back on time before the curfew gets enforced which works out great.

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