Chapter 6

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"Like what you see?" Asked Kaminari winking, causing you to blush even more. You hadn't even realised he'd noticed you.

"N-no!" You said defensively, turning a shade of pink.

"Anyway, the food is almost done so if you could please help me you can get a couple of plates and put them on the counter." You nodded walking over and grabbing two plates, two sets of cutlery and also two glasses.

A few minutes later the both of you were sat together eating the food Kaminari made. You weren't going to lie but it wasn't actually that bad, you didn't expect him to be a good chef, you were more looking for him making plates of burnt toast as a meal. You insisted he put a shirt on but did he? No. So you were sat avoiding making eye contact to avoid stuttering.

Once you had both finished you took the empty plates and the dirty cutlery to the sink and began to wash them, it was only fair seeing as he cooked the meal you ate.

"Y/n, do you want to watch a movie once you're done?" Called Kaminari.

"If you put a shirt on."


You washed the last item, leaving it to dry on the rack and dried your hands before going to your room and changing into your pyjamas. You walked back out to see Kaminari sat on the couch waiting for you.

"What film do you want to watch?" You asked.

"Can we watch (favourite movie)?" He replied.

"Sure! I love that movie."

"Me too!"

You both giggled a little before starting the movie. You laughed at the funny parts as Kaminari laughed at the serious parts. You both hated how dumb the main character was and agreed on who the hottest character was.

Eventually, you began to fall asleep. Not realising that you had somehow landed your head on Kaminari's, now clothed, shoulder. You don't know how you managed to sleep, maybe it was his presence.

私の太陽 | Kaminari Denki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now