Chapter 12

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"Damn why do I like Y/n so much. I haven't even known her that long but I want to do everything with her, show her the worst parts of me, help her when she's upset and overall, make her feel needed and loved. She probably wouldn't be interested in me because I seem like a fuck boy.. I've never even kissed anyone except my mother on the cheek when I was a toddler. Maybe if I plan it right I could go on a few dates with her and see if she likes me, for the real me, and not just because I'm in a band that she loves. Although, from my knowledge so far, Y/n isn't like that. She's kind, caring, stern but it's very hot, and her nervousness is definitely cute. How could I not like her?" He said although he didn't know he did.

You blushed intensely and couldn't believe what you were hearing. Your crush may like you back, and he called you cute and hot. If cloud nine was a thing you were definitely on it.

That night, you went to bed with a smile on your face. Your happiness wasn't going to last as you were soon met by nightmares.

You woke up in a cold sweat with tears running down your face. You quickly got up and turned the light on and checked the time.


You mentally groaned as you had nothing to do for the day and you couldn't just go back to sleep after the dream you just had. You wondered if Kami was awake. You quickly went to his room and heard him saying your name quietly in between his breaths.

You knocked as to try and not walk in on him if he was doing something. Maybe he was just sleeping.

Denki POV:

I was just in the verge of cumming for the fourth time since meeting her. Her body was perfect, and the other day when I saw her panties, well that, sold the package. I can't get her out of my head, she's all I want to have in my life and I need her with me even if it is as a friend. I just hope she doesn't hear me. If she does there's no way she would still like me. Technically, I'm being a pervert, but she makes me feel this way. I hope she doesn't mind that I stole a pair of her panties though. I'll return them once I've cleaned them, surely she wouldn't notice they're gone.

Then I heard a knock on my door. It had to be Y/n and she's probably coming to tell me I'm disgusting and not want to be my friend or anything more than that after this event. Well, my problem is gone for now so I should probably be cleaning up.

"I'll be there in a second I'm just cleaning up something." I said as I changed my sheets and placed them in my washing basket. I opened the door to reveal something I never wanted to see and never want to see again. Y/n's tear stained face.

Even though she was crying she was still beautiful. When she realised I had opened the door and had been stood there a second taking in her disheveled appearance she wrapped her arms around me as if she was holding on to stop me fading away.

"Pikababy, what happened..? Did you have a nightmare?" I asked trying to comfort her by rubbing small circles on her back. She just simply nodded.

"Can you not get back to sleep?" I asked genuinely concerned. It was very early in the morning and I didn't want her to miss out on sleep because that's unhealthy and seeing as lessons start soon, she needed as much sleep as possible otherwise in a few days she'll be unable to concentrate and the most important thing is what is learnt during the first few weeks. At this she shook her head and held me tighter.

"You're staying with me and I can help you go back to sleep. I'll chase all the scary things away. I promise." I said with a small smile, patting her head.

I gently lifted her up, wrapping her legs around my waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I carefully placed her on the bed and laid next to her trying not to do anything to make it awkward or uncomfortable for her.

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