Chapter 21

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"I-I" You wanted to tell him but you couldn't find the words. Being articulated wasn't your strong suit. You felt the same but how could you word it without sounding weird? All the time you had spent together really strengthened the crush you had on him.

"Y/n, why do you even own a maid outfit? I swear to god losing that bet was the worse thing I've ever done." Denki whined, you were stood in the hallway whilst he was changing.

"Denki, you made the bet don't try to make me feel bad you pervert!"

"Hey, the bet was made with your consent you can't call me a pervert for that."

"I-I.. Well.. Mina made us play bet or debt. I don't need to be in debt to anyone thank you."

"You agreed to play."

"Mhm you sure about that?"

"Very." You could practically hear his smirk.

Then the door opened and you saw Denki in a maid costume. You didn't dare to look up from the floor after the quick glimpse. You would either end up laughing or you would blush immensely. Either way, you knew he was going to try and tease you.

"Pikababy, don't look away from me. I want to see your pretty face."

And here began the teasing. You swore he had a daily challenge to see how red he could make you in under ten compliments. He was cute, you couldn't lie about that, and he really helped you with your problems whenever you had them like that night you had a nightmare and you just spent the rest of your night in his arms.

Then there was the other time you were doing homework and had to help him out.

"Pikababy, can you help me?"

"What are you struggling with?"


"We should be good as long as it isn't maths." He gave you the 'oh shit' look and you knew were fucked.

"Wait, so if X² is 36, then X is 6 so in the equation X = Y - 4 then Y has to be 10."

"Yes Denks it does."

"Why do you have multiple nicknames for me?" He looked at you with a curious gaze and you looked at him with a confused one. "I only call you Pikababy, it's unique like you, everyone calls me Denks and Kami, you have to give me a unique nickname its only fair." He pouted at you making you giggle.

"Fine, I'll think about it, now back to..." you shivered, "maths homework." Denki just laughed at you.

You could never forget the time you kissed his cheek for a dare given by Bakugou. You hated him sometimes but he knew when something was needing to happen.

"Dare?" You said hesitantly.

Mina instantly smirked at Jiro, Momo and Sero. You instantly regretted your decision as they started giggling as if they had planned something. Kirishima and Kami walked in and knew absolutely nothing.

You regretted your choice instantly as the group nodded at Bakugou who finally gave you your dare.

"You have to go and kiss Lightning McQueen over there for your dare otherwise your forfeit is that you have to start yelling in Aizawa's homeroom tomorrow."

Your options were already limited but messing around and making a fool of yourself in homeroom? That's a no go. You didn't want the week's worth of detention or cleaning. You didn't have time.

"Fine. I'll go kiss him. I'm not doing it in front of you, I know you all have cameras set up."

Mina looked away guiltily and you giggled. "Damn Y/n, caught me red handed."

"I have a younger brother, I'm used to this kind of thing, plus Mina, you're always after some type of drama."

She pouted and everyone but Bakugou laughed.

You got up and walked to your room, they knew you were waiting for Kaminari to get back to the dorm. Until then you were going to get into cosplay. It had been a while.

Deciding it was time to break out a new one you put on Kokichi, you loved but hated him.

A couple of hours after you were happy with what you were wearing, you needed to make some final adjustments to the outfit, Denki walked in and you remembered the dare you were given. You mentally groaned and went over to him.

"Please don't hate me for what I'm about to do." Your face was bright red and you pecked him on the cheek and ran off into your room.

Back to reality, you had an answer but you still couldn't word it. However, actions speak louder than words. You leaned in and kissed him, it wasn't like your face was red enough.

私の太陽 | Kaminari Denki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now