Chapter 20

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As you rushed to your room, you couldn't help but wonder what Kami had actually done whilst you were gone. He was probably just on his phone or practicing his instruments for the band but either way, you wanted him to be ok. If he was at a party, you were going to throttle him when he got back from it.

You loved the boy dearly, but the thought of him not being able to control his hormones and going after someone else and leading you to heartbreak was something you knew was a possibility.

If you confessed to him and he rejected you, it would be painful but worse than him pretending to love you for a bet.

You closed your eyes as you stepped into the elevator that would take you up to your floor. You pressed a button and breathed in and out a few times trying to keep calm.

You were finally on your floor and Kami was waiting outside the door for you like a lost puppy. You walked up to him and hugged him. He looked up from him phone realising it was you.

"Where were you? You didn't text me, leave a note behind to explain or anything." He sounded heartbroken.

"Kami, it wasn't even that long." You had only been out a couple of hours because the traffic was awful and Himiko wanted to catch up.

"Yes it was." He said playfully glaring at you.

"Want to go inside the dorm room? That way I can explain properly."

"Fine, I want cuddles though." You sighed. Knowing he was childish wasn't helping the issue of dealing with his weird mood swings.

You took his hand and led him inside the room. You then had him wrap his arms around your waist from behind and bury his head into your neck. Smiling to yourself you walked over to the sofa and pried him off you so that you could both sit down. Once you did, he placed his head on your lap and you moved your hand to play with his hair.

It hurt you to know that you were doing all this and he probably just needed emotional support not your love.

"Start explaining." He mumbled but you heard him clearly.

"I went to pick a wig up from one of my friends as she makes them but I needed to go all the way across town in the bad traffic. I was on public transport so they had to follow a set route too. This meant that I couldn't do much about anything but I could only sit there. Then we add on the time that I had to walk to get there too."

"So why did you take so long to get back from there?"

"I wanted to catch up with my friend. I promise nothing bad happened at all."

"You're not involved in some mafia or something, right?"

"Oh Kami, of course I'm not."

"That's good then."

"Why did you believe I was? Do you think I could be?"

"Don't get any ideas pikababy."

"Alright, alright."

You both smiled at each other and then he pulled you down so that you were lying next to him.

Although you were blushing the entire time, nothing compared to the shade you were sporting upon your face now. Kaminari saw this and smirked, which made your face redder.

"Aww, Pikababy is a tomato."

"I am not!"

"Yes you are~" He teased.

You stayed silent and avoided eye contact with him, he had sat up and moved closer to you, so the whole plan of ignoring him failed epically as he put two of his fingers under your chin and made you look at him.

"Tell me you have these feelings too.." he whispered.

私の太陽 | Kaminari Denki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now