Chapter 10

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It had gotten seemingly late and you had to help Kaminari take his cosplay off a she had no idea what he was doing with the wig.

The time both of you spent doing the cosplay trends was funny as Kaminari couldn't even Junko pose correctly.

"Next time I'll dress you up as TeruTeru, because he's a pervert." You said giggling whilst you removed the both of your wigs and placed them in their correct places before swiftly returning to remove the boys subtle make up.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" He exclaimed, pouting a little.

"Exactly what I said. It means just that."

"Y/n this isn't fair." He whined.

"Life isn't fair Kami. Get used to it because if you don't it'll be forced on you." You physically saw him shiver at the dark tone in your voice. You then burst out laughing.

"Y/n! You sound scary stop it please."

"Okay, okay."  You had finally removed the last remnants of his cosplay except his clothes because you had seen him shirtless enough times.

Even though you had a crush on him, you knew it wouldn't happen, the reasons you thought this being:

1) He's pretty much the one person everyone wants to date.
2) He's very busy all the time with the fact he's in a band.
3) He would never like someone romantically who he would see as just a fan.

It made you upset but you could cry later, for now, you had to sleep. You were struggling to stay awake but you couldn't sleep in your Celestia outfit, it would be far too uncomfortable.

Once Kaminari left your room, you put on your pikachu onesie, not knowing Kaminari was about to do the exact same thing.

You wanted to drink some boba and eat some pizza. Luckily, the school provided all sorts of items for the kitchen. You went to go make (favourite boba) in your onesie and of course, Kaminari was there, making toast. He turned around after hearing you walk into the kitchen.

You made eye contact with his golden orbs, you knew your e/c eyes would get lost in them if you stared for too long. You seemed to notice a faint blush on his cheeks and suddenly you were wide awake.

"Kami... Why are we like this..?"

"Like what?"

私の太陽 | Kaminari Denki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now