Chapter 25

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Sorry, I had writers block and I can also recite the video.

There you were, the whole group set up for a sleepover. Bakugou only turned up because Kirishima was there. Word had gotten out and pretty much everyone in your class was had turned up. You were prepared to sit in the corner and chill. So there you were, your entire home room class in the room 420.

"So what game are we playing?" Asked the purple haired pervert who seemed to have a future that was shorter than him.

"You're not playing anything, you're going to leave and not come back in. I'm coming with you, as I have no purpose being here. I want all of you in your respective dormitories by midnight. We cannot afford to run on no sleep." Iida stated calmly before grabbing the small boy and exiting quickly.

"He did raise a valid point, what game are we playing?" The shrill voice of the brown haired girl who sat behind you in every lesson called out.

"Seeing as it was Denki's idea, we should let him pick." Todoroki suggested calmly whilst putting an arm around Midoriya's shoulder. The green haired boy looked down in embarrassment and a fluorescent red appeared on his face.

"You're going to let dunce face pick? He's just as much of a pervert as Mineta.." Bakugou grumbled.

"Bakugou watch your tongue to your other band mates." Came the calm voice of the manager of his band.

"Momo? When the fuck did you turn up?"

"I got Kyoka's text, there's no way I'm letting you all get drunk and ruin your reputation. I have to keep you on track, it's not like if I don't I won't be able to make you guys go big and have albums topping charts."

"Anyway, back to what we need to discuss, what game are we playing?" Came the cheery voice of Mina.

"Well, we could play seven minutes in heaven." Suggested the raven haired boy known as Sero.

People nodded their heads, making sounds of agreement, and you, had no idea what was going on, you were blasting some music in your one of your earphones, letting Jirou have the other one.

"Jiro! Y/n, stop being antisocial and get over here. It's bad enough we lost Tokoyami, Iida and that pervert Mineta but you two are getting involved." Mina demanded.

"Yes Ma'am." You both responded, absolutely terrified of the pink haired girl. You walked over to an empty spot just behind the group of people so you could hide away, that didn't happen as Denki grabbed you and sat you in his lap. The girls cooed at the behaviour of the the both of you and the fact that you were now a tomato just added onto their teasing for later on.

"Can we start yet? It's boring seeing you extras fangirling over dunce face and her when he's just being a shitty pervert." Bakugou said, not angrily, but quite calmly, as if not to scare someone.

"We can start now, I just finished putting people's names in the bowl so we can pick them out. How this works is that four people are picked out, there's two empty closets here, so two go in one closet and two go in another." Tsuyu stated, her green dreadlocks and facial piercings led you to believe she was definitely going to be around Mina and Jirou at some point.

"What about people listening in? Are they allowed to?" Ochako's overly sweet voice came again.

"Of course they are round face, it's part of the shitty game."

"Well, the rules are; you stay in for seven minutes; there is a timer and once it goes off you come out; if you deem it's unsafe for you to go in with that person, we will redraw. It'll be relatively safe for everyone but Izuku and Bakugou going in together. We are playing until everyone has at least been in with someone once; so there's no escaping that." Mina explained happily and you visibly tensed, Denki rubbing small circles into your back to try and make it a little better for you.

"Ok so, Ochako, come draw two people."

She got up and walked up to the table where they had the bowl of names. She picked two up eventually and opened them.

"Izuku and Shoto!" She exclaimed, happy that one of them will end up confessing to the other.

"Ok now, Izuku, come pick two names."

"Mina and Sero."

"Into the closet we go!" Mina yelled as they all went in their closets. The rest of you sat discussing random things and you couldn't be bothered getting involved with their conversation. You were just looking at cosplays through Insagram.

"You ok Pikababy?" Came the whisper in your ear from the by who wouldn't let you off of his lap. You just nodded, not trusting your voice for anything. He took one of your hands and squeezed it gently, before continuing. "Ok, well, the rest of them are talking about crushes and seeing if anyone will ask anyone out whilst they're here. Bakugou seems pissed that someone pointed out he likes Kirishima and there are people speculating that we're dating."

Then the timer went off and everyone stopped talking and Tsu let everyone out of the closet.

Mina and Sero looked like they had done nothing but talk about conspiracy theories and murders and Izuku and Shoto, look like they came out of a sauna, very sweaty, cheeks dusted shades of red and pink etc. They were now holding hands and it looked like they weren't letting go anytime soon.

"Midoriya and I are leaving, we are sorry it is so early but we must leave as there is studying to be done." Came the monotone voice of the dual haired male.

As time went on people played and left the game and the dorm until it was only you, Jirou, Momo, Bakugo, Sero, Mina, Kirishima and Denki left within the room.

You were curled up into Denki sleeping, Mina had her phone obviously pointed at the two of you, but there was no way Denki was complaining about her taking pictures of it.

"Why don't you take her to her room? She looks like she needs sleep. The bags under her eyes aren't doing anything good for her." Momo said, looking at you as though she were your mother and you were her child.

Denki nodded and picked you up, his phone in his pocket, receiving the photos as messages from the pink haired girl, he would look at them later and was definitely going to tease you about it later on.

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