Chapter 36

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Kaminari POV:

After knocking, I was stood waiting at the door, alone with my thoughts. I didn't bring flowers, maybe I should have done? Do girls even like flowers? Does Y/n like flowers? Maybe she does like flowers and now I've messed up because I haven't got flowers. I can get her flowers whilst we're out and then she can pick ones she likes and I won't have to guess.

Does my hair and outfit look OK? I hope I'm not underdressed because honestly I know if I stand next to her, I'll still look like I got ready in ten minutes and put no effort into my appearance. I definitely brushed my teeth so that's not an issue.

The door opened and there she stood playing with her hands out of nerves, when she finally made eye contact with me, she blushed before quickly darting her gaze away. Tonight couldn't be full of short glances and looking away, however cute it may be. I took her left hand and held it in mine, before cupping her cheek and kissing her softly on the lips, lingering for a few moments before pulling away.

"Hey, princess, you gotta look at me ok? I know it's scary, it scares me too, but I pinky promise to take care of you." Then I flashed her my signature smile and she seemed a bit more confident.

Then I noticed Mina in the back squealing, and the moment, albeit a small one, was ruined, by none other than our favourite third wheeler.

"Shall we get going then love?" I asked as she smiled and nodded. I reached my hand out for her to hold and we made our way down the corridor.

私の太陽 | Kaminari Denki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now