Teddy Bear?

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Kiyos pov

We stared up in shock at the teddy bear?

"is that a Teddy bear woof?" riku said clearly disturbed.

"I'm not a Teddy bear" the teddy bear said irritated "I'm.... Monokuma!"

"who care who you are" yuka growled "tell us why we're here!"

"good question young lady and your headmaster will be happy to answer it! I've brought you all here so you can take part in a killing game!"

We were too shocked to speak. A Killing Game! Like the one mom and dad took part in and died? That's why we were brought here!

"no!" cala was the first to speak "there's no way we'd ever kill! What reason would we have to kill in the first place!"

"why to leave of course!" the bear simply replied.

"that's not enough to make us kill" legoshi yelled. The others murmured in agreement.

"wow your resolves pretty strong huh? Oh well even the toughest nut cracks eventually. I just have to play the waiting game. Cheerio!"

He left us with those chilling words in the air. We were forced to wonder would someone betray us? Would someone really kill just to leave this place?

"alright everyone I think it would be best if we explore our prison" I suggested. We all agreed and split up to cover more ground.

There wasn't much to the school. They had dormitories for us to sleep in, a dining hall for us to eat in and a swimming pool and gym for us to get our daily exercise. It basically had everything we needed to live a healthy life but what does that matter when we're being forced to kill each other? I was forced to ask myself will someone betray us? Will people end up dieing here?

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