The Worriors Of Hopes Base

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Komarus pov

There it was. The children's base. Haji insisted on bringing some kind of secret weapon so he's going to his old workshop with takkaki while me, toko and takemichi invade the children's base.

We ran in and gasped at what we saw.

"your standing!?" she yelped.

"oh look at that I am!" she giggled "takemichi I'm surprised you made it this far. After all your sempi was the fourth to die in the killing game" she grinned.

"what the hell'd you say!" takemichi yelled as we held him back.

"anyway you want this controller right? Here you go!" she threw me the controller "if you break it then the Monokumas will shut down!"

"then why would you give it to us!" I said suspiciously

"because not only will the Monokumas shut down the children's heads will also explode! And monika want to do that to start a war!"

"that's sick" toko said turning pale.

"I want to start a war that will bring worldwide dispare! Then big sis junko will be very happy! Now break the controller Kamaru!"

"no! There's no way I'd do that!" I said in shock.

"then maybe you need some encouraging" two kids came in with a large TV. The TV lit up showing the battered body of a man and a woman.

"mom? Dad?" I sobbed. I felt  something dark take over me. "fine! You want me to break this stupid controller I'll break it!"

"wait komaru you can't do this" toko and takemichi yelled but I wasn't listening. They killed my parents so I'll give them a goddamm war-

I raised the controller over my head but before I could smash it I felt it getting ripped out of my hands. I looked up to see kokichi hanging from the ceiling, holding the controller tightly to his chest.

"holy shit kid what are you doing here?" takemichi gasped.

"I couldn't just let you guys fight alone so I snuck into the vents for a sneak attack!" kokichi explained.

"Well you saved our asses so good job" he said flashing the boy a thumbs up.

"you ok?" toko asked gently. I shook my head and hugged her sobbing.

"oh by the way I let future Fondation know our location so they should be coming any minute now"

"what! hey no fair! No future fondation are allowed. Hey kotoko bring the hostage out!"

No one came to her aid.

"guys?" monikas voice became a frightened sqeck.

"you don't have anyone to back you up anymore. Now give me masters key before I hurt you" toko growled.

"no way! I'm getting out of here before-" suddenly a giant Monokuma crashed through the window crushing monika.

"haha what ya think of big bang Monokuma" haji yelled.

Toko walked over to monika and pulled her hair "masters key NOW!"

She handed her the key pouting.

Suddenly a future fondation helicopter landed. Future Fondation members got out, put the little brat in cuffs and took her away.

We found where they were keeping Byakuya and helped him out. I looked up at the sky hopefully.

"this is it" I muttered to myself "the nightmares finally over"

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