Hanged Body

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Hanakos pov

We were all sitting in the dinning hall eating breakfast. Izuku was missing but other than that everyone was here.

"here hon I got you a nice refreshing drink" karu said happily.

"thank you" nesko said with a greatful smile.

A hour passed and izuku still hadn't come. I stood up and sighed. "I'll go check on him"

I walked up to izukus door and knocked on the door. "come on izuku your missing breakfast!" I yelled. I noticed the door was opened so I walked in and found izuku hanging from a noose.

"a body has been discovered!"

Everyone else came running in with grim faces.

"did he commit suicide?" gracie asked shakenly.

"there's only one way to find out" sataro said. He turned to nesko "nesko if you would do the honours"

"right I'll do an aptopsi right no-" he immediately started throwing up blood. He spazamed on the ground for a bit before stopping. That's when everyone began panicking.

"holy crap there's two dead bodies!" takai yelled.

"how is this happening?" graice whimpered.

"we're probably next. Oh we're all doomed!" token said on the verge of a mental breakdown.

There was so much panic but all it took to cancel it was hinatas sharp words.

"he's not dead!"


"he's not dead. At least not yet. If we get him to the nurses office in time we can safe him"

Her words brought me back to my senses "you heard her guys let's get started." everyone nodded and helped him to the nurses office.

I paced back and forth nervously outside. Is he going to die? Are two people going to die? I can't take it anymore!

Hinata soon came out of the nurses office looking grim.

"he's alright now but he may be in a coma for a while"

I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god no one else has to die.

"anyway I discovered that the reason he threw up blood is cause he was somehow poisoned" poisoned? Interesting.


"anyway we should get back to the investigation. The class Trail will be in an hour after all" crap! With all that happened to nesko I almost forgot about the trail.

"right let's do this!"

I started by taking izukus body down with konakis help.

"so do you think he committed suicide?" konaki asked.

"seems like it. There's no injuries that would suggest otherwise" I said.

"take a closer look" hinata said coming out of nowhere "those rope marks look rather strange don't you think? They would suggest that he died in a different way then hanging" before I could answer she walked off. Strange markings huh?


I decided to take a look at the Monokuma file so I could get a better grasp of the situation.

"izuku mioda
Aged 15
Time of death 5:00
Cause of death unknown"
Huh that's strange.


Suddenly Monokuma showed up on the monitor. "ok guys I'm getting bored. What do you say we get this show on the road!"

I took a deep breath. I knew who the killer was. Now I just have to prove it!

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