New Ally

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Kokichis pov

I woke up on the cold floor of the police station. Memories came flooding back and I broke down into tears. Dad, big bro, Kidnapping, death, killing game. Its all too much!

I lay there crying for god knows how long till I heard a fermillier voice say.

"alright get your ass out here before I drag you out!"

I nervously poked my head out from behind the counter.

"takemichi!" I gasped. (if you've forgotten takemichi is a member of mondos gang and is on the kids hit list)

"shit! Is that you kid?" he said in disbelief.

"yes" I said shakenly.

"how the hell did you get caught up in this shit?" he asked.

"some guys kidnapped me and locked me in an apartment" I said tearfully.

"shit! So your in the same situation as me" he muttered. He walked over and petted me on the head with a reassuring smile "Well don't worry I'll get you out of here. That's a promise between men"

"ok" I said wiping my tears away.

Takemichis acting alot nicer than a remember. Maybe the situation made him more muture? Either way I'm grateful for the adult support. After all this is a little much for a thirteen year old like me to handle

He took my hand and gently lead me out of the police station. I was scared but I trusted him. He'll definitely protect me!

"ok I'm ready!"

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