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Kokichis pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I sighed and got up. I've been trapped in this apartment for a year and a half so it's not like I'm going anywhere but I think it's good to keep a routine. That's what big bro taught me.

"Big bro" I whimpered as tears fell into my cereal. I still regreted what I said before I ran away. I want to apologise more than anything else but I'm stuck in this place!

While I was eating my cereal I heard a knock at the door. Has someone come to save me?

"please help me I'm trapped in-" I was cut off by a claw coming through the door and nearly stabbing me in the eye! I backed into the wall as the door was ripped off his hinges revealing several black and white bears. They grabbed me and dragged me away as my vision faded.

Everything was a blur after that. White haired boy put a strange bracelet on my wrist and five kids placed me in a killing game.

Once I was placed back in towa city I ran towards the police station hoping dad would be there but it was empty. I hugged my knees and broke into a sobbing fit.

"big bro, daddy someone please save me!"

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