Double Death

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Kiyos pov

woke up to the sound of desperate knocking. Grumbling I opened the door. Riku stood there with a terrified look on his face.

"riku? Do you have any idea what time it is-"

"please help! Someone was trying to kill me!" I eyes widened and I quickly pulled him inside.

Riku sat on the bed having a panic attack. "riku I need you to calm down and tell me what happened" I said gently.

"it was dalya!" he gasped "he attacked me while I was feeding turbo his midnight snack. He nearly killed me but turbo stopped him by biting his hand. I didn't want to leave turbo but I was afraid. I didn't want another killing to start!" dalya tried to kill him? Why would he do something like that? I'll have to talk to him tomorrow.

"hey you did the right thing bud" I said reassuringly "turbo will be fine. No ones going to gain anything from killing a cute puppy now let's get some rest and I'll talk to dalya tomorrow" he nodded and snuggled down into bed with me. Luckily he was a small boy even smaller than oda! So he didn't take up much room.

The next day we walked to the dining hall along with oda and legoshi who were confused as to why riku was in my room. Once we arrived at the dining hall we noticed that both dalya and hitaro were missing.

We started a surch party. I went with kiyo, oda and riku who insisted on staying with me. We looked around until we heard that dreaded announcement.

"a body has been discovered! Please make your way to the praying chamber to start the investigation"

The praying chambers. That's where hitaro goes to pray! We ran over to the chamber to find... Hitaro and dalyas dead bodies.

I ran over to dalyas dead body and cryed on it. He was like a brother to me. Why did he have to die! Merida was also crying over hitaros body. It made sense the two were pretty close. I looked over at riku who was staring at something else. The blood soucked coat of a dog. Turbo.

"it's all my fault" he whispered "my fault my fault my fault!" I quickly pulled him into a hug and petted his hair. He flinched but gladly accepted the comfert. I looked at the others.

"I know this is hard but we have to find out who did this" legoshi said gently to us. We nodded and begun the investigation.

Investigation start!

I checked the bodies wounds. "they were both strangled to death most likely by rope"


Rope? I think there was rope in the storage closet! I should check that out later.

"dalya also suffered a bad head injury. He probably fought the killer. Dalya wasn't the kind to go down without a fight" I smiled sadly. I still can't believe he tried to kill riku. I can't even ask him why now.


I got up to investigate more when riku grabbed my sleeve.

"Kiyo can I stay with you?" riku asked. Riku really has changed. There's no way he'd ever want to spend time with anyone before. I smiled. "sure buddy"

We when to the storage room and sure enough there was rope there. One of the ropes was brittled. As if two ends of the rope were rubbed together at a fast pace. That has to be connected to the case.


We walked back to the crime scene where oda ran up to us.

"hey Kiyo don't you find it strange that two bodies showed up? I mean more bodies means more clues right?"

"you've got a point. I don't see why anyone would want to do this" I muttered.

"I'm about to perpose something crazy please bare with me"

"ooookay go on"

"what if the second murder wasn't planned. I mean one look at dalyas body suggest that the was in a rush to kill him and that poor puppy"

Riku burst into tears "you may have a point" I said gently petting rikus head to calm him down.


We checked turbos body next. It looked like his head had been stomped in. Poor pup. What reason would anyone have to do this to a dog?


Yuka ran up to me waving her arms widely.

"what up yuka?" I asked

"I found something in dalyas hand" she said dragging me over to his corpse. She pointed to his hand and sure enough there was white hair in his fist? It must belong to the killer!


Monokuma showed up on the monitor "alright times up! Get your butt's to the trail room!

Kiyo, oda and riku looked at me nervously. I gave my friends a reassuring smile.

"we're going to be fine guys. Now let's do this!"

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