Our New Home

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Kiyos pov

I woke up still trapped in this godforsaken school. I was hoping this would all just be a nightmare and I'd wake up back home with my family but I guess that's not the case.

I heard a loud knock on the door. I answered it to see legoshi.

"hey buddy we should get going before the others eat all the food" I don't know how he stays so cheerful in a situation like this!

We walked to the dining hall together. Everyone was already there. Legoshi made his way over to cala with a red face. He definitely has a crush on her. I overheard merada picking on haruto. That girl has a serious attitude problem!

"haruto your hair so weird looking. You look like a fucking hippy!" merada sneered.

"huh I guess it is a little strange looking" haruto muttered.

"eh? Your not supposed to agree with me weirdo" merada said clearly taken aback. I chuckled. Seems harutos a perfect match for her!

I sat next to dalya and ate some food.

"how ya coping with all this?" he asked.

"I'm doing alright. I was hoping it would all be just a bad dream though" I scratched my head in embarrassment.

"Well do worry I'll definitely get you out of here" he patted me on the shoulder and left.

I wonder what he meant by that.

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