Death By The Pool

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Aikos pov

"a body has been discovered"

I woke up to the sound of Monokumas voice. Wait what did he say?

"please come to the swimming pool to receive an important item" the monitor shut off.

I got up and walked to the swimming pool and what was waiting for me was a locked door. Everyone else was standing by the door looking confused. We all shoved the door together and we found what was blocking it. the dead body of mai.

"wonderful a dead body! And here I was thinking that you'd run out of time! You kids sure like to keep me on the edge! Anyway here's my important item the Monokuma file!" he handed us the digital file and disappeared.

"I can't believe this is really happening" Rita said shakingly.

"Well we have to accept it or we're all screwed" akio managed to say. None of us wanted to deal with this. A dead body is nothing a high schooler should ever have to deal with but we have to do it or we're all dead!

Investigation time

I noticed aiko was bent over mais  dead body "Aiko what the heck are you doing!"

"checking the body duh. A girl like that didn't deserve to be killed. I'm going to avenge her"


"yep and from what I've gathered she was stabbed a single time in the head. The Monokuma file doesn't give details on how she died so I had to check for myself" the Monokuma file didn't give details. That's weird. "I'd say it to avoid spoiling the mystery"

"what mystery?" I asked

"Well she definitely died instintly. The brain is what controls your body's functions. Damage it this severally and your going to die immediately but if her death was instinct then why was his body blocking the door?" that is weird.


"but why would the killer do that?" I asked.

"don't know. Perhaps to frame someone." with those chilling words she left. When did my little sister become such a detective? She can really put some effort in when need be.

I looked over at some bloody footprints. "They must belong to the killer" I said out loud. Everyone around me nodded in agreement except for Aiko who grapped Rita and ran off. What is she up to?


the bloody footprints led to the back door. "that must be how the killer escaped" I said.


Paris poked me in the back "I made a sketch of everyone's feet and the only ones that match are Rita" I nodded "seems we found our culprit"


after a while of investigating Monokuma showed of on the monitor "I'm getting bored now so let's get this class trail underway!"

Aiko took my hand. I squeeze her hand reassuringly. Everything going to work out. I just gotta do it. That's all there is to it.

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