Future Fondation Killing Game

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Kokichis pov

Two years later


Just today me, komaru and takemaki have become future Fondation members. We were all having a party to celebrate.

"so how does it feel to finally be future fondation members!" toko asked. She had become a member last year so she was pretty excited for us.

"feels pretty awesome" I chuckled.

"yeah! The fondation even let me keep my jacket as long as I promise to wear a tie and white button up shirt" takemachi said proudly showing off his get-up.

"why couldn't you just wear the uniform like everyone else? Your so stubborn machi!" komaru giggled

"hey don't give me that dumb nickname" takemachi said blushing.

We giggled as their antics but our  peaceful mood was ruined when makoto came in in handcuffs.

"makoto!" Kamaru yelled running to her brother "what happened?"

"Well do you remember the remnits of dispair?"

"yeah the fondation wanted to terminate them."

"Well I didn't. They only became like this because of junko! So I took them to the neo world program to reform them but future fondation isn't to happen" he noticed our worried faces. "don't worry I just have to explain my actions then everything will be ok I promise"

"don't worry Kamaru I'll Protect your dumb brother" toko said reassuringly.

"ok thanks toko" Kamaru said gratefully.

Once they left though Kamaru burst into tears. I was going to comfert her but then the light shut off and a strange smell hit my nostrils causing me to feel drowsy.

Before I passed out I heard a voice over the speaker say "welcome to the future fondation Killing game!"

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