Dealing With Loss

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Kokichis pov

I woke up with himiko in my arms. Oh yeah that's right she asked to sleep with me after what happened with tenko. Oh tenko why did you have to die. You were the only one who kept me and himiko sane. I guess it's up to me now.

"hey himi" I said as she opened her eyes.

"hey kichi" she said with an adorable smile. Wait did I just call her adorable? Gah don't think like that idiot your friend just died!

"we should go up for breakfast now" I said sitting up.


We got up, got dressed and left the room. Everything was fine until we passed tenkos room. Without really thinking we went inside her room and cried into her blankets. Seeing her empty bed just made reality hit us harder.

We didn't end up eating breakfast that day.

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