Ending The Killing Game

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Kokichis pov

I woke up to a knock on my door. I opened it to find kaito standing there with a grave face.

"hey buddy is everything alright?" I asked.

"I want to stop the killing game" kaito said simply.

"I mean we all do but-"

"no! I want to stop it now!" kaito said firmly "I lost shuichi cause I sat around hoping for a miracle but I know now that we can't wait around for a miracle! If we want to get out we have to stop the killing game ourselves!"

He's right. If we keep obeying the mastermind then more people are going to die. We can't let that happen.

"I'm with you let's take down the mastermind"

"you wanna take me down huh?" I jumped at the sound of Monokumas voice "sounds fun! Tell you what in a few hours we'll start a class trail to decide on the masterminds identity. If you win I'll let you go and execute myself but if you lost I'll execute all of you. So try not to lose kay?" leaving those chilling words in the air he left.

"so we're playing by the same rules as before. I just hope the others aren't pissed at us for dragging then into a class trail so soon." I chuckled nervously.

Kaito ruffled my hair "don't worry sidekick we'll get through this no problem!" so I'm his sidekick now brilliant!

Well anyway we should tell the others the news. It seems the fight between us and the mastermind has truly begun!

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