Character Discriptions

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Kiyo Ishimaru
Hight 5:3
Clothing: see picture above (picture not mine)
Likes: rules, his family
Dislikes: being put on the spot

Legoshi kuwata
Hight 5:5
Clothing: a white silk shirt with a blue scarf and black trousers, has dark brown hair and grey eyes.
Likes: acting, his family
Dislikes: doing nothing, baseballs

Dalya owada
Hight 6ft
Clothing: a red jacket and black jeans
Likes: danger
Dislikes: bullies

Oda fugisaki
Hight 5:1
Clothes: a green checkered button up shirt with blue jeans and red glasses.
Likes: computers, word searches
Dislikes: bugs, blood

Cala marine
Hight 5:2
Clothes: a light purple designer jacket with a dark blue shirt and a purple skirt and black tights

Madori sato
Hight 5:2
Clothes: a multicolored t-shirt with a pink skirt and two different coloured socks one pink and one purple and purple roller sakesbwith pink lighting bolts.

Kaido kazami
Hight 5:3
Clothes: a white suit with a blue bow tie and black shoes.
Like: his girlfriend maya

Maya susumoto
Hight 5:5
Clothes: a white jacket with a blue blouse and white skirt.
Likes: ice-cream, her boyfriend kaido
Dislikes: messy rooms (she has ocd)

Merada saki
Hight 5:4
Clothes:a light blue dress
Likes: attention
Dislikes:being ignored

Aoi niomi
Hight 5:4
Clothes: a red shirt with a simbol of a tiger on it and blue ripped shorts.
Likes: Kiyo
Dislikes: following a plan.

Yuka kiruma
Hight 5:4
Clothes: black long sleeved shorts with striped sleeves and black shorts. She also wears heavy black mascara
Likes: my chemical romance
Dislikes: social interactions

Hataro peice
Hight 6:6
Clothes:long baggy clothing mostly brown
Likes: beef curry
Dislikes: trampled plants

Riku dio
Hight 4ft
Clothes: a oversized coat with fur inside, a white shirt, brown trousers and a brown hat will dog ears
Likes: animals of all kind
Dislikes: the smell of alcohol and smoke

Miku de anglio
Hight 5:6
Clothes: white button up shirt with a black bow pinned to it and a red skirt.
Likes: being busy
Dislikes: being alone

Taro yammataro
Hight 6ft
Clothes: a green hoodie with white trousers and a button up shirt
Likes: hope, panta
Dislikes fruit punch, Dispair

Kay feraday
Hight 5ft
Clothes: a oversized gray hoodie with black trousers and red headphones around her neck.
Likes:sleeping, meeting new people
Dislikes: pictures

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