Death In The Music Room

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Kiyos pov

I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Kay. My own classmate. The girl I got to know was laying dead in front of me. How can this be? I thought I stopped the murder last night! Legoshi was on his knees in shock. I guess he's the one who let out the scream. Suddenly the monitor switched on and a message played.

"a body has been discovered!"

Suddenly the rest of our classmates appeared.

"wow look at that a dead body! And it only took you two days to turn to murder. You kids sure don't play around I like ya!" I turned around to see Monokuma.

"shut up! Tell us who did this!" legoshi yelled.

"no no I can't tell you that it will spoil the fun"

"dose it look like were having fun" midori asked.

"You smart kids will just have to figure it out on your own" he totally just ignored us! "here! I'll help you out with the Monokuma file!" he handed us each a strange digital file "it has all the info you need on the victim. Toodles!"

I looked at the file. It said that the time of death was 12:30 and she died from a blow to the head. Should keep that in mind.


I walked up to legoshi and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry legoshi I know this couldn't have been a nice thing to stumble apon."

"I know and that's all the more reason we got to find the killer and ask them why they did this!" he said firmly

I nodded "I'll do my best to help you through this mystery. Trails are my specialty after all"

I was pulled into a surprise hug "thanks kiyo"

"not a problem legoshi that's what friends are for!" I looked over at kays body sadly "we should check her head wound. Legoshi would you be ok with me doing it?"

He nodded. I gently inspected the girl head. I looked up at him sadly.

"she definitely died from blunt force trauma. Her head wound tells it all" I guess the Monokuma file was telling the truth after all.


"but what weapon did they use?" as soon as I asked that riku pulled on my sleeve.

"is there something you need?" I asked. He showed me a rusty metal pipe with blood on it! Is that the same pipe merada tried to use last night?

"terminator found a very strange item indeed woof! He found it under the floorbourd like the clever pouch he is!"

"this is great! Thanks riku!"

"grr it's terminator that found it not me! Your graditude is misplaced!" I sighed. He's such a strange kid! But at least we know what the murder weapon is now.


I discided to look around the  room to try and find out where the killer got the pipe from. It's then I discovered the modeling room had a pipe missing. All the pipes were missing too so it fit perfectly.


Ok now I need to talk to merada. I wanted to talk to cala too but she had locked herself in the bedroom. I guess she's still in shock from last night.

Merada arrived in the room looking sour "what do you want?"

"you know what I want! Tell me what you were trying to do last night" I demanded.

"what's the point? You probably think I'm the culprit" she sighed.

"Well if you tell me what you know I could help you prove your innocents"

"you think I'm not the killer?" she looked up in surprise.

"Well I'd like to think your not dumb enough to commit a murder after someone witnessed you attempt murder" I grinned.

She hugged me tearfully "oh thank you!"

I chuckled "no problem. Now tell me what happened after cala left the room"

"I just went to my room to sulk. I dropped the pipe and everything" she insisted.

"interesting" I muttered


Then Monokuma showed up on the monitor "so I'm getting bored. Can we wrap this up and head to the trail room?"

The monitor shut off. I took a deep breath. This is it. I need to prove who kays killer is or we all end up dead!

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